A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1845: Dimension War (24)

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The overwhelming attack, a loud voice, Green holding an extreme abyss wand, tightly guarding Anse Seymour, who is in a state of extreme weakness, is getting more and more injuries, almost equal to Ansimo. .

Ansimo is like a child attached to the tutor's wings, and a sense of security that has never existed gradually emerges.

Since the long history, Anderse Seymour has spent every minute and every second in indifference and loneliness. Every moment, he must be wary of the crisis of life and death that may be faced at any time. This warm and safe feeling makes Ansimo I thoroughly recalled the day when I was a formal wizard under the guidance of my tutor, and then inherited the spiritual will of the tutor.

At this moment, seeing Green’s mentor’s desperate actions, even if they were in direct conflict with the Dimensional War Corps, they had already caused their injuries, and Andersi’s heart was broken.

Anderse Seymour is willing to hurt himself now, and he is not willing to be a drag of the mentor, so he is hurt so much.

"Teacher, disciple not only failed to become your pride, but also became your drag, disciples are incompetent, disciples!"

The sorrowful tone, utterly emotional, Andse Seymour whimpered, and said that in the end almost no cry, and since the long history, the emotions that have been suppressed for too long have finally been vented at this moment.

After a moment of silence, Green's calm voice emerged.

"Anders, you have always been the pride of the mentor. You are the mentor who is watching a little bit of growth. The wisdom and hardships that are paid, others don't understand, but the mentor understands!"

Green broke through the emphasis on heavy encirclement, and kept moving between different papers. The disciples were affirmed and encouraged by the disciples, and they were firm and thorough.

Although I know that the Green Instructor will say so, but after really hearing the mentor so comforted, Anderse Sesmo can't help but gratefully close his eyes and cover up the deep, wise, and dim.

After a pause, Green sighed and sighed: "How many years have you left the Wizarding World in your time and space?"

"Eight epochs, nine epochs, or ten epochs? I can't remember. It's a chaotic time and space without the concept of specific space and time rules. It may be handed over to various absurd illusory rules at any time. I also touched during this period. To some of the world's powerful creatures and even the special life of the dominant class, I have been using the heartbeat technique for time calculations at the beginning, but after three episodes, I gradually lost and lost the concept of time. ”

When Hessian Andre Seymour answered this question, Green sighed even longer.

Of course, Green knows what it means, Andre Seymour should have been slowly digested by the endless world!

As time went by, Ansimo was not only digested by the endless world, but became stronger and stronger, and gradually became a "stone" of the endless world digestive system, affecting the endless world movement, and will be endless world instinct. Squeeze into the secondary esophagus, together with thousands of exiles, to treat their own stone disease in the same way as the rules of the second war!

I don't know how much the dominant power in the sub-ecological tract is similar to that of Anderse.

"Guide, how is the wizarding world, is the Hunting Expedition successful? Is your goal plan reached?"

Anderse Seymour is full of eagerness to ask.

Regarding the memory of the wizarding world, Anderse Seymour still stays in the time when Green is undergoing spiritual devotion and expedition to the world, and according to the long history of Ansimo, if the wizarding world is parallel with the time, I am afraid of hunting. The expedition has already had a result, so it was instinctively asked.

"With the material energy and time space that the mentor I am connected to now, the Wizarding World has only just started the Demon Hunting Expedition Plan. Where can I talk about the success of the failure? As for the specific strategic arrangement of the Demon Hunting Expedition, it is arranged by the instructor. The reason for this advent of the secondary esophagus is to control the process of the first battle of the Demon Hunting Expedition behind the scenes, and to solve the threat that the Hunting Wizards will face on the way to the Demon Hunt!"

Seeing Ansimo’s astonished look, full of inquiring eyes, Green Truth’s face is low: “Yes, the mentor’s plan has been successful. I am now the king of the wizarding world’s first wizard! You must work hard, In the future, I will strive for you to take over the position of the mentor and become the king of the second generation wizard..."

