A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1978: Secret sale

The wizard left, and for the people here, it was just a trivial episode.

At the same time, the weather has become strange.

According to the history of the sandstorm world, the rainy season generally lasts for seven days to half a month, and the rainy season has reached an astonishing twenty-three days, and even led to the guilt of the main city. This is an unprecedented sarcasm!

The sand worms in the desert have also seen a sharp drop.

"Green, what do you mean by the ancestors that the wizard said? Is it true that the Quanzu world group really intends to intervene here and wage war with the wizards?"

Millie guessed, and then shook her head and said: "With the scattered sand state of the Quanzu world group, and the current world of wizards, it is tantamount to finding a dead end."

Green thought about it, but said: "Maybe, this world is originally within the scope of the Quanzu world group?"

"How is it possible? If so, with the special existence of the Quanzu world group, it will inevitably form a huge amount of water in this world, and it is impossible to be such a dry situation today."

Mi Li first was able to decide, and then from the perspective of all-round thinking of the wizard, self-denied: "Is it the ancestor of special functions? For example, the ancestors who took the water element?"

Green did not speak, and it seems that he is making bold assumptions about it.

In the distance, several dark-skinned miners came over and their faces were warm. The extraordinarily extended rainy season this year was a loss for the imperial palace aristocracy in the city, but for the poor people living outside the city. No effect, not only filled all the water containers, but also learned Green, Millie, planted a large number of seabuckthorn seedlings.

Except for the aristocrats who were inundated with large palaces and factories, the worst was the city's water supply merchants. It is almost foreseeable that all water suppliers will suffer for a year, especially those who store a lot of pure water.

"Green, we have already mined this poor mine. This rainy season is so long. I think we can try to go deep into the desert and look for a richer spar mine. What do you say?"

The old miner is over forty years old. It is a late-year for the world’s poor class, but for the world’s poor, it’s alive and hard to live. It means **** it.

While picking the sand fruit after the rain, Green looked at the distant desert and said slowly: "It is reasonable to say that even if it is not safe here during the dry season, it is because the roots of these seabuckthorn trees gather together for water to be mined here. The ore is still safe, and no sand worms have occurred yet. However, if you leave this saline-alkali land and go to the desert area, the water under the sand dunes will evaporate for up to half a month, and even if there is a rich mine, we will not die. Mining."

Green also knows the hardships of these miners, and frowns: "I think the wizard should have some heads before, stick to it, maybe there will be a turnaround in a few years."


Time passed and it took another three years.

For three consecutive years, the rainy season was longer than once. In the end, this time it was 30 days. This can be a pain in the people of the city. The nobles are rushing to transfer the property of the factory to the outside of the city. The original wall has now become a lake. Waterproof levees, the oasis has expanded several times, and all the water merchants have gone bankrupt.

In contrast, Green's sea-buckthorn forest does not know how many times it has been appreciated. The nearby people have grown to more than 30 households, and under the supply of sufficient water supply in the oasis, a large field of land has been developed. The former miners have now turned into farmers. The reputation of Green and Millie is also growing.

In the once-a-year rainy season, people are wondering how long this rainy season will last.

"It seems that something is wrong."

In the night sky, the stargazer who stood in the observatory to observe the sky: "Historically, there has never been such a strange star record. It appeared in the southeast for no reason a few months ago. According to the caravans, in the southeast is A **** moon, we can't see the whole picture because it is too remote."

Its practicality is not the stargazer, and the naked eye can also distinguish the star that is far away from the horizon, but no one cares.

Except...Green and Millie!

"After the sorcerer's expedition, the extinction of the world's sand worms, it is a breeze to conquer the indigenous tribes of the world at the level of the wizard's higher civilization. Our luck is good, catching up with a hunter. expedition."

Even the stargazer can't understand what the **** moon represents, but as the instinct of the world of sandstorms, it can faintly feel the shudder of the instinct of the body, and the whim of the whim is unknown.

For several years of continuous rainy season, coupled with the spread of an unknown parasite, the number of sandworms has been reduced and reduced, especially the young sandworms, although not extinct, but it has greatly facilitated the travel of the desert caravans. Enhance the exchanges between the major oasis kingdoms.


Unknown desert, deep underground.

"Destroy them!? Speak lightly, do you know who they are? They are wizards! Destroy countless worlds, destroy countless creatures, bring wizards with endless fear!"

The hills formed by the crystal mines are melting at a visible speed, and with the snarl of the phantom, the melting of the crystal mine hills is faster.

Below the crystal mine hill, there is a hundred meters of huge sand worms. The road is cut: "The great ancestral spring ancestors, the first king has never reduced your offerings, the sandstorm world is also your private territory, the sand worm family guards you. For thousands of years in this world, you have done your heart and your loyalty, you can't abandon us!"

At the end of the day, this giant sand worm was a bit sad.


The spring ancestors of the spar mountain whispered: "According to the agreement between me and the wizard, the world of sandstorms, together with several other branches of the world, has been packaged and sold to the wizards, and is gradually withdrawing from the branch of the world. This is also a no-brainer. You don't even know the madness and horror of the wizards. Now your only way out is to summon the sand worms as soon as possible. I will open the portal as soon as possible and find a new world to be stationed for you. ”

It turned out that this spring ancestors had secretly sold the sandstorm world together with several other surrounding worlds to the wizards!

I don't know what the wizard paid. www.novelmtl.com~ No, the king has not found it yet. It just left temporarily. We can't go. Without the order of the king, the sandworms will never leave the world of sandstorms. Here is ours. Family! ”

The sand worm roared and swears to die.

"You are not qualified to talk to me like this!"

The illusion over there is also angry. This is to see that the sand worms have been loyal to the world of sandstorms for years. They did not expect that the other party would not appreciate it and not accept their own kindness.

"If you don't go, then go and understand the horror of the wizard, wait for it to be extinct, no one can stop them. The luck will be their slave, become their will, and they will attack the next world. cannon fodder."

Hey, hey!

The spar mountain collapsed, leaving this giant insecticide standing alone, fearing the wizards rendered by Quanzu, but unable to retreat.

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