A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1944: Xianyu (9)


The yellow sand is long and the desert is boundless.

After the wind whistle, the clouds in the desert formed a huge vortex, and then after a pair of large hands opened the space sandwich, after the dark space and time fault, the pale face monsters with three eyes squeezed in.

Green, Xiao Ba, painted skin as an alien invader, descended on the chessboard.

Although it is an infinite desert, it is another sign in the eyes of these adventurers of higher dimensions.

For the infinite desert of the chess piece, for the green wearing the truth, the foot is the rule of the interweaving of countless immortals, and it is also the grid of the chessboard, constraining the planning of time and space in a specific way, for such rules After a moment of observation, Green felt something.

"A box."

After the murmur, Green's right hand balances the magic wand slightly, and the milky white spot drowns the crowd.

Xiao Ba and painted skin do not know about this. Therefore, Green’s behavior is to turn everyone into the existence of the time and space of the box world. It is not a chess piece in the chessboard, as if it is a dimensional gap phenomenon.

This is the bystander world of the game.

Sand, sand, sand, sand, sand.

After a few moments, several monsters riding on the giant snakes were intertwined from all directions and along the specific rules of the chessboard. The snakes were of different lengths, the shortest was only three or four meters, the thick and the strong, the black and the longest. More than 50 meters in length, the body is covered with a layer of pink poisonous mist, making a "squeaky" sound.

"What happened? I have just noticed unusual fluctuations here, but I have not found traces of evil spirits. Is it a heterogeneous chaos?"

The monster riding on the shortest and thickest snake also has "tick" and "tick" flowing mucus, and a green long knife attached to the right arm. The thick body is almost a ball, condensing his own back. It seems that although the strength is clumsy, the wide forehead wrinkles a few lines.

"Those evil spirits who act against the sky have been resorting frequently. Recently, they are not allowed to be colluded by those who are not allowed by the heavens. Our duty is to maintain the ecological balance of the endless desert!"

The creatures on the giant gods stayed for a while and then dispersed.

As a high-latitude creature, the onlookers of the chessboard, even the skin of Green, and so on, also possess the dimensional dimension consciousness that these low-latitude creatures can hardly reach.

"The immortal should be completely extinct. Although there are some immortal wills here, it is only a guinea pig that acts according to internal rules. It is not those immortals."

Xiao Ba said.

"I know that."

After Green responded with a voice, the truth balance magic wand waved in the hands, and a few people fluctuated in time and space and appeared on the top of the BOSS head of the strongest player in the chessboard. It is still quietly observed from the perspective of the viewer of the high-dimensional dimension creature. This chess piece.

The lower body is already integrated with the thousands of rules in the chessboard. Only the free body of the upper body is free, and the lower body is the chessboard itself. Therefore, in theory, this giant snake can appear anywhere on the surface of the board, according to the rules of the board. The setting, although it is the founder's will of the board, the incarnation of the inside of the board, the rules of the self-circulation of the board, but it must also abide by the rules set by itself, it is only the strongest creature in this board.

"The Heavenly Snake should represent the understanding of Tiandao in Bitao Zongmen, the heaven in the chessboard, but it is not the embodiment of Bitaozong's will."

From Green's personal point of view, this snake represents the power of Bi Taozong for Heaven, and it is also the wizard's understanding of the fate of truth. Bi Tao is far less than himself.

Truth balance magic wand milk white spot again shaking, wrapped Green, small eight, painted leather, a squat, came to a cave.

As a high-latitude creature, Green et al. ignored the barriers of cave walls and so on.

In the perception of several people, these are just the world composed of immortals. These immortals are the composition of the world for the creatures that adapt to it inside and based on this, but for the endless world dimension. The source rune Green et al. is just a phantom of words, even solid, gaseous, and liquid are not considered, a layer of blindness.

Therefore, several people ignored all barriers, like wall paintings, and like light and light, better like some incomprehensible ghosts in biographical novels.


The old bat hanging upside down on the top of the cave opened his blood red eyes for no reason. From its eyes, it seemed to reveal infinite squats, and it was more meticulously observed. It seemed to be instinctively aware of some abnormalities, and the body did not come from an unreasonable one.