"Teacher is careful!"

After Anse Seymour screamed, the cruel bones of the skull were swung.

The magic wand head is an unknown head, and after shooting two black lights from his eye socket, he intercepts an extremely hidden sneak attack arrow.

The pages of the page are extremely far away. After the sneak attacked card king saw a failure, the figure turned and jumped away, leaving the common dimension with Green.

At the same time, after the sneak attack on the piglets, there was a crowd of densely packed fighters, and they came to Green and Anderse.

Ansimo can detect the sneak attack, and Green, who wears the face of truth, can naturally detect it!

It’s just that Green has long been accustomed to taking full control of the situation, and Ansimo is in the long-term ecstasy of the pursuit of the so-called crisis in the germination, a mistake will also have extremely serious consequences, so will in this way.

By the disciples, Green is not good again.

The injury on the body made Green's moments in severe pain. If you want to fix it, Green's omnipotent soul is not a small amount, enough for Green to suffer.

"Concentrate on the spirit, everything goes back to the wizarding world and say! Although the wizarding world has only been less than two eras since you left, the world of wizards has changed dramatically."

Andersemore listened to the instructor saying that he was full of anticipation, and nodded. Under the protection of the instructor, he concentrated on finding an attack that might pose a threat to the instructor.

Huang Quan's Nether Lafite's arrows, non-stop "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" shot, one after another elite card players were killed by arrows.

Standing in the perspective of Anderse Seymour, Green's mentor is too strong, so strong and somewhat ridiculous!

Even if Anderse Seymour was trapped in a long period of chaotic time and space, he has never seen any strongman who can match the current state of the mentor, even those who have just won the civilized card The Dimensional Legion engulfed the lords, and the escaping lords did not!

Anderse Seymour can clearly feel that the instructor's body is almost endless magic, oppressing everything in all directions, almost causing the ripples of the time and space of the second esophagus!

Maybe one day, I will become a member of the Dimensional War Corps. Under the guidance of the mentor, can we start such a war?

Sadly, today's self and mentor are not even exposed to the core of this civilized war. It is only a strategic command army on the edge that brings himself and the mentor and the many peaks to the end.

The Wizarding World Demonstration Expeditionary Corps has a long way to go compared to ~www.novelmtl.com~.

Also, only such a tyrannical regiment will have the ambition to break the endless world dimension and conquer the creatures of higher latitudes, just like overlooking the endless world, and overlooking the endless world, teasing the hustle and bustle in the box!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

A full impact on the hour and a half hourglass.

During the period, Green did not know how many low-ranking card people's regiments had been destroyed. He had been advancing toward a deeper darkness. There was always a card player's army interception in front, and even Green's self-sealing bursts were a little wilting. Finally, The lacquer blackness appeared in front of the two people.

Green and Anderse Seymour, rushed out of the victory and defeat of the civilized card player Dimension!

“Guide, we have succeeded!?”

Andre Seymour asked excitedly.

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

Green turned back, and the three-colored light lingered in the back and stared at it. It seemed to be fixing something, and while continuing to flee, he said: "It is they who give up and continue to contain, otherwise it is so simple."

Said, Green "snack" swallowed a mouthful of water, the shadow of the dark source of the feet and the shadow of the yellow spring Lafite gradually income body, the balance of magic wand milk white spots shrouded, the figure returned to the three-dimensional state from the two-dimensional state, In the escape of a streamer, he breathed: "There should be a positive encounter between the two Dimensional War Legions of the Dimensional Esophagus."

"What do we do then?"

Andre Seymour asked.

In the secondary esophagus at this moment, it is difficult for any living body to be truly hidden. The digestive rules of the secondary esophagus will automatically mark all living bodies. After the end of the war, the victorious Dimensional War Corps will thoroughly sweep the secondary esophagus and complete the blood sacrifice. The door of the dimension.

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