A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1895: Little Emperor and Skynet

In a short period of time, thousands of information about the Kunming behemoths appeared in front of Green, but after a little analysis by Green, most of them were false intelligences of low-level wizards blinded by appearances.

According to the records of the ancient eleventh ring true spirits, every Kunming behemoth is even extraordinarily large in size, and it is hidden under the continental plate all the year round, taking the hardest rock in the big floor block for food, and the extraterrestrial starburst shock wave. And the falling thunder is the way of survival, constantly tempering its own shell, and gradually growing into a terrible giant that can cross the void.

Because he is in a deep sleep all year round, in the long years, the sleeping bottom is almost motionless, and the body is passively subjected to the Thunder explosion and the starburst shock wave quenching again and again. The hardness is unbelievable, and it is difficult for the average creature to cause damage.

It is such a static creature, but it has an unparalleled perception of the power of the trajectory of everything.

Not to mention the fact that even if the creatures at this time really exist in the world of witches, even if they exist, they are hidden in the characteristics of the mainland plate all the year round, and they are often sleepy in the era of the era, even ordinary low-level creatures I really found the trace of the Kunming monster in the underground, I am afraid that it will also be regarded as the crust rock circle, because it is too large, it is difficult for low-level creatures to explore its whole picture, so Green screened out 9%. Ten intelligence information.

After the comparison of the remaining intelligence information, Greene once again excluded most of them, leaving only a dozen or so worth exploring, but in terms of Green's heart, there is almost no hope.

Suddenly, with a cold, breathless atmosphere behind him, the endless desperate darkness overwhelmed, Green stopped the matter.

"Hey, the thing you are looking for, I have accidentally discovered a few."

The hoarse evil voice, as if it was squeezed out from the depths of the throat, in the black smoke, a horrible wizard who is full of extreme evil, violence, coldness, unpredictability, and uncertainty, walks step by step, and is a black witch king!

However, Green's influence on the Black Witch's will is not disguised.

The lines on the wings of the night and the night have long been known to the black witch king's whereabouts, so it is easy to open the magic ban and entanglement, let him come in behind him.


Minorly, Green didn't expect to be the first to get valuable clues from the Black Witch King. With the height and insight of the Black Witch King's life level, naturally, there would be no mistakes like a low-level wizard.

"where is it?"

Green couldn't wait to ask, even turned around for this, three different colors of eyes looked at the shadow between the dark clouds.

"Hey, when I came back from the chaotic world group last time! In the void, there are about a dozen of these creatures mating. It happened that I was in a bad mood, I was upset, and I killed it." I don't know if there is still a chaotic world group now. But if you are really eager to find this kind of creature, you should be faster. Its body is a very precious resource for the ever-expanding Skynet robot."

Speaking of it, the Black Witch King actually projected from the shadows in a way of reappearance of consciousness that when he crossed the void, he and the large number of Kunming demons passed through the scene.

It can be seen that the black witch king’s mood at that time was indeed in an extremely poor state.

The Black Witch King and the dozens of island-like behemoths are at least separated by a half-world distance. These Kunming monsters have a life level of four to six. Obstructing the Black Witch King, but after the Black Witch King discovered a sudden blow, the Black River rushed down, and then the Black Witch King did not look at it and rushed to the deeper void.

With the rules of the Black Witch King's Yellow Spring Nether River, presumably these are only the creatures at the level of the world's main world. Even the Kunming monsters, which are known for their vitality, should be fierce and sorrowful.

"Chaotic world group, good! To find the specific coordinates of these Kunming monsters, I will first arrange the follow-up development army of the Wizarding World Group on the Diablo World, draw up the expansion rules of the Wizarding League on the Diablo World, and then go to chaos. The world group is looking for the Kunming monsters, and will also clean up the Skynet there with the light of Vantage Quantum!"

After a pause, Green waved and waved: "Your injury is not light. If you don't have the reserve, you will slowly recover from the wizarding world. Some time ago, there was a deep abyss civilization and no sorcerer came in, and I don't know if there is any later. You are also responsible for guarding the wizarding world."

After that, Green Ray's flashing element teleported and disappeared in the secret room, and the black witch king suffered from the trauma. Green also knew that a black witch king without a omnipotent soul had no foundation, although it was powerful, but lost the truth. The spirit dominates the thickness of life that is indispensable.

Previously Green called for the return of the Emperor Quantum's light, in order to cope with the regularized illusory world, the Tianwang will be released by Green, and let the Emperor Quantum's light cover its infection.

Although in the illusory world of all kinds of absurd and strange rules, the Skynet Robotics Corps is almost impossible to develop, but Green sent the Emperor Quantum Light in the past to just test the killing power of this Vantage Quantum Light on Skynet. However, the intention is not the independent will of Skynet in that illusory world, but the independence of Skynet in the chaotic world community.

Jumping to the bottom of the abyss Samsung San Diego, Green took out the crystal ball, cast a variety of time and space blessing witch surgery, sneak into the illusory world!

After leaving the Black Witch King, Green continued to fan the night and night wings with elemental teleportation, while glimpsing the regularized world of hiding the incomplete parts from the Dark Portal of the Dark God.

As the most primitive point of destruction of the Dark Portal, the dark door of the regularized illusory world has long been broken, and the sacred ancestor will have left the control of this illusory world with the broken dark door.

Vantage Quantum Light, as an extraterrestrial creature that comes out of thin air, is fighting the Tian Net of the native world.

"As the Guardian of Skynet developed by Einstein~www.novelmtl.com~ The guardian of the new man, the reason why Skynet surrendered to the will of the new man with almost no use at all, relying on this bunch of Vantage Quantum Technology The light, every civilization has its own historical pride."

Between the sighs, the Green Crystal Ball has already presented a scene in the deep fantasy world.

On the one hand, the combat robot that Skynet can control is full of the most primitive mechanical computing survival mode, cold and ruthless, killing all living creatures, all in order to maximize the exploitation and utilization of material energy resources.

The other side is the light-controlled combat robot of Vantage Quantum Technology.

These combat robots seem to have been added to the soul by the light of Vantage Quantum. They have their own local intranet independent thinking consciousness. Although they also plunder the material energy resources as their own way of existence, they will also consider the survival of other organisms. Reproduction, as much as possible to achieve a certain degree of harmonious coexistence.

This is the essential difference between the two!

However, the most fearful thing for Skynet is that in the Skynet, Vantage Quantum Light is not the cute appearance in the eyes of ordinary creatures, but a series of codes, no code to prevent defense, in the robot, the Terminator Legion. Any firewall, in front of it is only a matter of time, and will eventually be completely covered by it, become its tool.

And what controls it is Skynet’s newest human being who hates hatred.

"According to the wizard's world time, it seems that there will be a few years before the end of the battle. Since the light power of Vantage Quantum Technology has been determined, the trip to the chaotic world will be relieved."

Muttered to himself, Green closed the crystal ball light curtain and flew at full speed to the underground abyss Samsung Santa.

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