A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 20 Chapter 910: Base A


The bright horn of the alarm echoed over the base of a, and thousands of elites of evolutionary people above the d level, locked in to the sky base intruders.

"First-level guard, first-level guard! Intruder, inform your identity, otherwise kill!"

Evolutionary people rely on physical flight, the world of chaos in the world of the world is unheard of, and even contradicts some theories of psionic science.

As the most inherited a-level base of Psionic Technology, it has become the most ideal goal for Green to rely on Lin Lingeng Technology's space-time exploration technology to open the crack of the Unicom Wizard World.

In the sky, the invaders of the source of Green's annihilation, disguised as Situ Mo, sneered inside.

"What an interesting world, because once the protection of its own time and space rules is too weak, it has become a gathering point for many time and space gaps, so that its own sacrifice contract is combined with many foreign exchange opportunities to gather in this world. But because of this, As the world unexpectedly opened up the cracks in the chaotic world of high-quality space-time rules, the world pressures on both sides were completely different. After the chaotic fog was poured, the time and space barriers of the world were obviously solidified."

Although it is impossible to mobilize the magic to carry out more detailed micro-analysis, but on these days, on the way to the base, Green has already passed the foreign world's tokens to the world's psionic science. It is so easy to open the cracks in the foreign world, as if it is better than the wizard world. Explore the more advanced representations of the exotic world and analyze them.

It seems that everything is straightforward for the special time and space rules of the weak world, which is related to the weak convergence of time and space in this world community.

Of course, it is also inextricably linked to the psionic space-time periodic table.

"I am the m base cf-2 sub-base Situ Mo, this is my wife Li Qingya, she is now suffering from a sinister world called parasitic spores, need a base for treatment..."

After a moment, Green fell to the ground.

The public is in the middle of it. Li Qingya, who was temporarily frozen in Green's arms, was picked up, and Green was carefully and carefully placed in a metal prison in the number of defense guards with a clear or dark count.

"Hey, there are a lot of a-level evolutionists, oh? There really is a s-level evolutionary person. It seems that it has been hailed as a place of hope by evolutionists. It is not unreasonable."

Although Green was blindfolded in the cage, he still faintly noticed two tertiary creatures worthy of attention.


Green was detained as a base underground prison.

A white-eyed old woman evolved, sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed out of the dark.

"General, his cell activity is incredible, just a little sense, it makes me feel full of fear, I can't get accurate values, I am afraid at least 7000!"

Said. The old woman turned her eyes and looked at Li Qingya.

"As for this person, vitality: 19, Yuanli: 138, the eye has a special function mutation evolution, but her body cells are fighting with a more tenacious invasion system, now being frozen by external forces, reflecting the body Exclusion is minimized..."

Listening to the intelligence analysis of one of the cabinet elders in the a base, a base planning coordinator, General Wang Sai. The look dignified and nodded.

More than 7000 vitality!

This is much stronger than the two cabinet elders of Li Yue and Shi Bing, who are regarded as the stars of evolution in the base, even though they are the same as s. It has already reached the crush!

Among the evolutionary people, is there such a super evolutionary existence?

The seventeen cabinet elders of the base are naturally the 17 most powerful evolutionists of the base, and even the general of the king is only one of them.

Uncontrollable, Wang Sai's blood and eyes looked at the two figures that gradually disappeared in the dark, and were regarded as the two cabinet elders of Li Yue and Shi Bing, who are the hidden stars of the base.


嘎吱, 嘎吱, 嘎吱...

The friction and vibration of the metal cage. Green felt that he should have entered a certain underground space. From the cluttering footsteps around him, the number of guarding himself was at least 100, and it was weak and small like the ants' life fluctuations.

After a while, the sound of the footsteps gradually became scarce.

I left some low-level creatures. There have been some evolutionary people with slightly stronger fluctuations in life. Some of the s-level and a-level evolutionary people that Green had previously felt are in it!

On the blindfolded face, Green's mouth showed a wicked smile.

"Hey, is this an unprecedented enemy, or the future hope of the evolutionary people, which must be judged by these advanced evolutionaries, so that..."

When Green was opened again, he looked around and the cage was in a huge sealed metal ball. The thick transparent metal layer on several sides faintly saw the shadows on the outside.

"This is...incinerator?"

After judging the situation, Green couldn't help but smile.

"Stuart, why do you have such a strong vitality, and a base does not get any information about you?"

"Everything is for the sake of elegance, for the savior plan of the cf-2 base, in order to evolve people one day to be able to return to the world.! But did not expect ... the Director actually sold his soul, became a slave to the evil parasitic spore world, deceived Everyone at the cf-2 base opened the cracks in the world of the human world and the parasitic spore world, for the evil creatures to invade the cf-2 base."

The explosive news of the grief of Green’s sorrow suddenly caused everyone outside to take a breath.

Parasitic spore world! ?

Sure enough, in addition to the spiritual world and the chaotic world, there are many other unknown worlds. The world of the spiritual world is not the center, but an ordinary world.

"Then why don't you come to the m base closer to the cf-2 base and instead come to the base?"

Another cabinet elder asked.

"Qingya, she was transformed by the vegetatives of the evil parasitic spores. In order to save him, I used a precious a-class ice attribute chaotic nucleus to temporarily prevent her body from self-rejection. There is no way to save her. I have to come here, please be sure to save her, must! I will pay for everything for you!"

With too many lurking sorcerers and lurking experiences, the body of Green's annihilation is full of sound, as if Li Qingya is his everything.

It was quiet outside for a while.

"Everything you said, I will check it as soon as possible. I will give you fair treatment at that time. I can only grieve you for the time being. As for the spiritual person, a base will do its best to treat it. You can rest assured."

General Wang Sai said after a brief discussion with many cabinet elders around him.

"Good! But please give me some water and food first. I will come here as soon as possible. I have not eaten for two days."

Green has a weak and innocent look~www.novelmtl.com~ Li Yue, Shi Bing, two s-class evolutionists, looked at each other and turned to Wang: "Then, we are here by the two guards." He."

"There are two troubles. There are two people here, and it is also a lot of peace of mind."

After a while, everyone dispersed. Li Yue, who was in charge of the rotation first, signaled the evolutionary soldiers on the side, looking for some food to come and giving this evolutionary person named Situ Mo.

"Oh...the world of the world, except for the terrible devils that spewed out of the chaotic world, the dark world of the underground people, the pulse world of the underwater people, the thundering world of the ancient dragons, and now the parasitic spore world is simply unfolding. Invasion, did the evolutionary people really have no hope?"

Li Yue’s words can’t help but let Green’s incarnation in the incinerator flash through a glimpse of light.

These three supernatural worlds have already communicated with other worlds, but these three worlds have not yet decided whether to launch an invasion, thus fostering these three local forces! ? (To be continued.)


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