A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1835: Dimension War (14)

Bang, boom, boom...

Among the three colors of the green, the head has a vast space and a space of more than 100 meters. It is almost a piece of transparent glass.

Looking through the glass, each card player attacked everything along the way in a nearly primitive way, from far and near, and there were also some strong players in the card.

If you look at the basic attributes of these card players, don't say that the Demon Sorcerer's Legion is not even better than the academy's college war. Those armored tanks, fighters, and mechs are still driven by wheels. Compared with the dark matter reactor and anti-gravity system of the universe, and the conventional technology of the AT field, it is too primitive, let alone those sci-fi weapons.

It has been said that the use of fire is the dividing line between wisdom and primitive creatures, but in the eyes of the wizard, the wheel is the dividing line between the intelligent creature and the original creature!

"It seems that the power of this civilization should not be external blessing, but a special attribute of inner evolution. Like illusory creatures, these Kappa people have an alternative worldview structure that transcends the use of conventional organisms for energy applications. Attack degree rules, attacking enemies with other essential rules of the endless world."

The three colors of the Green are separated by such a long distance. The micro-observation of the biota on the peak of the endless world is like watching the microbes under the microscope with a telescope. After a short moment, they are tired and close their eyes. He said: "It is not a time-space attack, nor a cluster of time and biology. It gives people the feeling that it is in the laboratory library. The fiber worms under the microscope are eating pages, and they are destroying low-latitude creatures at high latitudes. The carrier of consciousness."

The heart was amazed by the special nature of this creature's group, and then, if Green felt it, he turned to look at the void in the void below the mainland of the cheekbones.

In the blast of the explosion of "bang", "bang" and "bang", the mixed-inspired emperor muttered: "It seems that it will take us a long time for us to make our debut. Who will first break this place?" balance?"

The mixed empire is saying, but under the face of Green Truth, there is a strange smile, opening, and the voice is hoarse and low: "Does the two determine that I have not listed me as a hunting target? Hey, if you want to do it, It’s better to hurry up, the opportunity is right in front of you, and you can leave without letting go. The vague grotesque is a little troublesome, it’s a good time for me to shoot.”

Amethyst has almost no reaction with King Meng.

Although the mixed-inspired emperor has not opened his mouth, his violent consciousness of struggle is telling Green that although this guy has not left a mark on Green, he has already made Green a potential target, but he does not know that the target is the ring of Titan's loss or the truth.

It was noticed that Green disdained and ignored the guy and flew straight toward the void.

Above the mainland of the sacrum, the colorful space-time giants of the Green Marionette are also under the afterglow of the second-degree esophagus. When people are guilty, they roar loudly and confuse people, calling on everyone to follow themselves and save themselves in the last days, using these secondary esophage monsters as cannon fodder. It is used to involve some of the attention of the Dimensional Army when Green is implementing the plan of purpose.

"咻", after the elements of the Green's elements of the real body completely left, the Amethyst, which has been speechless for a long time, suddenly sneered.

"The madness that is eager for its eyes is retreating at the crucial time. It is scared to look at you. What makes you so scared, I am ridiculous for you."

In the face of the amethyst than the king of Meng, this undisguised ridicule, the mixed-inspired emperor in the metal ball suddenly angered: "What do you know! Do you think that the old frog was talking about the two of us? It is said to the king of the wizard! Although it is not clearly stated, the strength of the wizard king is only to surpass the old frog, otherwise the old frog has no reason to treat us differently from the previous visitor, and then you I also saw that it took advantage of the warhammer to take advantage of the power. Even if I just stood by it, I felt unbeatable and oppressive. It was impossible to resist. Who would love to use it as a prey, try not to pull me anyway. Get into the water!"

Speaking of this, the mixed-inspired emperor said: "Don't think that you have achieved something in that time and space, you really stand in the endless world, and there is never any real peak. Endless world power is endless, always appear Then some of the horror guys that Superman understands kill you in ways you can't understand. Oh, that's why there's nothing worth remembering in your body, or else..."

Later, the mixed emperor did not say anything more.

Looking at this, it seems that there is still deeper cooperation between the two?

嗡, 嗡, 嗡...

In the distant place, a bomber was carrying out a carpet bombing. Seeing that these gathering places were to be wiped out by a group of card people, there were several exiles in the distance, and they supported it. It is a big surprise.

Although this support is in front of the mighty Solitaire Legion, it is only a slap in the car and a glass of water, just delaying the advancement of the card people's legion.


The three-color light of Green looked at the screams of consciousness. It was the blue light spot that once visited Green’s gathering place. The square-shaped rune of the body was already riddled with holes and even the soul of the Almighty. It also has little effect.

Greenton stopped his steps and the tri-color pupils suddenly shrank.

"The real damage wound that can't be repaired!?"

At this time, Green was in the void space on the mainland of the sacrum. Although there were also a large number of investigative corps, it was not worth mentioning compared to the regular army above the sacral continent.

"The fourth investigation team, there are new unknown creature targets in front!"

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Several fighter jets with a blue-tailed flame broke into the air. ~www.novelmtl.com~ Compared to the giants of the kilometer element that are now in vain, these card fighters are really small, although the energy released by the giants of the elements Under the pressure of the West, it was difficult to move forward, but it was not as easy to tear into pieces as the lower energy of the material energy world near Green.


In addition to the dimensional gap phenomenon, even some of the paper people's lives that have appeared have trended toward three physical images. Now these investigation aircraft, including the paper people inside, are completely flat, like a piece of poker. Like a card, it is rare. Is it a lower latitude creature invasion?

These playing cards are turned around Green's elemental giants and are surveyed at low altitudes.

Green could even see the horrified look of the bearded man wearing a frog mirror, looking at himself like a pre-historic monster, and he was watching these monsters with curiosity.

“I want to really understand the special evolution of this life group as early as possible, and it is appropriate to use myself as an experimental specimen, just as some experimental specimens.”

With this in mind, the Green Elemental Giants have made a fortune and made a space cage in a time-space twist, and arrested several investigative fighters.

"Report! Report, the 052 reconnaissance plane was attacked, and the 052 reconnaissance plane was attacked! Request support, ah..."

Under Green's unparalleled energy control, the space squeezed the corrugation like a delicate scalpel, destroying the card fighter from the outside to the inside, revealing the pilot who opened the parachute bag inside.

If you follow the data of the endless world dimension, such a fragile living body can survive in the void space, which is incredible!


PS: I wish my birthday a happy birthday, a little late, and I will update the second chapter soon.

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