A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1841: Dimension War (20)

Black-gray chaotic ripples, and occasionally flashing chaotic color glows, have been completely transformed into invisible bodies in addition to the figurative head.

This person is the third disciple of Green before Lilys, Anderse Seymour!

He imparted his own spiritual will, as the most valued disciple of Green, who was born in an ordinary but unwilling to be ordinary, followed the Green of the Green Expedition, and successively destroyed the small world and the world of the world by the collapse of the Great Witchcraft. The collapse and destruction, the ability to break through and break through, and the breakthrough of the world of the earth's veins as the opportunity to enter the door of penetration, disappeared without a trace.

Green has not heard from this disciple for too long.

Even though Green is through the truth, there is no magic and power, but compared to the mystery of the endless world, it is still just a grain of sand.

Compared with these advents of the esophagus, it is really different from those of the civilizations that attempt to break the dimension of the dimension. Is the big gravel and small gravel really different in the desert?

It is precisely because of this that Greene’s heart is gradually expecting this disciple to settle in the deepest part of his heart. Only when this disciple has been completely lost in chaotic time and space, has become the endless master in the history of unknown space. One member, in the deep illusion or in the endless void, like the aliens in the space and time of the wizarding world.

Since there is a heterogeneous ruler that has fallen from other time and space to Green's time and space, why is there no existence of Green's time and space flowing into the unknown time and space?

This is part of the endless world balance rule!


Green's voice even trembled!

The excitement from the lungs can no longer be suppressed. Every inch of the black flame of the element is bursting in the "small smashing", and the many soul birds behind them roar, seeming to express the excitement and joy of Green's heart.

Green did not think that he could meet his three disciples, Andre Seymour, that means that as long as he was willing to pay some price, he would bring Andersimo back to the time and space of the wizarding world!

What makes Green more notice is that his three disciples have not only completed the qualitative change of life as the master, but also have the soul of eternal, even the body has undergone the rule of the rule of destruction, so this way, this one Although the disciples are not as good as the eyes of destruction, they want to exist in the confession of the mother, and do not know how many thousands of years have been wandering in this chaotic time and space, but as long as they can continue to evolve, one day they will be like the eyes of destruction and the ambiguity. Mother-in-law is a transcendental unique life in the endless world.

Even because of the rules of the power of destruction, it is not impossible for Anderse Seymour to go further on this and become a horrible living body that Green is also cautious about!

Today, during the Wizarding World Expedition, the appearance of such a powerful and powerful wizard will undoubtedly add great help to the Demon Hunt!

What is more valuable is that the first king of the original wizard, Green, is the next true spirit. He is connected with Anderse Seymour. It is also the root of the king of the original wizard, and the king of the wizard is not only the king. It is an extraordinary achievement for individuals, guiding the world of wizards, and inheriting the concept of education of their own knowledge in a disciple manner from generation to generation, enough to become a pioneer in the myths and legends.

"Green Instructor!"

The disillusioned Ansimo is also struggling above the mainland of the sacrum like other lords. Even if he suffers from the unimaginable trauma of ordinary life, he still can't help but excite: "What is the wizarding world now? Has our Hunting Expedition plan been successful? Mentor, I... I want to go home!"

Come back home……

The softest part of the heart at the bottom of the heart was stung.

Having been in the Digestive Esophagus for tens of thousands of years, Green certainly knows what these two words mean for Andersemore. For a time, there has never been a strong feeling that has ignited from the deepest part of Grimm’s heart.

Be sure to take your own home and bring it back to the wizarding world, no matter what the price!

"Go home. Good, good, take you home, and return to the wizarding world!"

The spirit of the wind, Green has no more detailed plans before, in order to let his disciple who has inherited his will return to the wizarding world, even if the plan to interfere with the Dark Portal after the Second War has failed, it does not hesitate!

Inheriting Green's Wizarding Will, Anderse Seymour represents not only Green's disciples, but also Green's spiritual legacy!


