A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1968: Cigarette butts

"Is there still?"

The thick green water pool is not small, and it is extremely corrosive. Millie is not sure if there is such a garbage unreal monster below, and asks Green, with her barely first-class biological level, there is almost no resistance. .

"I will try it out."

Green, who seals 30,000 times of his own strength, naturally loses the ability to summon the rules of truth, and also has many means of perceptuality. He can only use himself as a bait to personally test it.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

Pointing on the toes, after a few jumps, Green suddenly stopped in the pool.

"what happened?"

Millie at the edge of the pool asked, Green did not immediately respond, "Eng", after a repulsion of volatility, the green water surface under the feet was slightly distorted, and went around, revealing a half-man and half-baked statue, not even thick The green pool water is corrosive, still a lifelike posture, standing proudly.

“How is there still a piece of art?”

The wizard's curiosity made Millie couldn't help but want to see it, but Green said: "Wait a minute, don't come over, this is a seal."

As a result, the water elements in front of Green gathered in large quantities to form a water polo. It looked like there was no harm. However, under the subtle manipulation of Green's subtle force, the water polo became a source of high-pressure water column, while the high-pressure water column Become a sharp cutting machine, cut along the edge of the stone.

Tick, ticking, ticking...

Suddenly, Green stopped cutting, because Green was surprised to find that this half-man and half-length statue seal was crying!

"Or? What are you?"

I noticed the abnormal Green's tentative questioning, and temporarily stopped cutting. I have never heard of the seal carrier becoming a new life because of the long-term maintenance of the seal. What kind of life is this?

"From the day I was born, I was concentrating on this thing as a mission. I don't know what I am, I don't know what it is. Only the digestive beast is a companion. Please don't kill me."

The half-man and a half stone carving lips were opened and closed, and they even opened their mouths for mercy. Obviously, they were scared by the scenes of Green and Millie's dissecting and digesting beasts.

"Digest the beast! Is there any other digestive beast here? What is the seal in your stomach? What is the depth of the cave?"

Green asked three questions in a row.

"The so-called digestive beast here is a digestive elf formed by the long-term siltation of gastric juice after the death of a giant beast named Man. It keeps hunting and provides nourishment for this digestive juice. As for my belly, I am not. Know what it is, and the deeper things in the cave are like you, but they came in many years ago."

This seal statue has limited knowledge and does not have the ability to describe it accurately. It does not provide much useful clues to Green.


The Wizarding World has no clues about the creatures described by the seal statue. Under his horrified gaze, Green continues to push the high-pressure water column witchcraft and cut its petrified skin.


After about two-thirds of the hourglass time, the skin of this petrified statue was perfectly cut into two pieces by Green. The sudden "咔嚓" shattered, the statue was broken into two pieces, and a golden scent of "噗" emerged.

Green looked through the golden air, and the stone carving was a skinny six-armed old man who kept his posture. After the silence, he made a golden success.

"Sanskrit King Kong World Group!"

After learning that Tanzhong had not digested the blame, Millie followed the center of Tanshui, and at this moment, she reappeared with the six-armed body, although she also had very little information about the Sanskrit King Kong World Group from some wizard books. Descriptive, but this experimental specimen is still the first time to see it, its preciousness is self-evident.

"Before life, it should be a three-level biological standard, but now the rigidity of this golden body should be harder than that of the space-based starship, and it can be immune to the attack of less than 90,000 degrees, becoming the source of the stone carving! ”

After a little test by Green, he came to this conclusion.

What is the concept of immunizing the 90,000-degree attack? It is the ultimate attack value of many five-level sacred sorcerers, and this is only the result of a three-level creature shaping the golden body. The power of the Sanskrit King Kong world group makes the body firm. Beyond imagination!

"Yes, it's a pretty amazing harvest. Let's study it later, go inside and see."

According to Green, nature is the place where the "snoring" and "snoring" sounds from deeper holes. With the current two people compressing 30,000 times of strength, there is really no good research method for this diamond body.


After Millie responded, she was barely gathered in the half-human and half-phoenix state. While maintaining her body function, she frozen the surrounding green liquid and removed the stone fragments of the seal statue. Specimens are collected.

"Let's go, this piece of debris is not big, look at what is in front of it."

After that, Green took Millie's "咻" and "咻" through the Green Pool. The width of the cave here is wider than that of the outside. At the same time, the original black-gray stone wall becomes more biased. In gray, like a certain kind of gypsum powder, the originally damp caves have also become dry, and filled with a strange fragrance, making people addicted, can not stop.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The snoring sound is getting bigger and bigger, and even the air begins to tremble with the snoring sound. The faintness seems to be able to feel a giant behemoth, and the ground is followed by a slight vibration.

Gradually, the height of the cave was about 30 meters, and the two kept the extreme cautious march.

After a turn, suddenly, a giant cigarette **** appeared in front of the two!


Rao is a member of Greene’s knowledge. At this moment, he can’t help but be suspicious. The ridiculous thing is that this super-smoke **** actually writes the soul of the words “Smoking is harmful to health”.

"It seems like just useless garbage, or don't wake it up, let's get out of here."

Millie frowned.

The huge cigarette **** is like the cigarette residue of the new world in the universe. But it is too big. The snoring is also from this cigarette. It seems that the gray-white material on these stone walls is not lime, but soot.

"But it's a bit strange. I smelled the smell of smoke. It's not such a sweet fragrance. It's a scary fragrance that makes people addicted."

Here is the end of the tunnel. The two asked the huge cigarette **** of more than ten meters and turned two laps. The cigarette **** seemed to have completely fallen asleep, and did not notice the arrival of Green and Millie.

"Hey, soul words... Since it is a garbage world, this so-called fragrant fragrance is certainly not really fragrant, but the vitality of the toxic substances in the cigarettes. Perhaps I use the garbage world for this illusory and unsuitable, waste. The world? Abandon the world?"

After Green finished, he said to Millie: "There is a small branch here. Would you like to see it?"

“The fragrance of life vitality? The vitality of life that people have abandoned?”

After being reminded by Green, Millie came to the interest, after scraping some ash powder from the stone wall, an amazing scene appeared, Millie's specimen test tube came out with a soft whisper.

"If I want to quit smoking, I can stop at any time, I am not addicted at all, just just playing and playing..."

"I am not smoking, it is lonely..."

"Men smoke for communication..."

Milliqi said: "Almost missed ~www.novelmtl.com~ turned out to be a great material for the mysterious force medium. If the wizarding world can develop this mysterious material for mass production, it is good news. ”

After this, Millie was only expected to follow Sorin, there is a hole in the hidden space of this spacious space, if not carefully observed, I really can not find, a few roots from the cave Must, and faintly heard some strange wind inside.

"In any case, come in, let's go in and see."

Millie is saying that when the two people are close to the inspector, the original roots that seem to have no vitality at the entrance of the cave are like a cobra. They stand fiercely and act as the main gesture. A fierce look that does not welcome outsiders is swearing. Guarding your home.

"Oh? It's a bit cute."

Green laughed and silently, these roots were frozen into ice and spread along the roots to the depths of the cave.

Green took Milly and bent down and drilled in little by little.

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