A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1820: Optimus Giant

“Hey, have you found something that was hidden hundreds of millions of years ago?

The three-color brilliance, each eye is more than 10,000 meters, the entire pocket space is violently shocked.

An incredible giant silhouette is slowly forming, and the ice crystal phoenix is ​​on the mullion in the center of the incredible and horrible giant's forehead. Compared with this gradually forming giant silhouette, the ice crystal phoenix is ​​a negligible little point.


The silver ancient warlock was completely shocked by this scene.

Like the ice crystal phoenix, before this high-altitude unknown body that cannot be understood, the silver ancient warlock is like a grain of sand, which is a higher life form that you can't understand!

The giant seems to be bigger than the entire pocket space. In the eyes of three different colors, the eyes turn, sweeping through the ice crystal phoenix and the silver sorcerer dust particles, looking at the vortex channels where thousands of torrents gather. Later, and said the words "several billions of years ago, wanting to be ecstasy".

Green actually compared this creature named Desperate World with the ambiguous mother-in-law.

At the same time, gradually, the outline of this three-color giant is getting clearer and clearer. From the outline of nothingness, the flat outline is gradually rendered by color, like a monotonous childish painting, the face of truth, the robe of appearance. The Book of Truth, the balance of truth, the magic wand, and the ring of Titan's loss are emerging!


With a scorn, this huge children's picture that runs through the entire pocket space raises one arm. Suddenly, the scroll breaks through the two-dimensional system and forms a three-dimensional cognition. The flat children's paintings are layered at the edges. The green-colored checkered runes are stacked, and under the weaving expansion of these square-shaped runes, the giant figure of the children's paintings is like a balloon, and gradually expands.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...


As the giant turns from illusory to reality, the space and space of the pocket space is violently turbulent, and when it is completely down, the entire pocket space is instantly fragmented, and the rules and silver elemental energy system that are constructed by the cyber warlocks are several times. Suddenly turned into nothingness.

This ultimate living body is too powerful, and it easily blew the entire pocket space!


Every silvery cell is trembled. It is a fear of life instinct. Like the ice cream under the sun, the hard outer appearance of the silver sorcerer's sci-fi is gradually melting, and the inner core is also in the violent vibration of the silvered cells. The rapid collapse and collapse, along with his pocket space, gradually became history.

Oh la la...

A pool of silver rain was scattered, and the ancient warlocks collapsed after the pocket space was broken.

"Green, I am going to fight in the next dimension. You are afraid that it will be difficult to avoid the baptism of the Dimensional War. If you want to leave the Dimensional Esophagus, even if you are in this deep illusory time and space, you will continue to shuttle through time and space. It takes a huge amount of source, is it going to come for the second time? When the guardian of the wizarding world is afraid to hold another meeting, what should I do?"

Deep love, ice crystal phoenix blue and blue eyes reveal the color of incomparable worry, and only such close people will be so green for such a comprehensive thinking.

"If you can't avoid it, just read it and learn it. This kind of dimensional war experience is not something anyone can have, hehe!"

The wizard's king, Green's domineering side leakage, said easily, standing in the middle of the second esophagus, the gray space in the middle of the forehead, the glory of the forehead flashed, the ice crystal phoenix shrouded, gradually absorbed into the body to protect.

To put it bluntly, this silver ancient space is just a pocket of the desperate world. It is connected to the high-level esophagus of the super-high-altitude unit scale that the secondary esophagus general organism cannot reach.

The higher the esophagus is flying to the upper air, the larger the time and space unit scale is. The flight of tens of thousands of kilometers is only a few centimeters in the essential proportion. Therefore, the space distance is almost always unable to fly out of the secondary esophagus.

"Since you have said this, the following things will be handed over to you. It is interesting to see the streamering back to the esophagus experience for hundreds of years."

After that, the ice crystal phoenix disappeared completely.



The giants stepped on the continent of the Digestive Esophagus and the mainland. They were affected by the endless world balance rules. Although the giant body was concentrated, it was still too large. It easily surpassed the 100,000-meter-large silver. In the center of the ancient city, two footprints were stepped on, and the ground of the nearby sacral continent was in the shock wave of the squat pit, and it continued to sink.

This is also the special area of ​​the sacral continent that reaches a thickness of 10,000 meters. If it is a tens of meters and a few hundred meters thick, the sacral continent is only a thin layer for the giants, and it will be easily smashed. .

The monsters scattered around the ancient city of Chaozhou looked at the big feet shockedly, but they only saw a small calf. The upper body was completely hidden in the gray esophagus sky, even if they were flying all the time, only It can only go to the giant's knees, and the time-space scale units of the secondary esophagus are too large, not easy to break through.

As early as the time of the ancient warlock's pocket space was broken, these gathering monsters were aware of the time and space of the gathering place, thinking that it was a massive desperate invasion, so they flew out of the abdomen, which was lucky not to be dropped by the giants. Step on the feet.

"This... what is this, a master's feet!?"

The colorful monsters flew in the air, snoring in disbelief, and have been completely shocked by the big feet that fell from the sky.

Although the monsters of the secondary esophagus regard the endless **** as the best way to escape the secondary esophagus, they are also rationally cognizant.

Such supernatural phenomena beyond cognitive understanding are hard to make these monsters make up their minds. More importantly, this is a gathering place that has long been deceived by the ancient sorcerers of "aesthetic" and "hope."

"No? Maybe it's a time-space projection?"

Other monsters can't understand such supernatural phenomena~www.novelmtl.com~ The second esophagus is the end of the cycle of the endless world. Any absurd and weird things can happen. It is also possible to have some bizarre events that are difficult to understand.

"It moved!"

Suddenly, the giant's one foot stepped forward, the shadows shrouded, and the little monsters on the cheekbones were scattered.

"Booming rumbling" is shockingly stunned, and the black water of Ikezawa spreads out into the distance. The central giant spider web in the ancient city of the ancient city of Ghosts spreads over the giant crater, which is a clear footprint of tens of thousands of meters.

Oh la la...

Just as the monsters gathered in these silver chaoss were shocked by this sudden and unknown scene, it was closer to something more creepy!

The sky was gray and high, and the silver rain did not appear. Millions of desperate corpses were like raindrops, and slaps down.

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