A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1952: Jagged covenant

Although there are four foreign-inspired messengers who come to the Wizarding World, they cannot meet at the same time. Otherwise, some of these benefits will be clear and unfavorable to the wizarding world. . Fastest update

In this case, according to the priority, Green chose to meet the earliest contact person of the Iron Star River with the Wizarding World.

In the elemental space, the stones float in the air because of the ultra-dense concentration of elements, and various morphological elements are everywhere. The fine and small aircraft representing the universe of the world flies or parks everywhere. Here is the alliance and extraterrestrial civilizations to understand the wizarding world. The window, the unprecedented squad of the Wizarding World, and the hunter-gathering emergency squad in the world of wizards, the creatures outside the wizarding world have stopped knowing about the wizarding world.

In this space, the extraterritorial civilization ambassadors and alliances, the world's masters are free to move, and the black market that sells the world of witches' specialties and natural features can never be destroyed, so this space has a very vivid name, the window of the wizarding world. !

On this day, the wizards of the Window of the World, the Lord of the Alliance, and the ambassadors of the world are all in the early corners, looking up at the eternal elements of the vortex, seemingly waiting for nothing, needless to say, these wizards, the alliance world The lord and the extraterritorial ambassador have already passed the information window of the Window of the World, or have received information from Green.

It used to be unimaginable. As the supreme ruler of the Wizarding World and the Wizarding Alliance, the action of the King of the First Wizards was actually sold by the wizards in the world of wizards!

This is not a betrayal, but an infiltration of financial rules.

On the one hand, the development of financial rules helped the wizards to enslave the exotic worlds in a higher way, with the interests and the deterrents of the military as the link, and formed a coalition of common will. On the other hand, financial rules are also changing the behavior of the wizards. While instinctively chasing the truth of truth, there are other things in the will, and that is the benefit.

Benefits represent resources, represent rights, and represent a more convenient way to chase the truth and represent strength.

In this respect, at this moment, there are more intuitive manifestations in the three-color light of Green. Almost every wizard will trigger more than ten regular chains while causing the flow of natural forces, but in the tri-color of Green, almost every wizard The body is connected by a golden chain, that is the financial rules!

Before the Third Civilization War, except for some of the wizarding sorcerers of the Wizarding Family, it rarely appeared, but now it has become a common phenomenon that spreads all wizards in the entire Wizarding World.

It seems that the second ring of the real wizard who created the financial rules, it really is the day of the wizarding world!

It is a pity that the fate is rough. If the second ring of the true spirit wizard survived the third civilization war, and the rule of the Green Wizards, the influence of financial rules in the wizarding world is only the original one. The true spirit wizard should also be crushed by it.


Suddenly sighed, Green did not want these little guys to watch their own meanings, the body of the robes of the appearance gradually disappeared.


The Jagged River civilization has almost become the resident extraterritorial civilization of the Window of the World.

Although the elders who are the messengers of civilization have changed and changed, there is no doubt that every elder in the race is an agile person who has set a great battle in the family.

At this moment, the elders who are stationed in the window of the Wizarding World are the Tatars that have just been evacuated from the battlefield of the Tribal Alliance thousands of years ago. The claw marks on the iron-blooded helmet and the blood of the legs are never screaming, and the crisis of the war at that time was silently told.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

The swaying beam, with some blood color in the pale white, is suitable for the aesthetics of the warriors, and the alloy gloves that are completely integrated with the metal armor, tapping on the armrests of the "哒", "哒", "哒", "哒" I don’t know what to think about, but from the urgency of his performance, it’s obviously unusual.

"Not yet?"

Suddenly, the elders raised the left arm and the iron star on the arm flashed. A mini-light curtain appeared on the light curtain. There was a high-level warrior on the light curtain looking up at the vortex of the head, apparently also in alliance with other wizards. Like the lord of the world and the messenger of extraterritorial civilization, waiting for the coming of the king of wizards.

