A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1979: Wizard currency promotion

The war has begun!

No, this cannot be said to be a war. This is the liberation of the sand worms and the liberation of the various oasis kingdoms.

When the **** moonlight blooms in the sky, the giant mechanical devices floating in the air are scattered all over the world. These wizards who specialize in the desert to clean up the sandworms and educate the oasis royals. It became the master of the sandstorm world.

"Adult, lord, this is all our sand crystals, oh..."

In the sea buckthorn forest village of Green, a group of soldiers surrounded the peasants, threatened to intimidate and demanded all the sand crystals.

As a well-known village near the world, the sand crystals of the seabuckthorn forest village are naturally many. After the meaning of water as a natural equivalent is weakened, the sand crystal becomes a new natural equivalent, and the property when people trade goods.

Behind this group of soldiers, in addition to a group of gorgeous aristocrats, the most striking thing is that a witch wizard riding on a steel tooth hedgehog, while feeding the local fruit under the behemoth, collects the soldiers. The large group of spar is loaded into the space magic guide.

The hunter-destroy expedition tends to last for decades or even hundreds of years. The wizard has the time to collect all kinds of valuable materials and energy spar, and to promote the rules of the witch coin.

The tip of the index finger is the top sand crystal collected by a sea buckthorn tree village. It is a three-level sandstone with enough energy to drive a 15-meter-class desert boat for several months, equivalent to a wizard. The world's best magic stone.

"According to the standards of this world, the five-level sand crystal is called the crystal of the desert. The energy inside is equivalent to at least one thousand magic stones. Although the natural resources of this world are backward, there is not much excavation, but it is a The natural mineral deposits of high-energy spar, in addition to synthetic synthesis in the Wizarding Alliance, there are only a handful of worlds capable of producing such high-grade spar."

The witch murmurs, the rune of the ring finger ring shines, screaming, a lot of sorcerer coins inscribed in the pattern of the six-pointed magical array, like a hill, stacked in front of the witch.

"Who is this third-grade sand crystal?"

The witches looked at the peas who did not see the gathering. They seemed to be talking to the air, but the voice was transmitted to everyone’s ears.

However, people have been frightened by the steel swords of the six or seven meters long and two meters high under the witches. The big guys have swallowed people without a bite.

Trembling, it is the gorgeous aristocrats who dare not say a word.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Green, who was surrounded by the village woman, was slowly coming out. As the village head of the sea buckthorn tree village, she also pretended to be a sly look.

"It's me, but this sand crystal is the common wealth of the village."

The witches looked at Green, who looked like an old farmer. After seeing nothing special, they ignored it and casually pointed to the wizard’s coin on the ground: "Under the world, it’s not witchcraft, it’s the soil. Bin, is not a witch. Remember, from now on, the wizard is the supreme master of the world, and the first supreme law promulgated by the wizard is to abolish all natural equivalents, the money used by everyone to buy and sell transactions. The money can only be a witch coin. Anyone who touches the law will be punished by the village and the street."

"Know, know, the small record, everything follows the instructions of the wizard."

Green was very frightened and the wizard was very satisfied.

"Hey, the witch coin is a symbol of the wizard's will. You can achieve any wish through these wizard coins. Remember, it is any wish! Of course, to realize the desire is to need a lot of witches, go, try to earn more The wizard currency!"

After a while, the wizard took the brigade to the next village, leaving behind the legend of the witch.

The villages and towns chosen by the wizards are by no means optional, but rather richer villages and towns like the seabuckthorn forest village.

After the brigade was finished, Green as the village head, was about to share these golden sparkling witches with everyone. Although everyone not only used the specific use of these witches, but lost so many sand crystals, they didn’t find life later. Fall, you can only use these wizard coins for the first time to comfort.

At this moment, a soldier sneaked over and ran, followed by merchants from the style.

"Hey, I use these sand fruit noodles, salt bar, and change the witch coins in your hands."

Except for a few cautious villagers, most of the villagers who did not understand the value of the witches, the witches in their hands were quickly deceived by soldiers and businessmen.


Probably Green and Millie's oasis country is too remote, located in a remote world, so there are no other strange things except the scattered wizards passing by.

In this way, time passes and five years pass.

Finally, even in the oasis where Green and Millie are located, there are finally a large number of wizards who have begun to wipe out the sand worms in the sandstorm world!

Weng Longlong Rumble...

Soldiers, farmers, and workers looked up at the sky and grew up one by one. They couldn’t speak, and they were completely shocked.

More than two thousand meters of virtual airships, plus dozens of spacecraft nearly 100 meters in space, countless small triangular wing fighters intertwined, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, centered on this virtual mothership, mechanical wizards The delta wing fighters are flying.

"Then, what is that, the boat in the desert flying in the sky? So big!"

The soldiers are still a little knowledgeable. They use their own imagination to carry out associations with the 2,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand Let the sandstone of the dunes fall from a height~www.novelmtl.com~ the wind and sand overflow.

The old farmer swayed and stood unsteadily. After struggling for a few times, he sat down on the ground.

"Oh, rumors, they are angering the sleeping king of sand worms, they will be retribution, and we will be implicated, and we will be buried together in the sand, oh..."

The fear of sand worms in the world of sandstorms has become ingrained.

Since the ancient times, sand worms have been the peak of the food chain in the sandstorm world. They are the source of fear in the sandstorm world. Even in the powerful oasis kingdom, after losing the protection of the oasis water source, it is fragile in front of the sand worm population, although almost no one I saw the king of sand worms, but it was passed down as a horror legend.

The panicked people begged, people have become accustomed to the natural rules of the world, full of fear of the new natural rules, it is the natural rule that the wizard replaces the sand worm and dominates the world!

Compared with the panicked ordinary civilians, those royal aristocrats, because of their contractual relationship with the wizards, had prepared for this day, and under the protection of soldiers, they boarded the observatory and watched the wizarding corps gradually spreading over the desert. We have a sea of ​​waves in our hearts.

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