A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1853: Sun clock

"Block them!"

The majestic consciousness from the deepest part of the darkness reveals a hint of trembling rhythm, as if the rules of the entire dark world have been motivated. Every dark creature in the dark world can clearly feel the depth of his soul. The instincts of the place drive, that is to stop them!

It is able to form such a charisma for the dark world. From ancient times to the present, there is only one person, that is, the beginning of the dark world of the rules of the dark world!

Gradually, the entire dark world seems to be boiling.

Oh la la...

The Battle of the Demon Hunting Expedition was officially launched. Compared with the previous advancement of the Demon Sorcerer's Expeditionary Legion, these dark creatures rushed out of the Diablo World under the call of the Dark Angels. The slave monster army, which the wizard will drive away, went back and took the initiative to attack the wizarding corps that was defensive to the dark world.


The sudden counterattack of the Diablo World is so strong that the garrison has been prepared and beaten off guard.

A bunch of space fortresses destroyed the light of the cannons for a short time, and the dark creatures rushed into the garrison squad, smashing the battle between the two, and constantly trying to get close to the eternal sky.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

A dark ancestor also re-rushed out of the dark world, and even the civilization that had not appeared before was revealed at this moment, bringing unprecedented pressure to the Demon Sorcerer Expeditionary Legion.

The sun clock, the dark flame!

"咚", the master of the clock of the moment, is the unknown master who never appeared in the wizard world intelligence, a black scale, a black tobacco on the top of the skull, a circle of apricot eyes, it seems that every One eye has different abilities, and the fangs are brutally smiling, one with a long fork-like weapon and the other with a sun clock!

The powerful creatures that are enchanting, grotesque, hot, and violent, the wizard civilization knows nothing about its clues.

With the slamming sound of the sun clock, a circle of sound waves spread, I do not know how this civilization contains what is not mystery, a large number of low-level hunting wizards, slave monsters look, "squeaky", burst into the sky Then, by the force of the void, all traces were erased. .

"Be careful, he has the ability to solidify the Almighty!"

The second ring of the true spirit wizard free dandelion is extremely sensitive to the strange rules of the sun clock, as a professional assistant spiritual wizard, the first time to notice the strange rules.

Sure enough, the two wizards were awake, and other wizards who were affected by the sun clock also noticed the change of their omnipotent soul.

Accurately speaking, the soul of Almighty is not accurate, and the Almighty Spirit seems to have been banned by time in winter!

This civilization has the horror ability to smear the thickness of life!

For a time, the dark world dominated the dark creatures. The layers of the wizarding corps defense, the fallen wizards in the millions, the war is extremely fierce, in a short period of time, the nine-ring true spirit wizards, the four martial arts wizards have fallen into disarray!


The silver-white flame burned and a round of true spirits debuted again.

The real-world wizard who mastered the metal fire finally met the opponents evenly. The Decepticons and Megatron metal destroyers stood side by side. The hope that the super metal robots "bang" and "bang" step by step in the void, temporarily The seven true spiritual wizards who were recruited were under his arm, and the tip of the needle was like a mans, and there was no fear of holding the sun clock to dominate the charge.

The gray void, the emptiness of the storm, the eternal sky city has not been greatly affected. In the process of stellar orbital gun gathering, the distortion of the surrounding space and time is more and more amazing.

In the crystal cymbal, a seal wizard and Pumirosius are separated into the battlefield.

A true spirit wizard is responsible for the commanding theater. Occasionally, some fish that are leaking nets are rushing into the dark, and the defensive forces stationed by the Eternal Sky City are cleaned up. A bundle of laser light that easily exceeds tens of thousands of degrees flashes away.

“It’s one of the oldest wizards in the wizarding world. Even if you are in this battle, you have absolute repression and dominance. It seems that dealing with the dark ancestor holding the sun clock should not be a problem. In contrast, this one-year-old wizard is still waiting for some heat, hehe..."

A seal wizard who looked at the battlefield pattern could not help but sigh after the discourse.

"You have also seen that the annihilation of the dark flames can be truly amazing. There is no blessing of the same level of witchcraft. It is not easy for a true sorcerer to stick to it. The two-round sorcerer also has some remarkable points. More importantly, both of them have deep roots with the king of the original wizards, or arrange support as soon as possible. This expeditionary theater command is to establish a prestige opportunity for a true spiritual wizard. Don't sweep the king of the early wizards. Face, in case of an accident, it is not easy to explain."

The words have arrived at this share. In the crystal cymbal, a Pumirosius screamed: "Then let the mountain giant king join the battlefield ahead of time. The stellar orbital gun is about to be recharged and will not affect the follow-up plan."

"Also, the mountain giants of the War Zone Alliance dominated the battle, and it was considered that some of the true spirits were pressured in advance."

A sealer expressed his approval.

"Why not let..."

Suddenly, I asked any of the ring wizards on the ring, but before I finished, Pemirosius interrupted the old wizard.

Pumirosius certainly knows what this singer is.

"The mentor and the black witch king are the two oldest spiritual wizards in the wizarding world. No one can compare with the two in terms of qualifications. I have a lot of inconvenience in forcibly dispatching orders. Now the black witch is subject to The king of the early wizards, but did not have the rank of ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is also for the long-term plan, we can not negate the plan to completely remove the black wizard rules for the king of the original wizard for some temporary difficulties, or let him Act freely, I believe that the wisdom of the great wizard king has already been arranged."

Between the short words of several seal wizards, it has already decided the arrangement of hundreds of millions of alliances and the world's main army.

After a few hourglass hours.

The commander of the gods of the gods of the mountains, the devil, and the emperor, as two of the four main battles of their majesty, went to the battlefield and finally completely suppressed the army that dominated the dark flames. .

The battle between offense and defensive is in full swing, and the chances of preventing the stellar orbital guns from getting dark and dark are getting smaller and smaller.

It is this battle of offensive and defensive, although it has only been carried out in just a few months, but the number of fallen hunters, the masters of the world, and the true spirits are enough to overcome the total loss of the third civilization war in the wizarding world. half!

If it was once, I was afraid that the wizarding civilization would be seriously hurt, and at least several epochs could be restored. However, for the wizarding civilization at the moment, the death damage is only a series of numbers, and the huge witch base and fertility rate will Will not lose back in a very short time, and even grow stronger!

The wizarding civilization is in the midst of an unprecedented civilized explosion. Every day, great changes have taken place. The base and quality of the wizards are quite different from those of the ancient times.

The strength of the Wizarding Alliance is growing at a rate sufficient to fill the loss of the Demon Hunting expedition, providing a continuous stream of fresh blood for the magnificent plans of the ancient wizards, and promoting the ancient wizards to save the wizarding world into reality!


PS: Responding to the call of Qingmang editor and Peng administrator, three more, two at nine, and three at eleven.

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