A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1945: Pattern (on)

In the past, the Bi Tao Zong was only the last small door.

Therefore, Green et al. only stayed in the moon and after a looting of the resources visible in the sacred gates of Zongmen, they left the Zongmen Shield under the river and continued to travel to find the ancestral spirits. Journey.

The blue waves of the river are rippling, the riverside grass is long, and the fog between the two sides of the river is filled with mist. Under the mist of the fluttering spirits, the faintly revealing some lush green shadows, if there are no birds and beasts, it is too quiet, but there is no Anything is wrong.

Before the canoe, Green turned and suddenly turned to the full of a ring of true spirit wizards, clouds, and small pity: "According to this world lost in the illusory fairyland fragments, the time after the disappearance of the immortal annihilation should have passed ten A few days around, and this time with..."

Speaking of this, Green paused and paused to look at Yunyun.

“It’s extremely inconsistent with your father’s time to flow into the wizarding world. Therefore, in addition to the core being destroyed and unable to complete the rule self-circulation, this fairy world fragment has been digested for quite a long time, and we are in this fairy world fragment. Internally, in addition to being bound by the rules of the inner world of this fairyland, it is also being digested by the rules of the endless world. This can be regarded as the strongest curse of the endless world, and it has been harmed unconsciously. Never be addicted. Among them, it is not known by the digestion of this dimension rule."


He was holding a cloud of orange-yellow fruit, and after a horror, he nodded.


Not to mention the king of the early generation of wizards, such as King Green, to explore the situation of Xianyu.

On the other hand, the wizarding world community has become the focus of many worlds after the collapse of the chaotic world.

The vast civilization that formed the three world communities in such a short period of time has already caused many civilizations to feel great threats. This is still in the current situation of the enemy of the abyss civilization.

In this way, the extraterrestrial civilization of the Wizarding World has kept the group visitors in constant stream.

"I am the world's messenger of the worldly group Illiwanaz, about the chaotic world and the exploration of the relics of the fairyland, your wizarding world must give an answer! The exploration of the sacred domain, why do you return to the wizard world, the black witch king And other exploration powers are exiled by the unparalleled power of time and space? Also, you must stop the invasion of the chaotic world group immediately, and your unscrupulous invasion has already made the wild world group feel badly malicious!"

Standing about ten meters tall, it seems to be long-term survival in extremely harsh environments. The edge of the skin's **** structure has been metallized. It is the natural physical evolution of a large number of rare metal minerals in the sand.

This creature has no conventional concepts such as hands and feet, but a strip of seemingly flexible reality is extremely hard to reach, and the hollow is like a wave pattern, probably in order to adapt to the long-term bad storms in the world.

The self-proclaimed wild world group Hilli Vanazzi, the world messenger, came to the wizarding world with only a dozen followers.

Crossing the long void, with or without advanced knowledge to build a mobile platform, the probability of survival of lower organisms is not high, but it becomes a burden.

Responsible for the reception of this wild messenger is the underground abyss Samsung true spirit wizard Ashura.

A custom-grade super-large virtual aircraft carrier parked outside the wizarding world became the reception room. The lower-level wizards who were guarded outside the village could feel the roar of the will of the golden inside, and the messenger who constantly questioned when the anger was abnormal. The Samsung Real Spirit Wizard showed a rather calm attitude, and the face was not moving, but the depth of the throat was full of "squeaky" gloomy laughter.

"Under the leadership of the king of the early wizards, the Wizarding World has become a big world of tolerance and harmony. Therefore, the Wizarding Union welcomes the participation of any interested parties and will not refuse any backward world to learn and grow because of the advanced nature of its own civilization. The opportunity. So in my opinion, the group of people who have just referred to the annexation of chaos is purely nonsense. It is absolutely nothing, only those chaotic small worlds that yearn for higher civilizations apply to join the Wizarding League."

With a squint of lie, Ashura’s proud posture is taken for granted.

After a pause, Ashura continued: "As for the exploration of the relics of the fairyland, the wizarding world is also a victim like you! The Black Witch King is indeed back. We don't deny this, but it is his old man who changed at a huge price. The freedom of returning, the sacrifices that his old people have paid for, is not something that you outsiders can understand. Also, the six-ring true spirit wizard who is the spiritual leader of the wizarding world, is also unfortunately killed and completely lost in Xianyu. The eternal turmoil of time and space."

Just a pair of proud gestures, of course, only a few words of effort, Ashura was replaced with sadness, tears.

Such changes have been too hypocritical to deal with, or the sorcerer's will of the Samsung sorcerer's representative is only blocking the mouths of these visitors, and has been disdainful to explain too much.

"It’s all victims. Who is the sadness of our wizarding world? Who told me? Tell me about it! That is the fairyland, once entered the world of civilization, the world of witches is different from this, exploring this civilization. Relics, since they are expeditions, should have a dangerous consciousness while eager for great benefits."

As a result of Ashura, the messenger from the world of the wild world, Hilliwanaz, was dumbfounded.

Although this group is not civilized with wisdom, it can be as shameless as Ashura, and the conspiracy that is almost on the bright side is said to be a victim, and it is not completely silent.


The messenger who came to the wizarding world to talk about it~www.novelmtl.com~ is not only a wild world group, but also the messenger of the Iron Star World group that has visited the Wizarding World Group, naturally.

"The Queen has already completed negotiations with the Quanzu World Group. The Quanzuzu of the Quanzu World Group have signed a good contract and joined the alliance against the abyssal world, eradicating this infinitely expanding evil world that threatens the survival and development of the endless world. This is the instrument and contract. Now, the Wizards Alliance has signed a contract to fight against the abyss world. For the sake of the overall situation, please don't put the extra Legion into the meaningless war of the chaotic world group."

The elders of the iron and blood eloquently said that in order to take care of the overall situation, it was hard to suppress the anger of their hearts.

The one who is responsible for receiving the elders is the Black Witch King!

After looking at the paperwork and the contract, the black witch king threw it aside, and a pair of dead fish eyes looked at the iron metal elder helmet, "桀桀桀桀" evil hoarse smiled: "The king of the early wizards is exploring the truth in the unknown void world. Righteousness, even if we are difficult to contact, the documents and the contract are first placed here. After the return of the king of the early wizards, I will present them for the first time, and ask him to decide. As for the chaotic world group, you don't have to worry about it. ”

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