A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1951: Mother tree freedom

A month later.

Green appeared in the void near the wizarding world and went to the foreign guest reception space.

As Green expected, a round of true spirit wizards have completed the unification of the chaotic world group within the prescribed time, extending the wizard's will to the chaotic world.

Although according to common sense, Green's first return needs to deal with internal affairs. However, Green's return is indeed too abrupt. It is inevitable that the temporary meeting of the King of the Wizards will be absent. Therefore, Green needs to issue an order to the Dawn Wisdom Wizards. Many sorcerers, sacred sorcerers, alliance lords, and world leaders convened a coalition meeting to summarize the battle of the fifth civilization and the work experience of the king of the early sorcerers. The sorcerer's king throne was given wisdom, prestige, luck, The strength of the wizard, so after simply handling some of the development of the alliance, then began to deal with the issue of alliance diplomacy.

I believe that with the appeal of the second generation of wizards, many wizards will inevitably go all out in the first place.

As for the wizard who has the ability to run for the king of the second generation of wizards...

There are a few people in Grimm’s heart. Unfortunately, his three disciples, Andre Seymour’s prestige, are still lacking. Otherwise, they can’t try it. Now, Hess is still only a seven-level real wizard, although it’s true for the general. The black wizard has been sturdy to the extreme, but there are still some viewers who are competing for the king of the wizard.

Leaving the rule of the world of the wizarding world, staring at the super-large space where the elements converge, a lot of flying objects floated, and the strong and weak light came and went between the wizarding world and the elemental space. However, Green’s mood was not so good. Everything is only because the shoulders are turned into children's paintings, like a small wooden carving.

"Little eight?"

No response.

It’s been ten days, I have to know that Xiaoba is still laughing at myself!

After Xiao Ba returned to Green, he had been like this. The image of the children’s painting stood motionless, his eyes lost, and he lost his soul and only had his body.

Lulian and Ye Ye died in the battle of the fifth civilization, and saw the body with their own eyes. They made it impossible for Green to catch up, but when they thought about the many friends killed during the Third Civil War, Green also No longer think about it, I can only comfort the little eight in the sigh, but I didn't expect Xiao Ba to become so after losing the leaf.

When Lafite left herself, although she had been hurt for half a year, it was quite a long time, but it was never like the little eight at the moment, but if the woodcarvings are not affected by the outside world, it seems to lose the soul of the body.


The soul is connected, Green can feel the pain in the little heart, but it is only the beginning of the moment, and then I don't know what is going on, it is Green can no longer sense the emotion of Xiao Ba, if not eight Really alive, Green really thought it had only one body left.

call out!

"Hehehehe, the first king of the wizard."

Green, who had a lot of thoughts, was suddenly alarmed by the incomparable grand will of the faraway.

A little later, then, "咻", a distant green spot with a striking sense of time and space, gradually approaching Green, who has stopped.

After the green tri-color gaze gaze at the past, it is confirmed that the identity of the person is the world tree of the already fate lever!

With a green dress with a peacock pattern, the world tree appears as a human female image, with long white hands and long-handed hands, a hand-held colorful light fat lever magic wand, holding a colorful light, it is a robe of appearance.

But in Green's eyes, the world tree at the moment appears as a human image, more accurately in the image of a wizard, but every drop of blood on her body is a living elf, and every breath is the rule of the world. A heartbeat is the call of the world's will. If such a living body image gains freedom, it is the body of the spiritual power that it completely spends. Is it just like this?

"This is the robe of the appearance of the six-ring true spirit wizard, and it will be returned to you."

The blue brilliance flashed, and Green took the robe of the appearance and wore it on himself in a flash.

"Congratulations, you have gained freedom. In your current state, I am afraid that I am helpless to you. It is hard to imagine that the endless world can surpass your life."

In the words of Green, let the world tree incarnate and smile.

“No one can understand why I am as happy as I am now, even if it is only a short period of freedom, I will experience the joy of being alive.”

Said, the world tree calmly said: "Some time ago, there was a deep apocalypse coming to me, but I was not interested in listening to it, just eating it and digesting it, huh, huh, maintaining the freedom of this fate lever magic wand, I Need to keep eating, it is delivered to the door."

Such a dignified, elegant, noble woman, even said such words, suddenly make people feel ashamed.

"Abyss Mozu?"

In the weirdness, it is taken for granted, Green said: "I am going to be a Zen, the king of the second generation of wizards will be assisted by you in this league, and the Wizarding Alliance will surely take it to the next level."

"What are your plans for the future?"

The world mother tree asked directly.

Green did not hesitate: "In addition to the upcoming covenant to establish the master plan for the demon wreckage, I will not interfere with the plan of the future wizard king, what is the responsibility for the Zen position? I also want to have the final peace. And, You are free to break the balance rule~www.novelmtl.com~I believe you also feel the will? Destiny lever magic wand comes with special effects, the existence of the fate lever magic wand is not bound to be ordinary, so You can't do it even if you want to hide yourself. As for me..."

After a little pause, Green said: "The last of these calm times, I can browse the endless world, and accompany me to my loved ones. I will accompany my soul partner to get out of the pain. When the wizard world is in danger, it will be the most Wonderful."

"Be a good shopkeeper? You are easy. I think the battle for the second generation of wizards will be fierce."

I also know that Green is busy, and now there are things to deal with. The world mother tree said: "Forget it, the messengers over there heard that you were bombed after returning to the wizarding world. The civilization that ruled the three world communities was an abyss in time. Be careful to discard the site after the war in the abyss."

After that, the world mother tree waved the hand of the destiny lever magic wand. For such a void, it is also a kind of boundless happiness.

Shaking his head, Green inadvertently looked down at his only right foot that had not yet completed the transformation of his mental strength. He looked at the small figure of the child's painting on the shoulder and sighed and continued to fly to the elemental space.

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