A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1992: Guardian attack

Between the Eternal Sky City and the Wizarding World, it is connected by the rules of fate and leverage, and each can transmit time and space.

Although this transmission is getting farther and farther away from the wizarding world with the city of eternal sky, the energy consumed is getting more and more amazing and the cost is getting bigger and bigger, but in fact, its deterrent significance is far greater than the actual meaning, and this At the beginning of the construction of the time-space transmission array, the purpose was not to transmit high-level living bodies over time, but to supplement the lower-level legions on a large scale.

The guardian of Xia Zhi, the emergence of a true spiritual wizard and the four-ring true spirit wizard, naturally caused the invasion of the distant void to be dominated by the invaders.

"The ruler of the wizarding world, is that you guys!"

The anger reached the limit, and the sound of trying to calm was trembling. The soft metal armor on the body was hot, and hysterically said: "Eat a hammer!"


Desperate, the invasion dominated the warhammer and threw it at the three. The power was already pushed to the maximum extent, and it lost a savvy soul.

The four-ring real spirit wizard, this wretched old man, squats in a short stature behind the guardian of the summer and a ring of true spirit wizards, "嘿嘿嘿嘿" laughs non-stop, seeing the distant bestled by the regiment in the invasion of the distant invasion, both It’s been a long time, but even the outer patrol corps of the wizarding world has not broken through, and laughter can’t help but be more unscrupulous.

"When the King of the Wizards mobilized huge sums of money and secretly created the fifth-level defense system of this wizarding world, I also discouraged it. If it was not because the king of the early wizards succeeded in stalking the wizard world after the success of the hunter’s expedition, it must bear On the grounds of great resistance, I persuaded Pumirosius, maybe the world's guardian fortress defense system has been stranded. Now it seems that the wizard's king has made the fifth defense system of this wizard world, and it is against the enemy. The protective layer among them is really worth the money, but my eyes are short-sighted, hehe."

Rarely, the four-ring true spirit wizard praised Green in public.

However, it is no wonder that the four-ring true spirit wizards opposed it. It is necessary to know that in the history of the wizarding world, in order to protect themselves, the innumerable wizards have launched their own wisdom. They have established a four-layer defense system in the wizarding world, plus today. The unshakable central dominance of the Wizarding World in the Alliance is sufficient to ensure the security of the Wizarding World.

The four layers of the wizarding world are guarded by the college's Santa protective cover, the water curtain's protective layer, the world's clothing rule protective layer, the holy mark secret protection layer, and the responsible persons of the various protective layers are different.

"Hey, the king of the early wizards was unprecedented in the world of wizarding. It is hard to come back to the most legendary wizards. The wisdom is what we can try to figure out. Now what we have to do is in this intruder. Before killing the wizarding world, kill it in the bud!"

After the exploration of the relics of Xianyu, for the understanding of Green, a true spiritual wizard has completely become the death loyalty of Green.

In the face of the handle, throwing the warhammer from the distant sky, feeling the power contained in it, a true spirit wizard wants to take the initiative to meet, but see the guardian of the summer is more excited, with a phoenix phoenix under the flame, and the guardian of the summer Completely integrated into one, from the world of wizards and the surrounding small world influenced by the rules of the wizarding world, the rules of summer are continuously drawn. A round of 10,000 meters of sun has been formed, and the light and heat of the emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness.

call out!

The dark and sturdy warhammer is constantly piercing the front as if there is endless light and heat, and the speed is obviously reduced. After such a long distance, the guardian of the summer is fully engaged. The invading lord wants a blow to achieve the same result. I am crazy about dreams.

Sure enough, the next moment, the black warhammer had a "squeaky" sound and returned to the hands of the invaders.


The glamorous raging sun of the summer rule is extremely hot, and it is sizzling in the hands, but the violent warrior seems to have no awareness, and the unparalleled physical resistance gives him extraordinary tolerance. The warhammer cooled down in his hands because of the re-covering of the rules.

A few people from afar saw this and affirmed the information received by Skynet.

"The intelligence is correct. This master's physical resistance is indeed amazing. The curse has been effective, but it is neglected because it is not the same as normal body resistance. I think it is safest to use seals!"

A ring of true spirits chased the light of the summer guardian, and took the initiative to attack the past.

In today's wizarding world, the rules of the world have been spread to dozens of small and medium-sized worlds around the world due to the geomagnetic core of Taiyi. Therefore, the world's guardians can reach a much wider field and are no longer restricted to the world of the wizarding world. Around the sacred mark, the void around the wizarding world is also within the scope of the guardianship, and even a number of void guardian positions have been set up for this purpose.

At this moment, there is a long-time sorcerer of the Wizarding World, riding on a translucent goldfish, panting and gazing at the mighty world of the guardians of the summer, the hollow eyes of the crow's feet, the eyes Full of light, even the black scorpion covered with wrinkles on the hot head is also revealed, excitedly muttered: "The guardian of the summer, the guardian of the wizard world summer!"

Just as the ultimate goal of every wizard is the king of wizards, the ultimate goal of the guardian is the guardian of the six supernormal rules of spring, summer, autumn, winter, night, and night, which is comparable to the existence of the true spirit wizard. When you see these supreme guardians at close range, you have both envy and eager desire.

It is a pity that the six final rule guardians of the wizarding world are present. Without a large-scale civilized war, the underlying guardians have no chance to go up, because the wizards of the world rules are guarded by the limits, and the guardians are not like wizards. Able to learn from the exotic world to feed back the wizarding world.

"The Demon Hunting Expedition is a success! This is the last chance for the Wizards World Rules to shuffle!"

While the Guardian muttered, he realized that the level of the invaders was not something that his low-level guardians could handle, and he was already out of scope.

And since the guardian of the summer has arrived, there is no need to reluctantly, and quietly retreat to the distant void.

As can be seen from the Guardian's Word, since the alien creatures can think of it, from the weakest period of the wizarding world after the successful expedition, the wizarding world itself is not hard to imagine, what kind of disaster will be faced at that time!

The other end of the void.

Encouraged by the wizards of the Wizarding World and the guardians of Xia Zhi, the patrol garrison that surrounded the invading ruling group was even more excited. www.novelmtl.com~ showed their bravery and fearless death. .


As the warhammer in his hand has been re-covered by his own rules and the temperature has dropped, the invading lord has apparently known that with his own state, only the endless ants have eaten their results, no longer hesitate, and no longer care about energy loss. With a loud voice, the warhammer roared: "Lotwa's war glory!"

The heart slammed and a layer of invisible ripples spread. Whenever the delta fighter was within a certain distance from the invasion, the outer casing did not have any damage, but its own power was lost in an instant, from the original small and flexible. It became a scrap of iron scrap and there was no sound.

Larger virtual airships and spaceships, virtual motherships are better, AT force field flickering process, because the complete Skynet information calculation data, hastily separated from the scope of the main body rules, and the size is smaller The slower-responding space airships are not so lucky. After the loss of their own energy, most of them are turned into scrap iron wrecks without any kinetic energy.

At the same time, the original figure in the depths of the void is also expanding into an incredible behemoth at an alarming rate!

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