A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1876: Conscious crystal

"Oh, he can't, he can't!"

The little gossip smiled and stood on the shoulders of Green. A wing pointed at the vortex of the Dark Portal and there was no darkness.

In the battle of the minor esophagus, which is dominated by the devil, and supplemented by Green and Anderse Seymour, the will of the will to follow the beginning of the dark ancestors seems to be unsustainable. It should be the door of darkness. At the other end of the Diablo World War, the Demon Expeditionary Legion has already had an absolute advantage, which is enough to influence the roots of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking of it, the Destiny lever magic wand can send magic dolls infinite time and space. According to the truth, this dark sacred ancestor, with the dark door, should also try to summon other ancestors to come, but it does not. In the end, I tried to confront with one enemy and three, and therefore fell into the disadvantage.

"The truth is righteous, the technique of nothing, the space-based star gun!"


The truth balances the top of the magic wand, and the dimension of the dimensional ball is a dazzling light beam that breaks through the layers of darkness.

The ancestral ancestors, whose momentum has been steadily declining, can no longer be confronted by defensive means or the door-to-space transformation of the Dark Portal as before. They chose the real-time forcible space-time displacement to avoid the Green Will lock.

The sound of "嗡", the dazzling light column and the beginning of the dark sacred ancestor will pass by, although it also scatters some of its outer real body, in general, it is a loss of a thousand miles.

After such an auxiliary attack, the scorpion smashed, and Green continued to activate the rules of the world's clothing, and with the power of annihilation, the dark seal on the erect of the eye of the world of truth was constantly consumed.

These dark seals are like an ant, but they can penetrate from the surface of the truth to the inside, and drill the surface from the inside, as if this mask is no longer a flat plane, but an endless for the source of darkness. World dimension dimension.

It is still the source of the darkness of the sacred ancestors.

The various means by which the beginning of the ancestors began with the source of darkness are numerous and endless, but most tend to be inexplicable and mysterious. It is a mysterious force that cannot be experimentally demonstrated and has no rules. Therefore, even Green can’t help but face it. I feel a lot of headaches. Fortunately, there are small eight who are proficient in all kinds of curses.

"Hey, hey, I’m a little black, but you’re adding it! It was said that you didn’t even match it. You crossed this time and space to come here, don’t you just want to prove yourself?”

Xiao Ba did not care about the life and death of the magic doll at all.

Although the secondary esophagus and material energy world time are not synchronized, but the combat time has lasted for several decades. This kind of relatively full battle is normal for the dominant creatures, but it is rare. Half of the doll's half of the entity's illusory body, now only two-fifths of the entity remains, showing the violent consumption of these decades.


One side is the horrible pressure of the deep body of the demon doll from the inside and the outside, and the other side is the mottled rule blessing from the rules of time and space in all directions. After the convection between the two, a visible aperture shield is formed. The incomparable inside and outside of the darkness is actually a glass crack like a bright crystal, this is the special real structure of the magic doll!

Compared with Green and Ansimo, seeing the tricks and delaying the time, I only want to use the material power of the dark world as my ultimate victory. The magic doll is too eager to prove myself, where it is, unstable temper. Time and space are like popcorn, bursting and breaking.

"Why don't you talk!"

"噗", this is already a magic doll, I don’t know how many times it hurts, and there is no dark black ancestor, and there is no rule under the black hand, but after the "boom", it is followed by a The roots of the black silk thread pierced, and a sigh of pain, followed by the overwhelming rules of the ashes, like a deep water bomb, "bomb rumbling" swayed.

A moment of silence.

The rules of the ashes gradually melted into the real body of the devil, and the naked eye was visible. The black cloth on the forehead of the devil had one less piece, and turned into an unreal smoky black smoke. The small mouth "snoring" and "snoring" gasped, but never stopped. Once again turned into a black mans spurt the past.

On the other hand, the Dark Portal continues to emerge with the rules of the will, providing a constant source of repair for the true ancestors of the sacred ancestors.

Anderse Seymour calmly looked at all these life, and the little eight was "嘎嘎嘎嘎", and the three colors of the face of Green Truth revealed some deep meaning.

Magic doll This is a chronic suicide.

"Small eight, you must ensure that the rules of the dimensional gap cover all the rules of the Dark Portal, and must not let those exiles flow past!"