"Who is it? High latitude creature?"

The question of the bat, its way of willing communication, is really low-level, and can only barely simulate some ways of communication of the endless world dimension. Most of the skills are derived from the fairy language in the chessboard, not mentioning the incomparable consciousness of Green itself. The degree of ridiculous consciousness of its application alone is like the blood of a baby.

Obviously, it is much weaker than the Heavenly Snake, but it can detect the observation and peeping of Green and others. It is indeed different!

"Well, this is the sustenance of the consciousness of the immortal. The practitioner who breaks through the heavens is generally not fundamentally different from the wizard."

Green seems to look through the pages of the book or a jade that the real wizard says, looking at the way the bat is constructed.

This is the essence of Bi Taozong!

"Hey, do you want to take it out and study it slowly?"

Xiao Ba pointed out that naturally, after leaving this place, he took the chess piece directly as a chess player at a high latitude.

Shaking his head, Green lowered his way: "There is no need, the closer to the endless dimension of the endless world dimension, the more the creatures like to study the dimension dimension, and the more they see it, the value of this board lies in its integrity, not This immortal will."

"Yeah, I mean to put all the chessboards together!"

A little silence, Green reached out to the palm of his hand and pointed at the old bat body. He walked a few fairy tales. The insignificant thing did not cause the abnormality of the old bat. Just after another chill, the old bat was suspicious, but I am not sure whether it is really abnormal or not.

This is the absolute overriding gap between different dimensions of biology.

“After all, it’s just a test, just like for those high-latitude creatures.”

Green sighed, the milky white spot once again wrapped a few people, the time and space fluctuated, and after countless immortals were squeezed out, Green, Xiao Ba, and painted skin came to the bottom of the chessboard world, endless ant colonies.

"Many, really sad and poor ants, can only walk in the plane and the microbes, even if the snakes are only floating on this paper, these ants will relapse and notice their existence, let alone us! For these ants Words, we are afraid of terrible creatures that have transcended God and transcended all their imaginations."

The densely packed ant colony squirms, and the rules of the top of the head are like a thin piece of paper. Just above these ants, it seems that the three-dimensional creatures may go up at any time, but for these two-dimensional biological ants, it is the separation between heaven and humans. .

After a while, Green’s tri-color light suddenly said: “There is a variation there.”

It turned out to be an ant. It seemed to be conscious. He climbed onto the backs of two ants and made a gesture of wanting to go to heaven. However, to disappoint Green, the ant's variation only lasted for a short time. After all, it was just a fleeting aura. I didn’t stick to it and put it into practice to change my destiny.

"Forget it, hundreds of millions of variations, in order to have an ant and an ant to persist, low-latitude creatures want to affect high-latitude creatures, how simple."

Green said, he drew a circle on the ground.

And this so-called painting a circle, but in the way of high-latitude biological influences on the fairy tales, in this endless bland, there is a bulge, if it is an unconscious child Where can I do it.

But it is such an insignificant means~www.novelmtl.com~ For these ants, it is an incomprehensible miracle. It seems to be "less" a time and space, separated by unknown means, from their own The perception disappeared.

After some ants around the area realized this, they consciously tried to think with the tentacle perception.

And Lin is looking from the circle to the bottom, the boundless and unclear chaos, and the absurd imaginary rules, all sorts of strange interweaving, the small eight "嘎" scream: "Dimensions gap!?"


The face of Green Truth sneered: "It's not that simple, but I have left a back door here! Even this kind of small door has this means. Those large sects do not know what strange things are in order to fight against the heavens. However, although the dimensional gap is theoretically a compartment between high and low latitudes, since ancient times, only the secondary esophagus, the infinite microscopic, and the virtual vertical and horizontal three gates have never had the secondary esophagus option. This is a desperate road."

As said, Green easily flattened the circle, and the time and space that the two-dimensional ant had just lost was back.

Such a miracle, let some ants with independent thinking ability have some unusual behavior.

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