A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1996: Abyss Battlefield (1)

The king of the second generation of wizards also studied the giant dragons that King Green of the early wizards said.

As far as racial talent is concerned, among the same-class life, the dragon family belongs to a rather tyrannical existence, regardless of the degree of physical evolution, the degree of intellectual logic development of intelligence, the control of energy, and even the plasticity. Powerful, if it is not because the number of ethnic groups is too scarce, and does not constitute sociality, it is not impossible to develop into a civilized world group in time.

According to the research clues of the early generation wizard King Green, the reason why the number of dragons is so rare is probably a blood curse!

It goes without saying that this cursed man must be the victor of the evil dragon.

"The dragon family?"

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒.

The second generation of the wizard's king pointed the fingerlessly on the armrest of the seat, and looked at the evil dragon messenger who narrowed down to about two meters. Under the face of the gray truth, there was some evil arc of interest, which was low: "Dragon The family is the age of the early sorcerer who has not yet become a hegemonic one. After conquering a remote world, he has signed a contract with the king of the early wizards. Although he is not in the league, he has a special connection with the king of the early wizards. Sex, hehe..."

Undecided, the three kings of the second generation of wizards looked straight to the evil dragon messenger.

There were many other real wizards in the field, as well as the two leagues, and they all looked like a second-generation wizard.

The evil dragon messenger feels unprecedented pressure!

Can easily assemble such a large number of dominance, and the level of strength has reached such an alarming degree, coupled with the unparalleled combat strength of the previously explored, the power of the wizarding family, I am afraid to overcome the evil dragon family too much!

After having such a decision in the heart, the evil dragon messenger said: "As far as I know, there is a strong ethnic group secretly planning to deal with the wizards. I can sign a fate contract on behalf of my king and the nobility, as long as the wizards no longer protect their majesty. The sacred dragons who are sheltered, the evil dragons will not be enemies with the wizard!"


A sneer, it was actually a white glove with empty gloves.

Followed by the surrounding, they also showed contempt gestures. The second generation of the wizard king stood up impatiently and sneered: "I thought that you would come across the void, and it will inevitably bring some surprises. I didn't expect to see our wizards down. Are you a witch who is afraid of those ancestors? If you want to benefit from the sorcerer’s family, you should solve the troubles of the Alliance of the Beasts first. Don’t worry, the Alliance of the Beasts is also very interested in the Wizarding League. Opened quite favorable conditions, hehe."

Seeing the king of the second generation of wizards is about to get up and leave the attitude of sending customers, the evil dragon messenger can no longer resist.

"The King of Sorcerers is no longer considered? Less enemies are better than multiple enemies! I have always been active in expanding outwards for many years. The Alliance of the Beasts is just a support!"

The king of the second generation of witches really stopped, and the three colors of light under the face of truth are like the vast stars, with an unscrupulous and violent attitude, overlooking the evil dragon messenger.

"If the evil dragons are not afraid of extinction, then the attack will be that the wizards will not fear the challenges of any enemy, including the abyss world! The current wizarding alliance is no longer a compromise for the rule of the early wizards." I am the second highest in the world of wizards, and I vow to let the world of wizards spread to the void! If you don't roll away, don't blame me. In my eyes, pinching you is as easy as pinching a bug!"

The evil dragon messenger was furious and was about to say something, but he was caught by the wildfire of the emotional mask around him.


I have never seen this friend so nervous with this wandering for more than ten years. It seems that the special means of escape prepared by the two have been seen by the other side.

With such awakening, the evil dragon messenger slammed down and no longer talked, and turned and left.


The king of the second generation of sorcerers snorted and an unpleasant meeting ended.

Following the king of the second generation of wizards, the old witch of a true spirit wizard did not sneer.

"I thought it was a good thing. It turned out to be a cheaper group of remote worlds who wanted to take advantage of the wizarding alliance. Hey, everyone knows that the abyss world is rejected by the endless world dimension, and it will be defeated. The gap between the six major world groups is the beginning of real chaos. In the face of the interests, there is only a weak flesh and a strong food. If there is any covenant, then the Quanzu World Group can give the benefits of a world group not? Ignorance jumps the clown!"

It’s not worth mentioning anything about the hunters’ expeditions. This kind of event has happened many times during the period of the second generation of the wizard’s king. It is a change of history for others. The process of the process, standing at the angle of the king of the wizard, is not worth mentioning because of frequent occurrences, but it has been recorded by the people who have the heart and become a history because of the special time that occurred during the expedition.


The virtual world, with its continuous investment in multi-party wars, has been smashed into millions of pieces and floated in the void.

"I never thought that one day, I would fight side by side with a worm, sad and ridiculous!"

The nose-like metal helmet left three claw marks, and the beam of light on the shoulders has also been destroyed. The wound in the chest of the Jagged General has a deep abyss, like a self-conscious life, desperately trying to reach the iron. The general was drilled inside.

"Let's say a few words, maybe you will live longer. After I have defeated it, I will slowly swallow it, digest it into feces and then excrete it, let my children continue to divide. Hey."

It is a worm that comes from the world of the nest.

Just look at the face, this is really a beautiful woman, dark long hair and seductive red lips, but the lower body is a fat spider, and there are dense spiders crawling up and crawling, it seems that although obese The figure is quite flexible, but the spider's leg is broken. A huge wound almost runs through the abdomen and almost tears it into two halves.

Having said that, but watching the two people look like a real wolverine, but it is a strong smile.

the other side.

"Evil evil spirits evil!"

The hoarse evil sounds in the void are stuck on a piece of empty rock by countless screens. This piece of the sky after the exploding of the Nether Star, I do not know how many souls are buried, the blood of all colors will have been thoroughly soaked. A pale, smooth-faced monster rips the screen a little bit, revealing that the abdomen is making a big laugh.

A circle of teeth, like a whirlpool, is terrible.

"Let's die together!"

The three-meter-high black shadow instantly broke free of the screen, and the two seemed to have predicted their fate. www.novelmtl.com~ The seriously injured generals and the insects no longer struggled too much, welcoming the purest darkness and coldness. Abyss baptism.


A touch of light, it is easy to tear the body of the insect into two segments.

The generals of the iron and blood slowly took off the helmet, and the dark green complexion with some pale weakness, the four big mouthfuls of the big mouth "squeaky" roar, the next moment was the tongue that was ejected from the huge mouth of the navel of the abyss It is.

The blood is overflowing, and the two bodies are floating, which is no different from the numerous wrecks and bodies in the void.

The fires of "bang" and "bang" in the distance reflect the shadows of a group of abyssal dragons. After the abyss of the abyss retracted their tongues, they no longer watched the two, and did not launch the abyss summons. They went so alone to find chaos on the battlefield. The next goal.

For the abyss of the abyss, it is normal to fight against the same class, kill one, kill three, or even kill one.

Because in the memory of all the abyss, the self is always the object of being encircled, the existence of being challenged, as the devil of the most feared people, waiting for the powerless monologue of those small and humble.

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