Green’s sudden inexplicable discourse made Xiaoba feel a little uncomfortable. He leaned his head and cautiously said: “Hey, victory is on our side, what do you suddenly say?”

"Even if the Wizarding World hunter expedition wins and dispels the dark world, there is no beginning of the ancestor's will. This terrible life will still exist as the carrier of the darkness, as a powerful life spanning the shallow and deep illusions, if there is One day letting them find a new world of material energy exports, it will inevitably create a new dark world, and like the wizarding world, the so-called hunter expedition to the wizarding world."

Little eight eyelids jumped wildly.

"What are you doing?"

After taking a deep breath, Green whispered: "To completely destroy the rules of the Dark Portal, to end the dark ancestors!"

"Do you play really? The inside of the Dark Portal is the essence of its will. It will never be like here. It will continue to be supplemented by the constant will. If it can be used in the Dark Portal, it can be used here. It can at most 70%, is it necessary?"

Xiao Ba is calling.

"After so many years of consumption, I have clearly sensed the incomplete sensory of the Dimensional Dimensional Ball and the Dark Portal. I think he should have already sensed it, and the reason why it did not summon other Holy Fathers is likely to be To lure me into it, it’s the so-called life and death gambling!"

The ancestors of Wuzu rushed to the center of the Dark Portal, and there was no dark ancestor in the center of the vortex, and toward the Ansimo Road: "Guard the Eight Rainbow Nevis dimension gap rules here!"

"Well come, wait for you for a long time!"

Green suddenly struck, and there was no screaming of the dark sacred ancestors, and the source of the majestic darkness gathered by the will, suddenly a fingertip of the arm touched the brow, and a "squeaky" sound, a little crystal awning gathered at its fingertips.

At the time, it is centered on the fingertips of the sacred ancestors, and it seems that the time and space have stood still.

Towards the face of the vast expanse of the white halo, the beginning of the dark ancestors locked the gray erect on the gray face, "squeaky", clear waves, a little shackles disappeared in the hands.

"Imagination crystal?"

Wu Zuzhen changed the rules of time and space and extended the limit of time and space in front of him. The crystal mans in front of him is so dazzling in the eyes of Green, which contains all kinds of thoughts of the beginning of the dark ancestors. The core of consciousness that has been condensed is similar to the ability of Green to form a will to the Black Witch King by means of the Wizarding World will.

However, compared to Green's soft nature witchcraft, the conscious attack ability of the beginning of the Dark Holy Father is too stiff and violent.

Not only violence against the enemy, but violence against itself!

Such a conscious attack is based on the loss of one's own consciousness, affecting the consciousness of others, and is equivalent to the forced invasion of the nature of life, turning the other into a "multiple personality split", "subconscious illusion", "psychotic" .

The consequence of the loss of self-will is the loss of self, similar to autism, inferiority, etc., which will appear. These personality defects are the essence of life, there is no way to treat, only Can try to make up for their own growth, but the result is also unknown.

Unexpectedly, this eternal dark ancestor, still in the dimension of the endless world, has reached such a height for the application of consciousness!

"It seems that this sacred ancestor has completely abandoned the hope of taking the endless world dimension and pinned the ultimate goal on the avatar rules, becoming the strongest living body in the endless world dimension."

Thinking so, Green is gradually showing a arrogant face made up of a source of darkness. It is Huang Quan’s fascinating Lafite!

As the source of darkness composed by Green's memory, Huang Quan's faint Lafite also possesses an instinct of consciousness split by Green, and with such a negligible consciousness to counteract the attack of the ancestors of the beginning of the dark, it is the perfect choice.

Green is enough to take control of the consequences.

To put it bluntly, for such a degree of application of consciousness, only the higher creatures such as Green and the beginning of the dark ancestors are qualified to argue. ~www.novelmtl.com~ The proud blood red eyes, Lafite with open arms protects with all his heart. Behind the green, the source of darkness is elegant, it seems to be the greatest dedication, full of warmth, never retreat.

call out!

The crystals of the cockroaches fall into the body of Lafite, and the yellow springs of Lafite are stiff in place.

In the gaze of the dark sacred ancestors, Greene used the unorganized goddess to modify the rules of time and space, and jumped into the vortex of the Dark Portal.


Ps: After the second ten o'clock.

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