A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1819: 3-color diaphragm

Glut, whisper, whistle...

At this time, the black spring water bubbled out, and in the hundreds of millions of enamel-sized enamel-sized enamel pushes, an altar slowly rises from the black pool, and the absurdity is completely different from the second eclipse. Suddenly released.

The altar is like a pyramid, made up of unknown minerals, but the gap between the pyramid minerals is bonded with flesh and blood, and it is cruel and cruel.

At the top of the altar, the nine-year-old bronze blood wax ancient lamp sticks out from the mouth of the ghost face.

Seeing this scene, Millie almost immediately understood and shouted toward the gold giant: "Hesitant, not shot!"

On the other hand, in the hands of the Golden Giant, the seven-color Rainbow Elves struggled, but they did not struggle with the golden hands of steel hoops. The body has changed from a small bee shape to a partial petal.

The gold giant looked at the ice crystal phoenix, and looked at the silver warlock and the altar under him, hesitating.

Millie and the Golden Giant’s contract did not involve cooperating to deal with the silver warlock terms, just to guide the way and to meet their goals, but as the two of them as an ally, if they can join hands, even the silver warlock has this one. The blessing of the altar, in the face of Millie should also have no chance to resist.


However, after the gold giant briefly hesitated, in the scream of the hysterical singer of the seven-color rainbow elf in his hand, he smacked it into the big mouth and screamed, and the scream gradually subsided. The seven-color rainbow elf was swallowed into the stomach by the golden giant.

Immediately, the Golden Giant ignored the request of Millie's team to fight, and decided to turn away, leaving only a touch of pale gold light and shadow disappeared into the silver powder in the outer space.

"Good, hey!"

The ice crystal phoenix blue light gaze at the shadow left by the golden giant, and the two screams send out the heart of the cold.

The ice-tailed swells, the ice crystal phoenix element inside the body, Millie holds up the absolute zero-degree magic wand, and screams: "Ice frosty, ice sea roaring!"

Under the cover of the extremely cold wind that shreds everything, there are several ice dragon phantoms appearing in the faint sacred place. The silver ancient warlocks at the top of the altar end up with a ghost face and an ancient lamp. The big mouth is blowing toward the ancient lamp. "The sound of the green and green flames vacated, and the number of whirlpools of the whirlpool of the horns was hedged, but it gradually fell into the wind. It was faintly visible through the chaos between the ice and the fire, and the horrible frosty beast spreads its wings. .

"The strength of this guy is really terrible. In the end, it is the monster that came out from somewhere!"

The silver ancient warlock muttered, the second extreme light of the painful end, the index finger swayed at the top of the blood wax, a soybean-sized flame ignited, pointing to the figure in the frost and flame, the scream of "咻" + Shoot the past.

However, it was flashed by the ice crystal phoenix, and it was easily avoided. Then the ice and fire chaos above the sky was divided into two by a shovel of ice, and the ice crystal phoenix that opened the wings was so eye-catching. Dive down!

"Silver Gu Mi style fifty-first, dark lock Tianmen!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! boom……

Two months later.

If the previous battles are still trying to test each other's ability system, then at this moment, they are doing their best to the other side to death. For two consecutive months of fighting, this pocket space not only supports two monster-level creature battles. Even though it is still quite stable, it is a bit abnormal.

However, in this competition, even if there is an altar blessing, the ancient warlocks are getting less and less.

In particular, the chest ice emperor struggled in the process of constant struggle, after the partial seal was broken again, almost every half hour of hourglass, the ancient warlocks had to suffer from extreme pain, unable to concentrate, physical strength lapsed.


The ice crystal phoenix claws stepped on the head of the silver ancient warlock. The altar has been riddled with holes and broken. If there is no accident, this gathering place will be disbanded from now on.

Millie is standing down and overlooking, cold and cold: "I can feel the will of the master behind you, the wizard's means are ever-changing, you can say it yourself, or I will find you as a sacrifice, even search for your soul directly. will!"

"Cough and cough..."

Coughing up a lot of silver slag, the ancient sorcerer's head was stepped on the sacral debris by the ice crystal phoenix. It has been unable to resist. Every lord's promotion road is full of thorns and thorns. The wizards are so, these secondary esophagus monsters Is it not?

"Is it really the target? It is a cough and a cough, but it is a pity that the end of the esophagus cleaning is about to begin. It will not come. Otherwise, even if you defeat me, there will be only one dead end. Otherwise, this space will be given first. You, after the end of the esophagus cleaning, let it be taken back."

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

Oh la la!

The black spring water gathered from all directions, and there was a torrent in each spring. After thousands of torrents gathered, a black vortex gradually formed, tearing open a space-time passage on the top of the ice crystal phoenix.

woo woo woo woo……

The whine of the vain sound, crying.

Millie, who heard this tone of melody, every cell is shaking, the creepy suffocation, the back is already cold and sweaty, the ice crystal phoenix looks up and looks at the unknown horrible existence that has long overlooked this space behind the vortex tunnel. .

"Are you a desperate world?"

The world is the master, the rule is the world, the weakness is that there is no way to move, but it has the imaginative strength beyond imagination!

Pocket space?

Millie is suddenly open, just like the pocket of a kangaroo, the silver space is the pocket space of the desperate world!

The crack is full of 10,000 meters~www.novelmtl.com~ But compared to the horrible giant behind the crack, it is just a gap that is barely peeping into it, sobbing and crying, the time and space fluctuate, one super As a stretch of its will, the giant dragonfly barely reveals a head from behind the crack, and the dense teeth are bare and reveal a curved curvature of the crescent moon.

This giant cockroach is nothing but its willer.

"Frost creatures, do you want to spy on my mystery of time and space?"

The surface of the skin is covered with all kinds of illusory creatures, like mucus, which is squirming, nausea, and hoarse: "Hey, then come over, it's time for you to know the real horror!"

After the initial shock, the ice crystal phoenix smiled at this moment, looked up and looked up at the shackles behind the crack, and the yin and yang screamed: "I am sorry, I am afraid to let you down, and it is not me who wants to spy on your time and space." It's him!"

Suddenly, there is no sign, the time and space at the foot of the ice crystal phoenix, the eyes of three different colors of 10,000 meters suddenly open, the eyeball pupil is like a starry sky, calm and deep, looking through the vortex to the giant cockroach behind.

At this time, this space has become strange and quiet!

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