At this moment, the Qingming layman swept the cane backwards, and the hundreds of millions of chasing card players were temporarily blocked. The old frog’s raised eyes were full of fear and fear, even if this is not related to Green. The horrible life of Bozhong was so weak before a military corps that was preparing to launch the Dimensional War. It was like a lion facing no endless eater-like ants.

Tick, ticking, ticking...

A strange mucus is secreted on the skin, which gradually blocks on the body of the riddled hole. The dark green rune of the body flashes. This heterogeneous lord also has the ability to recover from the descending dimension attack. During the retreat, The eyes of the Qingming laymen flexed a hundred and eighty degrees, and after a turn in the other main stalks of the sacral continent, they finally fell on the riddled green elements.

"Know? Want to take him back, make sure you can go back and talk!"

As the strongest of the many fugitive lords, although the Qingming laymen successfully escaped from the sacral continent to the vain area, they did not really get rid of the danger. They used these masters as the people behind them, and they did not return to the head. Deeper darkness and nothingness.

It is too scared.

After truly experiencing a confrontation with the Dimensional War Corps, it finally understood the horrors of the peak civilizations that attempted to break the bounds of the endless world dimension. Once this experience is over, it will never want to come again for the second time. Despair of the law!

What is the opportunity to learn the benefits, what to learn the peak civilized social model, what to study the endless world dimension dimension mystery...

In the face of the Dimensional War, in the face of the most terrible havoc crisis in the endless world, these so-called benefits are too small. It seems that this is part of the rules of the endless world. Those seemingly immortal and eternal civilizations will eventually be replaced by the dimension. The War Corps holds, as part of these expeditionary corps, taking away the dimension of the endless world dimension.

It is also true that the endless world can maintain the balance between birth and destruction, and will not be completely occupied by those eternal things!

Through the kilometer-diameter holes that the Qingming laymen broke in the cheekbone continent, the overwhelming number of card players surged out, and the number was more than ten times that of the regular army that was besieging the vulgar, and the normal surging army on the mainland was afraid that it had already No less than a hundred times, just like never ending!

Sure enough, after the Qingming lay, the other masters were not so lucky.

The mixed-inspired emperor has abandoned his metal flight cabin, and the piece of metal splicing layer has been smashed by the card player's army. It is fragmented, and the mixed-grey gray-white bone flame turns into turquoise. It was followed by a purple-red color, and now it has become a blue-black flame through the overdraft of vitality, but it is still being bombarded by the card people a little bit, and gradually returning to the sub-ecological esophagus, the screams of screams are endless. .

This is the tyrannical rule of Green, who has been planning a battle with Amethyst King. Now it is so bad.

"My soul is never eternal!"

The golden flame rifle, the strange creature of this pale green skin roars.

Its soul is so powerful that every movement is followed by a layer of soul, but at the moment, under the attack of hundreds of millions of card-based people's legions, it can only be the last burst of burning vitality. Completed this gorgeous blast, the endless world dominated by the blew!

Booming rumbling...

Dazzling and magnificent, the core is only afraid of easily surpassing the attack degree of 30 million degrees, and will remain forever, and will survive for a long time, becoming a dangerous place for the endless world.

However, because the secondary esophagus is in the period of the Dimensional War, the time and space barriers here are too thick, and even the rare self-explosive ability of this dominance does not seem to have changed too much, billions of cards. The player's legion did not change as a result, and it was still advancing with great enthusiasm. Even the dark and empty vulgars in the darkness of the darkness were added to the target, and they were rushing over.

There were several masters who wanted to escape, but these masters were all invariably inundated by the card corps, including Green's three disciples, Andre Seymour.

"Ha ha ha, I said, I said, you will accompany me to fall here, I said!"

In the end of the eclipse of the end of the esophagus, the vague eccentric who has fallen into complete despair laughs and laughs hysterically.

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