A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1877: 0诡圣祖

"Well! Smell, a strong breath."

A monster that is enchanting, grotesque, hot, and violent, has a black scale, a black tobacco on the top of the skull, and apricot eyes on the forehead. Each eye has different abilities, and the fangs are cruelly laughing. With.

The monster has a long fork-like weapon, and the other hand has a sun clock, which is a sneer.

I have been waiting here for a long time, and the Dark Portal continues to draw the dark world rules into the secondary esophagus. The Dark Holy Fathers are not aware of it, so they secretly send the Bailu Holy Father to pursue the trace of the beginning of the ancestors. Finally, after receiving the information of the beginning of the ancestors, he was ordered to wait here.

Wait patiently, the hundred ancestors finally waited for the result!

In the cruel laughter of the hundred sacred ancestors, a deep blue throat screamed and spit out a blue-gray long snake.

Surprisingly, this blue-gray long snake is made up of more small snakes like a hemp rope. There is no trace of light in the dark eyes. After the blue-green snake is spit out, the right hand is long fork. One point, to finish the finishing touch, put a pupil on the blue-grey snake's eyes.


Spit the core, the blue-gray long points cleared the direction of the loss, and kept circling.

In the special space-time structure of the Dark Portal, the blue-gray long snake seems to be part of the rule of darkness and space. As the blue-gray long snake keeps spinning, the center of the vortex eye, a core of the altar to the dark world The space-time tunnel at that time gradually formed.

"Or are you responsible for guarding? Come in and work!"

Diablo hit the altar, and there are several ancestors stationed all the year round. Among them, there will be one of the top ancestors of the ancestors. Now the dark flames have been levied, so the one who stays here is the ancestral ancestors.

"Cough and cough, true spirit wizard?"

The shadow ancestors rose from the edge of the altar, and the dark mist shrouded the figure and jumped to the dark altar.

In contrast to the blue-gray long snake in the Dark Portal, a half-human and half-streaked gray stone statue on the dark altar, secreting a drop of dew on the statue, slowly flowing down, revealing a strange and strange taste, seems to be some kind of body odor The faint room can see the vitality contained in the dew, and countless tiny microbes swim in these dewdrops.

Suddenly, the statue half-man half-decorated bluestone statue actually said: "Who are you?"

"Who is the shadow of the ancestors, who are you?"

The scale of the dark altar is not large, at least compared to the altars of the sacred world. It is a small witch, but compared to the altar of the wizarding world, the dark altar is full of strangeness. The quirky statue, this half-man and half-baked statue is just one of them.

"Who is the shadow of the ancestors, who are you?"

"Who is the shadow of the ancestors, who are you?"

"Who is the shadow of the ancestors, who are you?"

As the half-man and half-bow statues repeat the words one after another, from the bottom up, the shadow ancestors were petrified little by little.

There are five holy ancestors guarded by the altar. The other four also want to cross the altar to enter the dark door, but they are stopped by the shadow sage.

"You stayed behind to protect this place, and now those spiritual wizards have invaded the main body 6, just in case."

Hey, hey.

Between the words, the head of the shadow ancestor has also been thoroughly petrified, standing on the altar and posing like a statue.


The Gate of Darkness.

Infused with eternal time, the interior of the Dark Portal is like a giant pipe that exists through the material energy world and the deep illusory world. The life body that controls it will gain the ability to ignore the space energy world and the illusory world, and will unconditionally display it. All kinds of seals without danger of reflexion.

As the supreme rule of the beginning of the dark sacred ancestors, the innermost part of the Dark Portal is full of darkness, and the intensity of the ancestor is very amazing. The ancestral ancestors even have a blood tour in the blood of the ancestors. Unreal feelings.

"Shadow, this time, in any case, you must leave the king of the wizard, at least leave the magic wand in his hand to make up for the defects in the dark door!"

The filming of the ancestral sacred ancestors has just come, but has not slowed down the gods, and is awakened by the will command of the beginning of the ancestors.

Feel the rule of the darkness from the dark world. The fog of the darkness is forming a whirlpool. The deep illusory source of the secondary esophagus is perfused continuously. You only need to follow the flow of these rules, you can see it, at very low Consume, come to some grotesque world of grotesque and strange rules.



The space-time barrier around the vast dark door, as if a transparent mirror, can be faintly aware of the layering of illusion of illusion.

No one knows how many illusory worlds there are, just as no one knows how many world communities there are.

"After all, the king of the wizard, even in this dark door, if you want to leave him, you, me, and hundreds of people, is it possible? Do you want to summon a few ancestors?"

For the strong retaining of the king of the wizard, the shadow of the ancestors is skeptical.

"No, I have completely locked in here. The life of the King of the Wizard is in the way of imagination, and I can't understand it. Generally, the Holy Father is afraid that it will become a long-term supply for him. I need both of you to be dark. The two nodes of the gate are guarded. I have hidden these two nodes in two different rules of the illusory world. Even if I can't beat him, I have to eternalize it there, unless I use the magic wand as a transaction. Condition ~www.novelmtl.com~ The darkness of the silk smog gathers, gradually forming a illusory head of the dark ancestors.

"He will definitely go to one of those two illusory worlds, and I will lay some backhands in two illusory worlds. Even if you can't beat him, it's enough to just put him in eternity."

After that, there was only one light smoke left in the dark ancestors, and disappeared.


The shadow of the ancestors of the ancestors whispered a slight wrinkle, and he calmed himself and seriously injured his body. After a while, he was relieved. From the tension to the pain, he gradually became calm, and he said: "Those wizards are good at various seals." Can it succeed?"

A sigh.

Over the years, as the war between the Diablo World and the Wizarding World continues, the understanding has gradually deepened, and the more powerful the power of this strange civilization that has escaped from the unknown world community, the more desperate.

This is a powerful world with a dark world that cannot match the history of civilization.

At the peak of this civilization, there are three great spiritual wizards, the king of the early wizards, the black witch king, the ancient 17-round true spirit wizard, and the other second-class spiritual wizards are even more odd.

In contrast, the Diablo World has a generational gap with the Wizarding World, both in the civilized foundation and the top-level powerhouse.

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