A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1882: 3 artifact family?

"Ah! Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring..."

Yu Fan was awakened again by that strange nightmare.

The strange three-color eyes frequently appear in their own dreams, telling themselves something that they simply don't understand. Generally speaking, they have some extraordinary consciousness. As long as they promise him something, they can gain extraordinary strength.

Extraordinary consciousness, extraordinary power?

Yu Fan has also heard that in this world, in addition to the normal social order that the government, the military, the entrepreneurs, and the civilians should have on the face, there are still some people who have the ability to master extraordinary strengths. It is a genetic mutation, or an alien variation, or an ancient inheritance, or a strange technique.

In short, there are always some unusual events in the world, but in the end they will be covered up in various ways by the government.

"These disgusting parasites."

The former home has been washed away by the flood. The new home is in a 75-storey building overlooking the people who traveled. Yu Fan actually gave birth to a vomiting feeling that the mother of the planet was crowded with dense parasites. He had intensive phobia. Chilling, can't wait to use the most deadly insecticides to extinct these worms, and the planet mother's original pure space.


The breeze has passed, and the end of the world is in the midst of a catastrophic natural disaster, but this end is so beautiful, but the major billboards have been replaced with the slogan of the planetary transformation plan.

The death of the world president has made people more steadfast in this plan. It seems that whoever opposes this plan and who is the enemy of the world.

Yu Fan faintly feels that there is an invisible hand in the lead of all this life, the world government is being controlled by the big hand in the palm of the hand, and he is a negligible piece!

"Believe this world, the world will give you endless power!"

This is a muttering in the unknown way directly in Yu Fan’s soul consciousness. It seems to have a certain hypnotic and magical effect. Yu Fan’s eyes are gradually blurred, and even staggered to the window sill and stood up, under the body. A frame of anti-gravity locomotives drove through, causing shocks of "嗡", "嗡", and "嗡".

Unprecedented intimacy, in the perception of Yu Fan, the air is like a flat, the once hard and hard earth is like jelly, even breathing, the wind and rain can be dispatched at any time, the Thunder can infuse yourself to live stronger.

"咻", Yu Fan jumped down...

A few days later.

Led by several abilities, Yu Fan was exposed to the Alliance of Competence Associations and obtained formal membership after initially demonstrating his first-class power.

A few months later.

The annual assessment of the ability association, the first time to participate in the assessment of Yu Fan has become an extremely rare a-level ability in the league, if it is not because the s-level assessment requires specific conditions and a-level ability to vote for the union, maybe Yufan Can be successfully promoted to the highest level of s-level ability.

The association paid great attention to this sudden emergence.

As a class A ability, Yu Fan's normal life has not changed on the surface, but because of his special status, he will participate in some special tasks that are absolutely confidential to ordinary people and obtain a very high status.

Thus, Yu Fan opened the life of the protagonist of the novel, calm, calm, abstinence, courage, and continuous encounters and achievements. The prestige in the dark side of the society is getting higher and higher, and the width of the field of vision is wider and wider, but it is absolutely large. Most of the time, he still lives as a normal person.

These tasks are of course carried out among various contradictory groups.

Although the world is unified, it is still divided into hundreds of large and small state groups, as well as alien base capital groups and alien aliens...

Gradually, Yu Fan touched some deeper things.

This rule of the human society, the ruler behind the big network, is by no means a world presidential authority. It is not an alliance of capable associations that are capable of fighting s-class fighters, but an ancient mysterious institution that masters the operation of capital. The depth affects all aspects of the world, and even the Alliance of Competence Associations is run by this institution.

Five years later.

Yu Fan, who relies on his outstanding ability, has finally won the opportunity of five a-level competency after gaining unparalleled prestige, and he has the opportunity to achieve s-level ability.

The s-class ability, there are only twenty or thirty in the entire human society, they are all monsters capable of independently fighting the class battleship, the top of the dark order pyramid!

However, Yu Fan at this time knows that although the s-level ability has a generational change with the a-level ability, but in the so-called s-level ability, there is a ratio s, a, B, c, d, The e-level adds up to the level of qualitative change, God level!

These gods are the real existence of the control of the world!

They are intangible and intangible. They have become another form of life. They are even unable to communicate with ordinary people. Ordinary people do not even have the qualification to communicate with them. They can only find the spokespersons of the world to convey their will.

The will of the planet that he guards is one of the gods!

In this way, how to get closer to the power of God is the s-level ability of everything, and the dark order of the world is also the root of this.

Two hundred years later!

In the silent war with human society, Green has completely defeated the battle of the planetary transformation plan, and is in a comprehensive disadvantage. It seems that in the next millennium, the computer will be controlled by human consciousness, and then the new rule of computer rule will be used. The era will completely replace the influence of the world will on the rules. On the surface, Green's consciousness will also be completely sealed by the seal of the darkness in this illusory world.

“Can you use this nuclear arsenal of a backward country to clear this dirty world?”

Green as the world will, the people in the mouth of the meditation, the strength of the real God is greatly limited, asked Yufan.

"Under the binding of nuclear weapons, coupled with the era of universalization of this highly informative and comprehensive awareness education, no country dares to do so. If the nuclear war is forcibly pushed, I can also influence one or two small countries to fight nuclear war, but for the overall situation. But it doesn't help."

Greenton paused and said: "Where is the clone riot? Do the clones who exist as organ transplanters always have some turmoil?"

"No, recently the world president is submitting a motion calling for the abolition of the clone program, which will be replaced by local organ culture of nutrient solution, and the former clones will be free."

"The viruses that target human genetic defects, are there..."

One after another, the hope is shattered. There is no progress for the time being. Is it only waiting for the insects to sprout?

Just as Green was in silence, Yu Fan suddenly said: "I know that one way can meet your requirements and erase the highest world presidential position."

"any solution?"

Green couldn't wait to ask.

"As long as you give me more strength~www.novelmtl.com~ An artifact that can match the sun's spear and the ring of darkness, I can use this as an opportunity to hold a competency conference and arouse the world's strongest people. The challenge to the presidential order!"

The so-called sun spear and the ring of darkness are the projections of the sun clock and the dark door under the gift of the spokesperson of the sacred ancestors, and the s-class capable of holding two artifacts. Artifact family.

Three artifacts?


"Good! Take this wish stick. With this artifact, you should be able to compete with the two artifact families, and hold the conference to stir up the challenges of the world's strong people to social order!"

Green lowered the balance of magic balance magic wand!

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