A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1844: Dimension War (23)

[Title: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1840th chapters dimension War (XXIII) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers of Shengshifanghua Entertainment are also crazy to destroy God's criminal psychology: sin and punishment of immortal mercenaries eat in Seoul one night, the chief president is too dangerous to live a page after another. Each page is a flat dimension.

Card players move around these book pages as they change their angles, making a dominant attack on creatures that have three-dimensional thickness across multiple book pages.

A book of dozens of pages, hundreds of pages, if this represents the page world dimension of the plane world card player, then a stereoscopic creature in the same space and at the same time facing the card player may be Attacks of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of card players!

In this way, it is not difficult to explain why those peaks that seem extremely tyrannical, once surrounded by the card corps, have become weak and only struggled.

It is said that it is the number of billions of troops. It is really no exaggeration.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

In front of Green, this card player’s mech warrior spit out a stunned fire snake in the hand. Standing at a high latitude biological point of view, the attack of these mechs is a pendulum of the original rune pollution, but at this moment standing at low latitude From a biological point of view, these attacks, which were supposed to consist of horizontal and vertical strokes, have become a strip of cutting lines that are rushing toward Green and want to tear up the paper carrier under the Green's original rune.

Stretching out his left hand, "The Book of Truth" opens, and Green writes a huge amount of runes in the form of a two-dimensional plane card. After resisting these slanted runes, the balance of magic wand is like a handle extending to the end of the sky. The lightsaber, as Green waved gently, the card player's mech was divided into two, and the card-named soldiers who were behind it were decomposed.

Unprecedented singular sensation, this three-dimensional dimension in the two-dimensional plane dimension feels like the eighteen layers of **** depicted in the mythical novel biography!

Each layer of **** does not interfere with each other, but can be connected in series.


A card king came to Green from other pages of the page, and he was very angry. He followed the soldiers who did not know how many, and vowed to leave Green completely.

When Green saw this scene, he turned over his body and adjusted his angle. He disappeared into other book pages and the chasing of the card was raging.

Anyway, the three-dimensional creatures of Anderse Seymour have too many planes in the page, and Green has enough room to move.

Just arrived on this page page dimension, a large battleship of hundreds of meters appeared in front of Green, there were more than ten unstarted fighters parked on it, and Green, who saw the raid, responded in the alarm whistle. Come over, but it is a little late. After the light of the balance of truth, this hundred-meter card is also broken into two paragraphs.

In this way, Green, who was unstoppable for a while, continued to advance in the left and right sides of the page plane dimension, and was getting closer and closer to Anderse Seymour, who had been surrounded by densely packed cards.

However, after Green's dimension, the perceived area is equal to the reduction of even the quilt, and the perceived area of ​​Green under the robes of the appearance is extremely small. In a desperate time, Anderse Seymour did not realize himself. The mentor who is desperate to rescue is sprinting in an extreme way.


Green’s will shouted, and Ansimo, who was constantly “snoring” and “snoring”, was stunned by incredible surprises: “Tutor!?”

It seems that I can't believe the cry of the will I just heard. Andse Seymour continued: "Guide, is it really you, where are you?"

At this time, Ansimo, in the plane dimension of Green’s plane, the body is almost full of rune damage. After Green changed a few pages, the same is true for each page. Green knows if he doesn’t come. I am afraid that this disciple can’t really persist.

Plane dimension, although Green uses the book page metaphor, it is not accurate.

Because the pages of the book are always parallel to each other, it is a true low-latitude dimension, and these card players are still actually three-dimensional creatures, not low-latitude meta-organisms, still able to find other dimensions by rotating and moving, thus achieving the dimension Spanning to find the thickness perception of the three-dimensional world.

Otherwise, if it is a low-latitude creature, let alone dominate, it is a common world of endless world dimension creatures that are enough to make these creatures that can only walk in a book page dimension feel desperate.

"Let's stick to it and save you for the teacher!"

Green’s card player has also been scarred. It was injured by the scattered card player’s army when he plundered the initial light of the Void. Now, on the image of the card player in Green’s descending dimension, The body is covered with intricate scratches, and the square-shaped runes on the scratches have become typos, or have been damaged. In short, they can no longer play their normal functions.

"It is really a unique civilization, an endless world, endless. In the vast river of history, I don’t know how many such horrible alien civilizations have been born! From this point of view, Xia He civilization, Sai Ya Civilization, ancient Jacques civilization, abyss civilization, and so on, are just one of the most common and ordinary civilizations."

I realized the vastness of the endless world, my own smallness, Green as a wizard, the fear of truth in the heart, and the fear of high-latitude creatures that are incomprehensible.

What can you count against them?

"Farewell songs, the wind is flying!"

The white prince actually caught up.

Relative to him, although Green has overkill power, but does not have the ability to destroy in a short time, this is a card king, a master with a omnipotent soul, and is a strong master among the card kings, about It is equivalent to the level of material eight energy creatures in the world!

I have to say that Green is very fortunate and has not really encountered the peak of this civilization. After all, Green is just alone, but what he faces is the Dimensional War Corps that wants to break the bounds of the endless world dimension!

The strategic leaders of the winning and losing civilizations have been attracted by the bright paradise civilization and gathered in the past.


The light of the light flashes ~www.novelmtl.com~ I don't want to waste even a little time with the white prince. Green launches the ancestor's ability to modify the rules and attributes of the ancestors, and easily opens the space between himself and the prince. Tens of times, followed by a masked card king who was attacked from other pages of the page, Zhangkou was a annihilation of the arc, and he did not return, and rushed to Andersi, who finally realized all of Green. Mo.

"Green Instructor!"

With a cry, Anthony Seymour can no longer restrain his emotions, completely time and space.

"Hey, the mentor really came, I thought it would be the last side we saw. I can see the mentor again after I lost so long. I am already satisfied."


The Dimensional Dimensional Ball is changing the life form of Ansimo, and the completion of the descending seal is naturally smooth without rebellion.

This ability of Green as a means of hostile seals has now become a means of rescue, and Green finally understands why the ancient Jacques civilization used the big world ball as the box of the box!

"Stupid child, what nonsense! There is a mentor here, don't be afraid! Truth is righteous, absolutely defending the great witchcraft!"

The mighty energy is shrouded in Andersemore. In the happy and moist eyes of Andersemore, the green card of the card player poses on the shoulder of the beloved disciple. Although both are incomparable, With the mutual encouragement of standing together, the momentum is unprecedentedly high, and the belief in returning to the wizarding world is unparalleled!

At this moment, Green seems to have found a long-lost child, and his eyes have been completely filled with responsibility, not only because of the identity of the mentor, but also because Green is the king of the wizard!

"Go, leave the place with the instructor!"

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