"The king of the early wizards has not yet been discovered."

With the "drop", the light curtain is closed, and the elders of Tatar can't help but feel more impatient.

However, at the moment of his head-up, Mo Ran only felt that the ice was cold and the body was three meters high. The whole body was very stiff and stiff. Under the iron helmet, a drop of cold sweat unknowingly flowed from his forehead.

Just across from the elders of Tatar, a wizard is sitting on the high chair, with a strange child painting a green bird on his shoulder. The blue brilliance is elegant in the range of his colorful clothes. The two black and white wings were retracted behind them, under the gray-white vortex mask, and the three eyes were looking up and down with interest, and a strange smile appeared in the corner of the mouth.

For a moment, the elders of Tatar only felt that they had been thoroughly seen by the other three eyes, and there was no secret at all.

"You... are you the king of the early wizards?"

The strange smile on the opposite side of the sorcerer's mouth gradually converges. The three eyes looking up and down look at the elders of Tatar, and the azure spirits that are confined and converged are suddenly blooming like the sun rays, and the whole hall is shrouded as if it were isolated. Absolute domain time and space enchantment.

At this moment, the elders of Tatar felt that they had become infinitely small and looked up at the giants who sat in front of themselves!

"It’s a terrible spiritual influence! It can be done like this, his...no, no, this is not spiritual influence, this is the essence of the life-level nature of the real oppression!"

In the swearing breath of the elders of Tatar, the three-eyed wizards whispered: "Who am I, you should know in your heart, oh, then, what is the command of the 12th King of the Iron King?"

"The Queen said that the counterattack is about to begin. If the Wizards Alliance is further hesitated, it will lose the right to distribute the abyss!"

If the elders are iron, let Green be a little silent and thinking about the credibility.

See Green, no matter what the real situation is, the task of the elders of Tatar as a messenger is to do everything in their power to persuade the wizard civilization to join the alliance, to resist the abyss together, and to combine the information of the demon expedition obtained from the wizarding world, although the early wizards have been very certain. The king’s desire to play tricks, but still can not help but said: "As far as I know, the abyss civilization has indeed had signs of defeat, and in recent thousands of years, with the alliance of civilizations to resist the abyss more and more More, the defeat of the abyss will be faster and faster. Once the trend is formed, it will almost be a spark, and it will be impossible to join the alliance with the benefit of the left-handed fisherman."


Green's laughter, slightly hoarse and stiff, but showing the meaning of the Tatar elders, but it is very obvious.

"Remember that when I contacted another elder of your family, I promised that as long as all the ancestors of the Quanzu World Group had all concluded the alliance contract, the Wizarding League promised to form an alliance, since now the 12th King of the Iron and Blood is personally With the promotion of rights, all the ancestors of the Quanzu World Group have all promised to form an alliance, and the Wizarding League has no intention of avoiding it."

An indomitable justice, Green continued: "And before I explored the illusion, I did have a lot of delays on this matter, and the aristocratic messengers waited for a long time~www.novelmtl.com~ I apologize for the apology. So, these secondary esophagus As a ritual, I can talk about my heart."

Said, Green actually took out one piece of time and time, floating and handed it to the elders of Tatar.

"This? How can this be!"

These time things are in the hands of those in need, and they are invaluable, and the time and the things are always rare. The elders of Tatar also know the value.

"There is nothing wrong with it. The things that the wizard sent out have no reason to recover. Isn't that a despicable thing that does not obey the contract?"

After pretending that he was unhappy, Green continued: "Well, since the alliance intentions of both sides have been established, then it is still a contract to be concluded earlier, so as not to have a long night dream, and some unreasonable births. I am also in the last period of the King of the Wizards, as soon as possible. Arranging the expedition, I believe that the sergeant’s corps will certainly help the war against the evil abyss, oh...”

"Oh? Hahahahaha..."

The elders of Tatar also laughed with Green, although the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

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