A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1840: Dimension War (19)

The red, yellow and green halo form a huge aperture, like a sticky tooth sugar, which is being pulled out of the vulgar body by the truth balance magic wand.

This is the initial light that Green is valued!

As for the secret source stone that involves the secrets of the history of Arosser, it is just one of the countless experimental specimens that Green has unexpectedly harvested. Like the long-time wizards like Green, this may involve a few secret clues. If you want to explore one by one, dozens of eras will not be explored, and new so-called ruins will continue to be obtained, but most of them are lie by word of mouth.


The core of the original light of the Void grotesque has already been looted and riddled by the card corps. At this time, it was forcibly pulled out by the Green Truth balance magic wand. This kind of forced absorption of the bone marrow is really difficult for outsiders to understand. It is this ancient life that has survived for a long time. At the last moment of the moment of existence, it can not help but give a long painful 呻+吟.

I really didn't think that Green was so thoughtful!

From the hope of desperation to hope, to despair, and then rekindle the hope of a short time, and then return to despair, the mood is like a roller coaster ride, flipping and leaping, one hundred and eighty degrees of rotation, ups and downs.

"You, a despicable liar, I know that you will never risk such a big risk to rescue an outsider, cough, cough, ah..."

I don’t know how many lives die under Green’s hands, and this one is not a master.

Green is indifferent to the last snarl of the lord, and the greed and excitement of the three colors is re-emerged to calm, introverted and calm, and low: "When you come to the secondary esophagus, you should think that you will have fallen." One day, I still say this, oh."

As Green continues to extract the initial light of the Void, as the pinnacle of the material energy world, it is much faster than the two-dimensional plane card people weaken dozens of times, with the visible cut of the naked eye, with The initial light of the core of the Void is pulled away from the body a little bit, and the surface of the void is rapidly collapsing.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

In the face of Green, who robbed the resources, this card team was like a madman. A famous card player was completely relieved from the task of enveloping the Void, and began to besiege the monster burning with the blazing black flame. In the crisis of a thousand mouthfuls of **** mouths, the attack on the true element of Greene was launched.

Fortunately, compared to the peak of Green, which dominates the level of life, this can only be regarded as a small group army, and there is no strong card king who can match Green's front.

The war unit of victory and defeat is divided into strategic command, strengthening group army, regular group army, main division, regular division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon, class eleven.

To put it bluntly, this army that surrounds the Void is nothing more than an ordinary regular group army.

According to the conversion of the ancient wizarding world war unit, it is about a common area of ​​the Holy Worship Wizards under the six-sorcerer school under the Santa Claus, and the strategic command is equivalent to the ancient expedition of the ancient wizarding world with a sky city. The Legion, it seems that, compared to the entire Dimensional War Corps of the victory and defeat of the civilization, the current leg of the regiment is only a slap in the face of the regular Dimensional War Corps on the mainland of the cheekbones.

The hunger for the initial light temporarily masks the pain in the body, like the pain of being bruised by hordes of swarms.

"Hey, don't struggle any more! Don't you say that you have to get rid of it earlier? With the demise of these eccentric war corps, it's better to be cheaper than me, empty vulgar, you say it?"

Truth balances the initial light of the magic wand head, leaving only the last point connected to the Void, like a tug-of-war, the Void is struggling, and refuses to give up.

"Don't think! King of the Wizards, now I am here to watch you fall with me!"

A stubborn guy.

Although I knew that this kind of sensation would persuade Kenben to be useless, but being so mocked in the face, Green couldn’t help but sneer. With its current state of power, at most, it will support a small hourglass hour, even though it is so much. The card player is besieged, and the small hourglass hour is enough to cause some damage to Green, but for the initial light, these costs are worthwhile.

Thinking of this, Green no longer speaks, and a vow not to reach the goal does not stop.

The feelings of the vague grotesque rise and fall, and the last hope of escape at the moment is completely shattered. There is no longer any illusion. I only hope that Green will bear the greatest price before revenge as a revenge. That is all.

Surprisingly, the Solitaire Corps, which had already issued a destructive order to the Void Resource, now gave up the destruction plan, and a retaliatory attack against Green was confusing.

After being besieged by hundreds of millions of Solitaire Legion, even if it was Green who opened the eighth layer of wild instinct and witchhood, it couldn’t help but hurt at the moment, but it was also expected by Greene, and the heart had already calculated it. The highest price.


Suddenly, Green seems to be aware of what, the high head of the three-color gaze gaze at the sacral continent above the darkness, the pupil suddenly shrinks into the size of the tip, making an incredible exclamation!

Even the hand that is holding the magic wand that forcibly plunders the initial light truth is one of them.

"The high explosives that are ground with blackened bone powder, combined with the crystal liquid, are thrown into the sand, and then thrown by the force of my field division commander, die!"

Another elite card player rushed to Green. If it was in the general situation, I was afraid that it would be enough to have the strength to fight against the master, but at the moment to open the true state of the witch in front of Green...


The three-color pupil whose pupil is reduced to the tip of the needle is not moved by this elite card player. It seems to be shocking for the scene above the cheekbone continent, and even the black flame is surprisingly calm~www.novelmtl.com~ The strange silence, and even the feeling of oppressive silence, the green element really slaps, then the so-called field division commander "squeaky" slaps, followed by "snap", choked a mouthful of water .


The confetti flew, the dark green rune strokes flashed, and Green's attention did not shift, so he was still staring at the sacral continent.



Suddenly, the vast sacral continent is not far from the time of Green, and after a terrifying bang, a blue-grey rhinoceros head is extended, and the golden eyes are full of horror, and they try their best to squat. Get rid of what it looks like.

Only the last scent of the vague grotesque has noticed this scene. At the moment when it is not clear, the overwhelming card crowd has been drilled from the hole in the sacral continent that the rhinoceros head broke through. The head of the rhinoceros was drowned, leaving only a miserable cry.

The victory and defeat of civilization has come to a strategic command army?

Those who are thinking and Green, the emptiness of the eccentric, all staying here, suddenly became the target of this strategic command army!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Seven consecutive lords who escaped from the mainland of the sacral bones and were sealed by metal **** and the old frogs of the Qingming laymen were also among them. All of them were so horrified that they wanted to escape to the darkness without exception. In the depths, avoid the intersection of the War of the Yuan Dynasty with the victory and defeat.


Suddenly, a sudden aroused consciousness shouted in the distance, so that the body of the first generation of wizards, who was in the midst of shock, was shocked, and it was incredulously gazing to the depths of the mainland, which is also far away.

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