A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1894: Going home

Andersimo has walked all the way, the world of wizards is incredibly prosperous, and the world of wizards in memory is simply different. At one time, the mood is extremely complicated.

One side is excited!

The Wizarding World, which is built around the rules of the Wizarding King, is welcoming unprecedented unity, harmony, power, and unity. The Wizarding Alliance is full of positive upward momentum. Under the wave of such a civilized explosion, the life of ordinary wizards can be used almost. It is described as ever-changing. If you do not actively absorb the most new wave of knowledge, you will soon be left behind by the exhibition of the Wizarding World.

The other side is extremely regrettable.

In the most glorious and prosperous period of the wizarding world, there is no ink of its own. In such ridiculous reason, it endures day after day, feels the crush of the whole endless world dimension, and constantly digests itself. The kind of unprecedented loneliness and fear surrounds myself all the time. In the face of the whole dimension, he is so small and insignificant.

Greatness begins with smallness, greatness is small and small!

After leaving Green, Anderse Seymour went through a long trek to a wizarding school called the Star Enlightener.

Today's wizarding world is no longer the original layout in Anthony's memory. The purpose of the wizarding school is to create greenhouses and protect fragile human beings.

In this era of the whole sorcerer, the sorcerers have a long life and a strong cross-regional ability. Therefore, the small villages and small towns that have been used have become history. The sorcerers who no longer rely on limited natural resources are pursuing higher knowledge. Concentrated on the major wizarding colleges, Santa districts, and improve themselves.

The size of this star enlightenment wizard school is only in the face of the third civilization war, even the wizard schools of the top sacred sorcerers can not match, but in the era of the whole sorcerer, it was created. miracle.


The sky* is moored with hundreds of virtual airships. These nearly kilometer spaceships are now fully popular in the wizarding world. It is not surprising that some wealthy wizards even have private warships.

Shadow casts, Andsimo is like a country, like walking on the streets full of technology and mystery, neon exhibitions, people coming and going.

"Master, the best fire spar in the shadow mystery world, the imitation of the Xiahe Civilization Titan Heart Energy Controller, B+ level simulation, maximum power 45oo, is there any interest!?"

The screaming salesman in the shop is just a condensed whole street.

"Last month, the government sold a batch of seven-ring holy tower hunting magic space, today opened, each cubic meter of 120,000 magic stones, gifted demon magic transmission array, you can charge the hunting magic space decoration loan, the interest rate only needs 3 percent Five, there are multiple mysterious gifts, and now you can also enjoy the hunting magic armed package, a lot of opportunities, first come first served!"

The skyrocketing of the Wizarding World Hunting Space has caused many wizard families who opened up exotic markets and opened new products to abandon their traditional business. They have gathered funds to squeeze into the hunting space market, hoping to run the devaluation of the witches. Degrees, it is best to make a cup of sputum, which has affected the exhibition of the creativity of the wizarding world.

In this way, the Hunter Space Promoter is now a formal occupation, just like the general presence of the College Tutor.

After the rest of the month, he was basically adapted to the world of the wizards. In all kinds of legends about the Battle of the Third Civilization and the King of the Wizards, Andr Seymour embarked on a journey to find the four-sister Lilith.

Five years later.

Sanctuary Santa, Frost Sighs Wizarding Academy.

"Two brothers!"

Come to find Andes Seymour of the four-sister Lilith, the first thing I saw was the sorcerer who was also old-fashioned, the two-round sorcerer!

At this time, Hessian was next to a third-level wizard and raised his eyelids. The eyes were like the squats that sucked the soul into the side. He said to the side of the bear wizard: "This is your third division, Green Master is the most proud." Disciple, once the great destruction of the wizard Andre Seymour, now..."

Halfway through the story, He was stunned and continued: "Now the wizarding world is a real wizard!"


After Andersi’s rituals, he looked at the three-level sorcerer’s witch next to Heisuo’s body. The witches were looking at their own sly look, ignoring the shock and complexity of the black scorpion. Take out a card man specimen.

"This is a strange specimen I have collected during my journey and I will give it to you."

Lilith is famous for refining witchcraft and possesses a strong knowledge of forbidden enchantment. It is a make up for Green's defects in this respect. After taking the gift of Andersi's gift, her hands are shining. Curious and wide-eyed, unable to study.

"Thank you for the third division!"

I can see that Lilith likes this precious specimen.

"It is indeed a very interesting creature. It seems that the younger brothers have experienced a lot in the past years. I have felt the magical fluctuations of the vast sea, and the incredible baptism of the time, even longer than me and the mentor!"

From the sound of the black cable, it seems to have heard some meaning.

The bitter smile shook his head, and Anderse Seymour said: "What is the vastness of the sea, the magical fluctuations, compared to the mentor is nothing but a mention, as for this time fluctuations, not to mention."

The relationship between the two, to be honest, is not a harmonious, the internal comparison has far passed the pride of the same door.

"The Demon Hunt has been moved, and the Demon Hunting Corps will win the Diablo World in the near future. It will soon start a new journey. The rule of the Wizarding King believes that you also understand that the first wizard of the wizard can only be the king of the wizard. For two consecutive years, now because of your return, it seems that the battle for the king of the second generation is complicated."

The voice was low, and Hessau said that he had already left.

Anderse Seymour calmly dealt with all this. Without too much words, he could finally have time to accompany the younger sister who had never met before he left.

A few years later.

A ring of real spirits finds Andre Seymour, the crisis about the vast amount of witches in the wizarding world is in front of Anderse Seymour~www.novelmtl.com~ In the expectation of a true spiritual wizard, Anderse Seymour exhibited Breaking the rules, it is easy to create a piece of space debris, which is equivalent to shaping a temporary time and space magic wizard!

These space debris only need to be simply supported by the energy of the Santa, and fixed the coordinates of the hunting altar, so that it can become a fragment of the hunter space that the wizarding world has already speculated.

In this way, a ring of real spirits and Ansimo jointly teamed up to create more space for the demon space, in the face of the battle of the demon sorcerer space debris recycling renovation, to secure the trust of massive witches, station Behind the wizarding world, slowly control the operation of the wizard currency, supporting the Wizards World Hunting Expedition.

The Diablo World News came one after another, and the journey was nearing its end. The Diablo World was completely occupied by the infinitely powerful and horrible wizarding corps legend.

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