A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1995: Evil dragon messenger


With a sigh of relief, the rules of autumn started, Mina knew that the invasion of the lord was a must, and that the omnipotent soul could only be reduced to the rules of the wizarding world. Maybe it could delay the collapse of the wizarding world. year.

"Hey! Give me away!"

In the summer fire furnace, the giant is struggling to struggle, and wants to open the guardian of autumn, but it is difficult to interfere.

The old man standing on the top of the giant's head, with golden brilliance to dispel the giant's special rules of the body, and the other side is blessed with a rule of dispelling to condense a golden fruit. This small fruit is like a baby with water, nose and eyes. The old man smiled and said: "This year, the wizarding world has a good harvest..."

In the distance, the sorcerer Silvana’s eyes are slightly stunned.

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four levels of guardians control the rules and powers are different. The guardians of spring are good at suppressing, dissolving, and absorbing. The guardians of summer are good at Raiders, smelting, hard smashing, and the guardians of autumn are good at dispersing, essence, Insight, the guardian of winter is good at sealing and guarding. And according to the situation of the second ancient war, the four seasons guardians have the same, the rules and the combination will have extremely amazing power, now only two The guardian only..."

The words of a true spiritual wizard are equivalent to the sentence of the invader’s death sentence. How can it be wrong to look at this famous and true wizard?


Just as a ring of true spirits sighed and tried to return to the wizarding world to continue to enlighten the mysterious fairy, he was stunned, and in his own visible void, a sedge of grass and grass appeared in the dark, letting it The pupil suddenly shrank, and almost every pore was so fierce!

Further away, the guardian of the spring from the wizarding world is undoubtedly telling the true identity of the people in front of you!

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Gloomy laughter, full of tyrannical and chilly, and unscrupulous evil, unscrupulously highlights its killing, the horrible Morihan even through the summer stalker of the summer guard, immersed in The giant who was smelted by Xia Yan.

Uncontrollable, this icy cold made the giants in the summer furnace slam, and the pain that was being smelted was replaced by this deep fear. For a moment, it only felt like falling into an ice cave.

"you you……"

It’s not the turn to speak too much, and Mina, who is doing her best to smelt the invaders, has also changed her face. She is obviously able to perceive the black witch’s madness and sorrow, and she is shocked: “Black Witch King, what are you doing! ?"


A shadow, flashing!

The black shadow is easy to tear up the rules of the summer furnace, the guardian of the summer and the guardian of the autumn under the violent impact, the figure flies out, accompanied by a painful roar, has been dispersed by the guardian of autumn to only three More than 10,000 meters of body scorpion invasion dominated, and fell into the depths of the void.

"Black Witch King, you!"

Mina is about to ask, as the black witch king smashed the grass, the eyes of the turbid eyes suddenly and violently looked at him, Mina was shocked, closed mouth, every hair was in Standing upright.

The Black Witch King struggled twice, like a mad mad snoring, trying to get himself back to normal, but to no avail, the smirk and laughter of the mouth rang again, after sweeping around the crowd, once again looking to the void The lord was smothered by his own slap, and the "桀桀桀桀桀" laughter turned into an awning, chasing the past and disappearing.

Everyone can feel the sound of panic and fear in the depths of the void.


Mina swallowed and muttered: "Sleeping for hundreds of years, he woke up, it was terrible, this uncontrolled force is really a threat!"

call out!

The guardian of spring finally arrived. After staying at Mina's side, he stared at the darkness of the black witch's disappearance. He calmly said: "Let him vent the black witch king's instinct outside. If he is tired, he will return to the king of the early wizards. Consciousness is guided back. Even if it does not dominate the thickness of life that it should have, with the power of the Black Witch King, as long as it is still within the scope of the Wizarding League, there is no threat to his existence."

The guardian of the autumn is a little embarrassed, and smiles slyly: "It is better to say that he is terrible than the terrible wizard. Even if the king of the early wizards left the wizarding world for so long, the king of the second generation of wizards launched the hunting demon expedition. For a long time, the Black Witch King still can't get rid of the will influence of the king of the early wizards. Like a madman, hey, maybe the king of the early wizards is quietly exploring the higher latitudes..."

Only a ring of true spirit wizards, no longer say anything, silently returned to the wizarding world.

The more you understand the king of the early wizards, the one close to the myth, close to the truth, the more the true spirit wizard can understand the helplessness of the king of the early wizards for the oppression of the endless world latitude box.

It can be said that it is the rule of the ancestors of the wizards of the first generation of wizards, and it has created the glory days of the true spirit wizards, but the more so, the more the heart of the true spirit wizard is faint, even some Fear.

Throughout the history of all civilizations discovered in the history of the wizarding world, all the powerful ethnic groups that have been annihilated by history have disappeared without exception. They all have one thing in common, that is, the incomparably powerful, over-powerful, and proud of all the surrounding worlds. The group, but they all vanished overnight, leaving only a small number of historical legends and ruins.

Wizard, will this be one of them?



At the same time, the Eternal Sky Expeditionary Expeditionary Legion, which crossed the emptiness field near the Quanzu World Group, ushered in two uninvited guests!

The king of the second generation of wizards was in a space fortress, carrying eight true spiritual wizards and two alliances of various factions. A total of eleven were supreme, and they greeted two uninvited guests, including one with a true spirit and a circle. The real spirit witch two strong.

There is no doubt that both visits exist as masters and have a very special identity, that is, the evil dragon world group messenger!

This is a powerful world group that the Wizarding League has only heard and never touched!

The second generation of the wizard's king is sitting in danger, the milky white holy balance light is mixed with the metal fire silver white brilliance, the rules are shrouded in every corner of the space fortress, the body's five-color runes are like a spider, crawling, translucent state, blurred, truth Under the face, the three colors of light gaze at the two people, and they are solemn and solemn, and they are under the control of the supreme truth of the truth and control the two people.

Two evil dragons in the world group, one of them with a mask of green face ~~www.novelmtl.com~ The hollow hole of the hole is black, four arms, full of various rings, no legs, floating like a ghost in midair It seems that it should be a wandering master, and there is no breath, very mysterious.

As for the other person, it should be the real leader of the evil dragon world group.

The body is like the dragon family that Green has compiled in the world of the Earth's veins. In contrast, it has to be smashed a lot. The cold outside of the bones is filled with cold air. The body is a very rare energy, and it is not the entire evil dragon group. So, only this messenger is personal.

"This time, I have been through the rough, and I have been in the virtual air for more than 7,000 years before I found you. I almost missed you and went to the Wizarding World. I am very honored to meet the great King of Wizards."

The evil dragon messenger said, and went straight to the theme: "When I visit the king of the wizard, it is a surviving family who lived in the ancient times. According to the information obtained by the Quanzu world group, some people have seen it in the chaotic world. I don’t know if this trace of the bereaved family can do this?"


The king of the second generation of wizards suddenly thought of some secrets left by the king of the early wizards, the dragons! s

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