A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1969: Wandering

"Wow! So beautiful."

After entering the cave, the light blue plants inside were completely frozen, like the leaves of the palm prints, a state of struggle, and the interior of the flowerbeds flashed with a pale yellow glow, in this kind of Millie's favorite ice environment. Still instinctively shining, like attracting outsiders to explore.

"The beauty is always hidden under danger. With the intensity of the elementary level of my current level of wizards, this plant has not yet completely fallen into dormancy, but it is somewhat peculiar."

Said, Green reached out to the palm of his hand and the tip of his index finger was lightly on the ice.

The sound of "叮", the crisp sound waves stirred, the "哗哗啦啦" ice fragments were broken, but under the control of Green's perfect elemental energy, only the flower bones touching the fingertips of the index finger were unsealed.


This flower bone is just under the icy state. At the moment, the petals are like blooming chrysanthemums. The interior of the reddish color is usually bright red, followed by a stinking streak. Socks, releasing a gray odor.

The Green Element energy hood flashed to isolate these weird atmospheres.


The black beetles with amazing bounces are bullet-like and hit the energy hood. These black beetles hit a concave arc on the energy cover, and the bounce force is very strong.

When these black bugs were blocked by the energy cover, Green in the energy cover saw the appearance of these bugs.

It seems to be some kind of simple metal beetle with the mysterious power attached. Except for a pair of blood red huge cockroaches that are constantly open and closed, it is its one-eyed eye. The eyeball inside is tens of thousands of commas, like a dense cockroach. It is very strange to shake.


At this moment, Millie screamed not far away. It turned out that Millie, who was relatively weak at the moment, was accidentally smashed into a body by a black beetle, and then a rope was formed at the skin of Millie’s arm. The lines seem to be some kind of flesh and blood that exchanges Millie's flesh.

"Be careful!"

Green collects the black beetles on the elemental energy cover into the experimental beaker. These black beetles seem to only work for the energy body, and there is no special ability for the material, except for the initial shock of the power storage. Others have no features. One went to Millie and looked at the flesh and blood where Millie’s arm had been replaced by hemp rope.

It is indeed a hemp rope, and it is very old.

"It is taking my flesh and blood!"

In addition to the initial discomfort, Millie had no feelings, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she looked at this mysterious plant with dignity. The stinky socks at the stamens were still squirming, I wonder if it was horrible. .

But whether it is Green or Millie, it is clear that the weedy plants under the ice are obviously recovered, and they are constantly trying to break away from Green's ice.

"Capturing your flesh and blood is an appearance. It should be said that this mysterious and illusory world is assimilated us instinctively. With our current level of life, it is too weak, and it cannot cause rule exclusion in this illusory world. The operation of the rules of the world creates any hindrance, and it uses its unparalleled volume to assimilate us into a part of it."

It seems that I don’t think that my explanation is enough. Green continues: “Just as you continue to capture the thin elements of energy here to maintain bodily functions, these large and small illusory worlds are constantly taking rules from outside, as its Survival continues, and now we are these factors. In the course of its operation, we gradually transform us into waste, garbage, and abandonment of this illusory world rule."

Upon hearing Green's explanation, Millie Ming flashed.

"One element, one life, and one world."

After such a sigh, Millie had to spend more energy in her later actions to restore her body and regenerate her flesh and blood.

After a day of research in this blue vine-filled plant cave, Green and Millie began to explore.

Gradually, with the sound of the front, "hundreds of melon seeds and shells are like a fly, and they are flying together, and they are smashing.

Green took an empty hand and grabbed a melon shell.

At this moment, Green and Millie have been marching along the cave, but the width of the cave here is obviously somewhat low. Green and Millie can only bend forward. The wall cave should be black stone, but it has become sludge and distributed here. The stench is stinking, and there are some plastic bottles and other garbage in the sludge.

Inside the melon seed shell is a white deciduous tooth, and it is also the only thing worth studying. This makes Green think of the fairy tale rules of the wizarding world.

Millie approached, probed behind Green, looking at the teeth removed from the melon shell.

I used to get used to each other's breathing. Millie's chest was pressed against Green's shoulder. The heat of the nose blew on the side of Green's cheek, looking at the teeth that Green took out from the melon shell. He said: "Haw?"

This tooth has obvious signs of ruin.


Green nodded.

"Children who are different from the fairy tale rules of the fairy tale are tooth decaying. This is the adult's fangs. It is thrown away as a waste of nowhere. Since there are fangs that eat melon seeds, there should be candy fangs."

After thorough research, Green confirmed that these illusory creatures did not have any harm, and took Millie from the narrow cave into the relatively spacious cave.


Suddenly, the cave is quiet and quiet.

The melon seeds that had been smashed in groups seemed to be frozen by the ice. They floated quietly in the air, clearly without eyes, but they made people feel like they were watching Green and Millie. Floating in the air.

"Green, do you confirm that it doesn't matter?"

This kind of scene, let Millie ask again and again hesitantly.

"It’s almost completely confirmed that they don’t have any mysterious power components, never..."

Green’s words were just halfway said, “喳”, “喳”, “喳”, “喳”, tens of thousands of broken melon shells made a very weird scream, and then saw at an amazing speed. The cave was drilled and fled desperately.

With the size of these melon seeds, these large and small caves can go anywhere, only to breathe time. These original, aimless, smashing melon seeds, they will disappear completely without a trace.


Green screamed and angrily said: "These little things... It seems to be a different place to explore, I am afraid that after these little things, the monsters in this floating garbage mountain have completely awakened."

Green is saying that the sound of "bang" and "bang" came from the cave behind him. From the perspective of orientation, it is not difficult to judge the tremor of the huge cigarette butt.

"What are you? Where are you from?"

Suddenly, a shadow vulture in the shadow of the stone wall, suddenly opened his eyes, actually two almonds?

The breath never appeared suddenly, just for a moment.

It seems that this shadow of other parts of the vulture body is in another world. Only when the eyes are in this world, only when they open their eyes, will they be perceived, connected with the world, and closed their eyes will disappear. .

Therefore, Green and Millie did not notice it.


Green couldn't help but sound easily, and Millie was like a big enemy. Green could clearly notice that her body was tight, and the ice and phoenix wings guarded herself and protected Green.

"What are you, curious way of being, although the life level is not high, but it is very strange."

Green muttered, and even some heartbeat, could not help but want to untie the **** of himself, first grabbed this strange biological specimen and said, Millie clearly noticed Green's mind, one arm gently placed in Green On the shoulders, I shook my head slowly.

On the other hand, the shadow vultures are fearless, step by step out of the shadows, and seriously look at Green and Millie.

"This is my favorite garbage world, and it is also my predator. I fell into the garbage mountain and was digested or become a part of the garbage mountain. www.novelmtl.com~ This is my source of ingredients. However, You and the other ingredients have essential differences, I will not be yours, oh..."

After that, the shadow vulture closed the eyes of the almond again, and the breath disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

Bang, boom, boom...

The caves in the garbage mountain are complicated, and the tremors come from all directions. The goal is no doubt, it is where Green and Millie are!

"I am going to open the road ahead."

Green temporarily suppressed the strange encounters of the shadow vultures, and rightly said, Millie said: "Wait a minute, let us leave with the help of mysterious witchcraft."

Mysterious witchcraft is a relatively weak aspect of Green's study of truth. When Millie said, she began to meditate on witchcraft spells. At the same time, she took out some strange materials and wrote and painted on the cave cliffs. It was very strange and mysterious.

However, with Milli's current ability, it is obviously very difficult to display this witchcraft, and the ice and feather wings behind it are also much smaller.

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