A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1836: Dimension War (15)

Initial contact, Green got a valid message.

These card people in their plane structure world also have three-dimensional space distinction, but they actively take away the three-dimensional space, otherwise if the lower latitude biological army came to the endless world, not mentioning the essence of ideology And so on, the stereoscopic spatial cognition of high-latitude creatures alone is enough to crush low-latitude creatures.

Low-latitude creatures that only ravage on flat paper can't resist once they are attacked by a three-dimensional space from a higher latitude. The high-latitude creature itself is invincible, at least according to the wizards. This is true in philosophical reasoning

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

A bunch of attacks fell on the Green Element.

In such a critical period, Green would not miss every detail, use himself as a test, and concentrate on observing these attacks.

These attacks are not collisions of energy substances. They are like the influence of the infinite world's original runes, but they are not square-shaped rune impacts. It is like a kind of confusing code virus. Incorporating into the surrounding rune area, the original checkered runes are affected by these attacks, and more or less, more or less, a few more or fewer paintings.

"Hey, typo?"

Then, in the typo area attacked by the Solitaire Legion, other normal runes seemed to have lost their structural support and were scattered.

Although it still exists, it can only exist in a two-dimensional plane.

The Almighty Spirit is not unable to repair the damage, but wants to repair the damage. It can no longer be repaired where the 3D stereoscopic damage is broken. Instead, it needs to be repaired layer by layer like a 3D printer. The soul has increased by a thousand times.

Coincidentally, Green's advent of the secondary esophagus is a two-dimensional plane to the three-dimensional appearance of the way, it is Green's knowledge of the origin of the rune structure!

"It seems that the most basic rule of the civilization of winning and losing is to divide the endless world's original runes into two parts, one part representing the fluidity of matter, energy, consciousness, etc., and the other part is supporting the energy substance. The structure of the carrier, that is, the volume structure of the creature of this dimension. The card player attacks the rune structure carrier, so that the rune loses the structural carrier, and thus step by step to the fall, and the most powerful ones of these are for these runes. It is unbelievable that the extent of cognition has reached that it is leading the evolution of the ethnic group in this direction."

The preliminary conclusions of the study do not represent correctness, at least representing that Green is no longer ignorant of this biota.

The lowest ranks of the district can actually cause destructive attacks on the masters, which is probably unimaginable for ordinary wizards!

"If you master the structure of the original rune, this kind of attack is not a big deal. Unfortunately, the endless world is big, and it is appropriate to describe the creatures that use this kind of truth. It seems that a massacre is coming, not to delay. Perhaps in the case of higher latitude creatures, these card makers are already equivalent to the book page fiber worms, which is a higher level than the low-latitude creatures in the ordinary sense."

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

The element of the kilometer element was opened by the card player reconnaissance plane and opened hundreds of holes.

Each hole is about the size of the bowl. According to the current strength of Green's elements, even if the wild instinct is not turned on, it is enough to ignore the attack below 10,000 degrees. However, this card army does not use the energy attack as the criterion. In addition, the elemental energy around the element's real damage, even such a small cavity, is dominated by the blue light spot just like the group, as long as it is damaged, it cannot heal in the usual way.

The world of material energy attacks with metrics of energy, but it seems that all conventional attacks have eroded dozens of times on these flat cardboards that have lost their volume! On the contrary, in theory, the material energy attacks of these card people are the same, but the civilization of victory and defeat is not based on the material energy degree, which leads to the unequal mode of combat between the two sides.

"The 54th Reconnaissance and Calling Division, the 54th Station, called the Division, we are suffering from a class of primitive biological attacks, coordinates 43423, 13234, -332 request for fire support!"

A knife and a card player who crashed in the dark and empty area, shouted at the original equipment like the walkie-talkie, and “咕” and “咕” filled two strong liquors that had been collected for many years, followed by the cover. The Japanese elements were caught in a big hand, and they were locked into a space cage. The frost rushed into the deep hibernation state.

"Millie, help me collect these specimens."

After confessing one sentence, the element giant quickly rushed toward the void.

In the forehead mullion, the ice crystal phoenixes that have been completely frozen by these card players have flapped their wings, and these frozen specimens have been collected one by one, while Green is galloping toward the empty space.

The elements broken by the reconnaissance plane are in the real body, and the dark green runes in the holes are flashing. They have mastered the deeper meaning of the original rune truth. After the preliminary analysis of the attack mode of this civilization, these routine trauma Green has It can be repaired without causing too much obstacle to Green.

Of course, what Green can do is just repair.

In the face of this kind of attack until the endless nature of the world, Green can't do it like a material energy attack. Because the essential difference is too big, it will ignore all low-level attacks. That is to say, in theory, Green is equally extremely vulnerable. Danger!

"The king of wizards, save me, if..."

The battle group consisting of thousands of card makers has riddled the thunderous monsters who had been visiting Green, the Emperor, and the Amethyst.

Although the lord also caused damage to these Solitaire Legion, it did not solve the crisis. In the mourning, seeing Green is like seeing a straw, and doing everything he can.

Countless eater ants lick the sight of the behemoth, this behemoth is disappearing little by little under the cohesive squad.

"Get out!"

Now, Green knows the terrible thing about this civilization. This is just the outer legion. The main army is still very early, and dare to stop. Being able to climb the peak of an endless world in history, even if the horror of this civilization is only showing the tip of the iceberg, even the civilization has not yet been revealed, Green does not want to go deep into contact.

Compared with taking the risk of serious threats in the war of the Dimensional War ~www.novelmtl.com~ or after the end of the war, the seal interferes with the rules of the Dark Gate, and it is most important to control the wizarding world.

In this way, "噼里啪啦" thunder and light, in the light and dark intertwined violent sound waves, Green waved the truth to balance the magic wand, the black arc flashed away, excited + shot to the thunder and mammoth behemoth.

The wave is more than two million attacks, horrible power, horrible!

This thunder and mammoth beast is also a famous and powerful in the endless world, but it is a little worse than Green, and there is a panic in despair, rushing away from Green's annihilation arc attack.

"Don't dare to go without them, I will personally send you on the road."

Green's sinister warning, but did not really want to attack the thunder and mammoth beast dominated, Green also counted on this master to attract the attention of the card people's legion, to fight for their own time.

The ridiculous thing is that in the secret of the prey that left Green's prey brand, there is this Thunder mammoth behemoth.

Without stopping at all, behind the "嗡", "嗡", "嗡", and "嗡" card players, Green is getting closer and closer to the initial light target that is most eager to capture.


Suddenly, a strong person whose life intensity is significantly higher than the average card player actually caught up with Green.

This is a strong fat man with a white beard and a hair on his head. In the two-dimensional world, although according to Green's material energy judging criteria, this guy can only have four or five creatures at the same time, but in two After the material energy difference between ten and ten times, the level of creatures is enough to defend against the ability to dominate the frontal impact.

The old guy was holding a **** long sword, and the other hand was constantly holding a soil bomb that had already been ignited, and looked at Green with a smile.

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