A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1793: Rules of war


Surrounded by a fierce and violent siren on a guardian fortress that was further outside the sacred world of the wizarding world.

"Warning! Warning! The intruder's target heart has the rules of war for capturing the kinetic energy of the battlefield. The real body is additionally enhanced. The upper limit intensity is increased by the intensity of the war in the regular radiation range. The current war intensity is a large world war level, and the target is subject to regular increase. The initial test is between 3.5 million and 5 million degrees. Please thoroughly complete the war corps within the scope of the rules and reduce the increase in the rules of war!"

It turned out to be an increase in the law of war, and it seems that these mechanical kinetics provide an additional increase that Skynet has not yet detected.

The master of this kind of war rule is a nightmare on the battlefield. It is more suitable for killing on the battlefield than the general natural rules, evolutionary rules, human rules, special energy, and special life.

Sure enough, with the invasion of the main battle to liberate the real body, the Guardian of the summer, who was originally invincible and imposing, did not stop and slammed, no longer approaching, instead of throwing the sun's spear in the distance.

call out!

The spear turned into a streamer, and after a moment of melting and igniting, it was not finished yet. Mina’s flame phoenix screamed and screamed, and the long tail gathered a stunning fireball of more than 3,000 meters, showing a golden 璀璨, with With the screaming sound of the open wings, the fireball was unstoppable and slammed into the huge giants that had an amazing increase in the depths of the void.

"Rules of war! This rule is not prominent in single-on-one, but it will change dramatically when large-scale legions are assembled. Now these guard patrols have become our burden."

A ring of real spirits has just finished this way around Mina, and the golden ray is violently exploding on the invading lord.

Amazing scenes have appeared!

Perhaps the blessings provided by the Witch Corps are too rich, or the special attributes after absorbing a large amount of mechanical energy. The invading squadron has surpassed the height of 100,000 meters in the process of continuous expansion, and such a behemoth is thousands more than the average spiritual wizard. In terms of the true element of the rice element and the true body of the 10,000-meter element, it is a world of difference.

It is also true that the blazing heat of the golden sun swells out of the glory of 10,000 meters, only hurting a small part of the lord, and is greatly weakened by its inherent physical resistance.

"Hey, guys who are good at time and space seals are not in the wizarding world. I can use some means in the wizarding world to try, but let this big guy go into the wizarding world, even if the seal is successful, the consequences will be enough. The Thunder World Thunder is furious, and if you don’t want to be reprimanded by the King of the Second Generation Wizards, it’s better to think about other methods.”

This wretched old man, the four-ring true spirit wizard, is still laughing and laughing at this time. It seems that he intends to take a good look at Xia Zhishou and a ring of real spirit wizards.

Lightly biting the red lips, the guardian of the summer Sen Handao: "The guardian of winter is not convenient to apply the seal, I will call the guardian of the spring first, with her supreme suppression, first as long as there is no energy supplement, Even if this guy is bigger, I can melt it from the wizarding world to the pure summer sun!"

A ring of true spirits frowned and sighed.

"I have gained something after exploring the ruins. In order to cooperate with a lost fairy spell, I have lived a lot of active elements of the cell." Now that the sorcerer is not successful, the power of the sorcerer is not at the peak, so I can Try to use the two instruments to eliminate the dust, and at least temporarily seal the local life properties!"

In this way, a ring of true spirit wizards and Xia Zhi Guardians each acted. Although there is no perfect restraint method for the time being, it is guaranteed that the invasion of the lord will be intercepted outside the wizarding world, and it will be more than enough to minimize the impact.

"Since I don't care about my old man, then I will be responsible for the evacuation of the Corps, hehe."

After arranging a simple and simple task, the four-ring true spirit sorcerer began to contact the nearby guard bastions, and issued a series of retreat orders to the top performers of the major guard bastions, and also terminated the guard bastion. Subsequent release of the particle cannon.


The invasion dominates itself and seems to be so incredibly huge for himself.

After the invasion of the lord looked at his own hands, he had always been a warhammer. Even now, even if it is zoomed in to the limit, it is only about two kilometers. It has become a real small toy that can no longer help it sweep the battlefield.

In a blink of an eye, look at the other, whether it is the virtual mothership two kilometers to three kilometers ago, or the summer guardian or the true spirit wizard who also reveals the true body, just a little bit in front of themselves. Well, as for the delta-wing fighters, if they don’t calm down and fully observe, they can’t even see these little things that are almost microbes. The doubts have just been filled with violent laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha, the original wizarding world has this kind of growth power for me, you will be the perfect fertilizer for my growth!"

Poor and sad, this ruler still knows nothing about his power.

Seven days later.

The snoring of "snoring" and "snoring", a ring of real spirit wizards said a little wolf: "This guy, it is really awesome, and these new masters dare to be so unscrupulous and omnipotent!"

This was greatly enhanced by the Wizards' Legion's rules of war, and the large amount of mechanical energy that was triggered in a few cases, which led to its huge size, and it was really tricky for the loss of Almighty.

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

Compared with the invincibility of this invader, behind the world, it is the violent loss of the Almighty Soul, and in the battle of these days, the Almighty Soul has almost no loss, and successfully displayed it. Two instruments of dust annihilation, the right hand of this giant object is sealed!

Two metals, one black and one white, the white goldfish is the black eyeball, and the black goldfish is the white eyeball. In this right arm of the behemoth, it keeps chasing and rotating, and the regenerated body will be transformed into the smallest molecule in an instant. The granules act as an isolated seal in the mouth of the real wizard.

On the other hand, the guardian of Xia Zhi became the main force!


boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

A bunch of insignificant spots, in a flash, formed a chain explosion, in the corner of this gaping giants formed a big bang ~www.novelmtl.com~ giants have a painful meal, the only remaining one Only the big hands opened, igniting the amazing amount of empty space around, and the two small points in front of them were pressed, but they were separated by two small points.

Nowadays, the guardian of the summer and the true spirit wizard are also sure. This is indeed a master who has just advanced. Although there are huge omnipotent souls and blessings of war rules, it is a means of combat or form. Judgment is an extremely backward level.

"Oh, it’s just a smashing guy with more omnipotent souls, and it happens that because the wizarding corps gets the highest level of increase, let’s play with it, you see it, if the guy of this level has not retired, I’m afraid It has already become a specimen material, and there is a chance that he will let him go, and summon the guardian of spring to seal it!"

The guy in Mina’s mouth, a ring of true spirit wizards naturally know who it is.

"it is good."

I don't want to lose the Almighty Soul at home because of such a small thing. A true spiritual wizard should be no longer reluctant to summon the other existences of the Wizarding World with Mina.

After all, it’s just a master. For today’s wizarding world, it’s really nothing special.

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