A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1883: Rule world system

From the very beginning, when he simply wanted to destroy the goal of the darkness, Green gradually became the unique pleasure of this absurd illusory world.

Because at the level of truth rules in this illusory world, the highest rules are almost always parallel.

There is no intersection, there is no encounter, just like the endless world balance rules and the rules of the general, parallel but interact with each other, so Green as the world will, with the few high rules theory, there will be almost no direct contact with any nature. But the war never stops.

Although there is no contact, after years of exploration, and the face of truth as an aid, Green will never be like the rule of other avatars. It is almost ignorant of other similarities and can only be indirectly through spokespersons. Get the reward.

This is also one of Green's biggest advantages.

Green has been able to clearly perceive the highest rules, a total of six.

Two of them need not be said more, naturally it is the beginning of the ancestors and the hundred ancestors.

The beginning of the ancestors is the operation of the rules of the human president in the new era, and the rule of darkness controls the supreme space rules of this illusory world, while the sacred ancestors are the time rules governing the world with the sun clock, and The material energy world is parallel.

In addition to the four, two of them are dominated by the local world, and are the highest rules or true gods produced by the local world.

One represents the Eastern faith, and the other represents the Western faith. It is a rule that is unfounded from the collective consciousness of human beings. In another aspect, it affects the functioning of human society. At the same time, these two gods can also be regarded as no beginning. The **** of the dark ancestors!

The remaining two supreme rules, one of which should be the existence of the rule of probability of grasping the sudden strain, similar to fate or probability, can not be clarified, can not perceive its true essence. The last one is a flash from the outside of the planet, and Green can't understand more.

The world contained in this illusory world is too vast and complex, and it is the most "realistic" illusory world in all the illusory worlds that Green sees and recognizes!

In addition, between the highest rule of true God and the s-class capable, there is actually a form of life that can be called a false god.

The power of the pseudo-god is generally similar to that of the s-level capable of controlling the artifact, or slightly weaker.

They also exist as rules. They are also invisible and inferior. Although they are influenced by the highest rules and have considerable independence, they can come directly to the human world in the form of container carriers, but they will face the danger of being killed and thus replaced. The qualitative change of lower life forms.

In short, compared to the supreme rule can only be weakened and sealed, in the framework of the illusory rule world is almost eternal, these pseudo-god is the level between the true **** and the s-class power, with the evolution to the highest rule Potential, Green suspects that the supreme rule that represents the nature of random probabilities comes from this!

"The fundamental rule of this illusory world is the evolution of the living body that fits the rules. It has completely fallen into the field of goodness of the beginning of the ancestors."

It must be said that the evolutionary way of conforming to the rules, although named by the wizard as the more than eight levels of existence, is inherently different than the nine-level creatures that the wizards have clearly recorded, even higher latitude creatures!


the other side.

Yu Fan, who masters the stick of hope, has almost a hundred and fifty percent increase in strength, and has become one of the most peak of the s-class ability. After defeating several well-known s-class abilities. In the gray world system, it became famous, and soon joined the digital investors under the lure of profiteering, and opened the first Wudou contest!

For the winner's bonus award, the senior abilities will not have any interest, but with the appearance of the reward of the artifact of the hope, it is not only the high-level ability of the ordinary meaning, but also the s-level ability. Even the two major artifact families have come to the fore, and it is necessary to compete fiercely against this artifact called the Pot of Hope.

Although the Wudou Conference was held between the Alliance of Competent Persons Associations, some video materials were still flowing out. This is the first time that the ability has appeared in the public eye, especially the Yufan’s wish stick that is trying to rule the world. In the end of the battle, the last hope of the rod was taken away by a hidden name.

Yu Fan is dead, everything is over?

No, he left the rules!

Moreover, in this illusory world, as long as Green wants to think, there is no real death in the sense...

The Wudou Conference was inherited. The unseen master who had not forgotten for hundreds of years, after finally obtaining the stick of hope, finally saw the road of God. The simplest way is to stand. In the power of world power, with absolute power to control order, forcing those true gods to admit themselves, then they will become the embodiment of the rules and become the new true God!

If there is no Green's induction through the stick of hope, I am afraid no one will believe it.

It was with such ambition that the second martial arts conference began.

A conspiracy gathering that attempted to declare war on the world government order eventually collapsed under the contest between the righteous and the evil. The hope that the scepter disappeared after the end of the war is a mystery.

Up to now, the Wudou Conference has become the focus of attention of all capable people. Even if there is no clear organizer, the Wudou Conference has become the benchmark for each capable person to verify his own strength. In the case of the third martial arts conference, it caused great security confusion.

There is no way, in line with the principle of blocking the leakage, the world government has announced that it will unite the two major artifact families to hold the fourth public welfare contest!

But the result...

An extremely powerful pseudo-god can't help but entice and confuse, trying to take away two artifacts, accepting the real body with a container of a-level ability, attending the conference, killing an artifact family s-level ability and taking away artifacts in public. Based on this, another figure is taken away. Although it was eventually killed by many contestants, in fact, everyone knows that if it is not a space-level warship, it will succeed if it is a main gun. It is.

Behind this so-called class-level warship is the direct will of the rules of the beginning of the dark ancestors!

In this way, with the repeated fights of the martial arts conferences~www.novelmtl.com~ The human desire for the world president seems to be getting weaker and weaker. On the contrary, those heroes are becoming more and more public, once s-class capable. Constantly being more and more, more and more s-class capable people are trying to break the record of the past. The pseudo-god is no longer an incomparable existence that can reverse the rules of the dark world order. The number of s-level capable people on the bright side is already After two hundred, people have to increase the ss level and sss level to distinguish between the strengths and weaknesses. The three major artifacts have also become seven artifacts.

In this way, it has been eight hundred years.

People seem to have long been accustomed to the tempering transformation of the planet, and forget the catastrophic natural disaster a thousand years ago. The president of the world has been degraded from absolute authority to the political negotiation object of ordinary humans and capable people. The boundary between the old and the new era Will it be opened here?


Ps: The second is nine.

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