A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1852: Dark World of the Cloth

[Title: shaman Journey Volume IV first mystery shadow Thousand eight hundred fifty-two the dark world of clothes (three shifts) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: one night is deep, the chief president is too dangerous to eat in Seoul, the undead mercenary plane is ruining the gods of entertainment, the teacher is also crazy, Sheng Shifang, criminal psychology: sin and punishment, life, sorrow, six rings, true spirits, witches, holding fate The lever magic wand is summoned by the infinite space power, it is the eternal sky city of the wizard world!

The body of steel and metal forms a vast expanse of metal continents, and hundreds of millions of hunting witches are centered on this ultimate war platform, interspersed with the wrong, which is the perfect artistic crystallization of the wizarding world with countless years of wisdom and wealth. A second wizarding world formed by the rules of metal and energy.

"噗通", the six-ring true spirit wizard fell to the ground, "snoring", "snoring" gasping.

After the fate lever magic wand infinite space and time can call the city of eternal sky, the six-ring true spirit wizard is almost exhausted.

With the six-ring true spirit wizard power, the city of eternal sky infinite time and space is still the same, when the ancient ten-ring true spirit wizard Antonio incited the wizarding world, the pressure can bear!

"Six rings, hard work, take a break."

A crystal cymbal falls on the top of the six-ring true spirit wizard, three meters high and perfect body, flawless skin is full of explosive power, it is a detachment of Pumirosius.

"Cough and cough..."

After the six-ring true spirit wizard exhausted, he took the fate lever magic wand and staggered and stood up again.

"A round of war zones, a round of war zones, and a printing theater of wars completed the task of controlling the void near the dark world in an accurate time. From this, I arranged the fate lever magic wand to infinite space and time, summoning eternity according to the hunting demon expedition plan. The city of the sky descends and completes the established mission."

Under the escorting of this Pumirosius, the six-ring true spirit wizard was sent to the interior of the Eternal Sky City to rest and make adjustments.

A variety of intelligence information gathered, and many of them are trying to break through the dark world shells in large quantities. However, under the will of the dark sacred ancestors, with the help of the Dark Portal, the dark world shell is like the most The coat of fineness of the world of resilience, unless the creatures below the third level, will be blocked by the rules of the world of the dark world, and then attacked by the internal dark creatures.

The wizards certainly know the cost of attempting to forcibly break through the rules of the world.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

One after another, the crystal cymbals flew out, not only the Pmiro Xiusi avatar, but also a large number of ancient dormant wizards, gazing at the first stop of the hunter-magic expedition grand plan, the dark world!

"The undead dark ancestor is also an extremely rare and powerful life in the endless world. It connects the whole world community and spreads its will to the whole world community, from the entity to nothingness, if it can not be forced to break through this layer. The rules of the world's clothing, if we want to forcibly break through, the price paid will only be extremely heavy, and the unfavorable influence will greatly affect the morale of the hunting demon."

The words of the true spirit wizard on either ring are low.

"It is true that this sacred sacred ancestor is also a generation of heroes. If there is no sorcerer's world, it will fall into this world community, and the formation of the wizarding alliance will defeat the metal destroyer civilization, then according to the normal development of these world communities. Derivation, it should be that after the metal destroyer civilization and the dark world unified the world community at the same time, the competition will be mixed."

Another ancient wizard expressed his opinion.

"If you want to enforce a plan, it is not impossible to use the power of the Demon Expeditionary Legion. It is a big or two era. It is a shortage of the world community for the thriving wizarding civilization led by the king of the early wizards. For the sake of consideration, it is only a big blow to morale, or b plan."

Everyone has their own opinions, and plan b has been pushed to the table.

"Okay, then follow the advice of everyone and proceed to plan b!"

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

The blue-red flashes are interlaced, the emergency whistle sounds extremely incomparable, and the entire space fortress is mobilized. Unnecessary inferior war room energy is shut down. A hundred thousand meters of barrel is coming from the city of eternal sky. The inner slowly rises out, the sci-fi light of all colors converges, and the energy of the high-pressure Weng sounds that gradually emerges in one round.

"Alarm! Alarm! This is not an exercise! The stellar orbital gun is starting. It is expected to launch after five hundred hourglasses. Please ask the slaves of the major divisions of the Wizards Alliance to leave the stellar orbital destruction coordinates as soon as possible. Please ask the slaves of the major divisions of the Wizards to leave the orbit as soon as possible. The gun destroys the coordinates!"

The witches who were shrouded in the wizard's will, in the first time, noticed the crisis warning of the stellar orbital guns, and avoided the stellar orbital destruction. Other combat units that were not sheltered by the wizards were followed by the top-down. Information is also being carried out in parallel with informational operations, and everything is being carried out in an orderly manner.

After the wizard civilization mastered the stellar orbital gun, this is the first time it has started!

On the other side, inside the dark world, the dark creatures relegated to the rules of the world are struggling against the infinite invaders.

"These evil wizards are too many, and how can they kill?"

The endless slave monster, driven by the will of the demon wizard, rushed into the dark world.

The source of darkness shrouds, the humilis of the five-level world screams, and even reveals some fear, staring at the distant moon in the sky, thousands of blood, thousands of spreads Repressing the unknown light, it seems to have seen the sneer of the fierce evil wizards above.

"It’s just some lower creatures. The wizards call it slaves. Like our feeding, are you afraid of blood?"


The owner of this dark creature world is saying ~www.novelmtl.com~ Suddenly, familiar time and space fluctuations, and another creature with more than four levels is trying to break through the rules of the world of dark world, and is blocked by the rules of the world around the world. .


call out! call out! call out! call out!

In a short period of time, there are four world-class dark creatures converging, a twisted world of clothing rules vortex, a pink twins Terminator robot is struggling, the world's clothing rules are almost squeezed into a funnel.

However, in the face of such a tough world of clothing rules, the higher the range of higher life, the greater the range of life, with the quality of life of this crystallized terminator, there is no monthly time, it is difficult to make a breakthrough, but in the dark Now that the world is so intensively defensive, how can it leave a monthly breakthrough?

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Continuously hit hard, this crystal-terminated terminator was hit hard after just trying it, and was smashed out of the rules of the world's clothing rules. The hidden wizards saw this and stopped the rash action, only to let the endless slave army of the monsters consume. The way, through the rules of the world's clothing rules, sent to death generally into the dark world.

"Look at how the theater commander will arrange it."


At this time, the infinite time and space fluctuations of the six rings of the Great Rings in the rear of the Great Wall not only caused the attention of the Demon Sorcerer's Legion, but also made the hearts of the masters in the Diablo World completely raised!

"what is that?"

The eternal sky city, the metal body, allows the sacred ancestors to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the barrels and the more intense energy inside the metal continent seemed to tear up everything in front of them, that is, the ancestors who commanded behind the scenes of the dark world were completely alarmed. . 166 novel reading network

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