A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1801: Plane monitor (top)

A ring of the world of Santa.

A ring of real spirit wizard Silvana respectfully stared at the sudden visit of the first generation of the wizard king Green, the five-tailed fox and the small clouds are also full of eyes.

Before climbing the sky, Green held his hands, and the three colors of light flashed in the face of the truth. Milli, the Ice Age, also watched the wonderful plants that were unheard of.

In a short while, the Santa Claus world was at a high altitude, and the small eight red and green figures swooped down and landed on Green's shoulders.

"Oh, the number is clear, a total of three thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven tentacles!"

It is not necessary to say that the face of Green truth has already been able to gain insight into these most basic data, but even with the ability of Green's truth, although it is possible to gain insight into certain characteristics of this strange plant, each tentacle is inserted into the absurd time and space. The survival of a strange world's nutrients, as a means of growth, continues to climb, but this plant has some unheard of life characteristics, but has subverted Green's cognitive attempts.


Quietly nodded, Green whispered: "It is not a long-awaited fairyland, even if it is just a glimpse into the tip of the iceberg, the harvest is no less than the Xia He civilization, this climbing Tianteng should be a certain Xianzun master The special time and space of the cultivating material penetrates the reality and the illusion. If the sage is still there, the strength is only to reach the level of all beings, but it is not weaker than my existence."

As the king of the early wizards of the Wizarding World, Green can say these words, and I can imagine the affirmation of the power that this unsuccessful leader has dominated.

Can get Green's evaluation, this master's strength, at least is the level of Pumirosius, the Black Witch King, the Eye of Destruction, and the desire to be ecstasy.

When I heard that the king of the early wizards was so praised, Silvana also felt that there was light on the surface, and said: "In order to save this plant, I have guarded two eras in the relics of the fairyland. From the ruthless instinct of the ancient wizards, and the realization of the Taoist cultivation of the heart, it can be regarded as a creation."

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

At the foot of Green's feet, the shadows slowly squirmed, and the blood and rain avatars gradually emerged. The sorcerer of the true spirit said: "Hey, you don't know, there is one of the three hundred and seven hundred and seventy-six tentacles of this vine. It is connected to the nightmare of the nightmare. Although the link between the two is negligible, it can be regarded as one of the two time and space clues. If the kings of the nightmare come back to the wizarding world along the time and space clues, can the master take this responsibility?"

After a pause, the **** rain continued: "Three thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven time and space tentacles, and still growing, who can tell if there is a nightmare in the Qing Dynasty? Even if the nightmare world has not invaded, Other world invasions, although the current world of wizards is not afraid, it may delay the hunting expedition plan. In the end, the master is not the founder of this time and space, but can not really control this fairy spirit, be careful Wonderful, you should report the world guardian as soon as possible."

Actually, he was said by a avatar. Although Silvana knew that it was also reasonable, his heart was still uncomfortable, and he nodded reluctantly.

"It is not unreasonable. Fortunately, it is timely to find out that the guardian of the spring is guarded by this. It is just a matter of case. Now I charge a tentacles as a research specimen to see if I can pass the experiment. , find some time and space links."

Green rounded off the scene and forcibly took a tentacles as a specimen, and then said: "I don't know how long it will take to find the exact coordinates of Xianyu, but this other world nutrients that Xianxian has inadvertently absorbed is also considered to be a wizard. The world has provided some supplies and provided some help for your rule promotion. Since I have already inquired about the reasons for time and space, I still have some things to go to the city of Eternal Sky, here to find the exact coordinates of the relics and then contact Let's go."

Said, **** rain and re-integration into the shadow of Green's feet, Green with a small eight on the shoulder and Millie, slightly and pity, Xiaoyun greeted, turned and left.

"Gong my master!"

Silvana watched Green and Millie leave, and looked at the milky white spirit pool that kept screaming and screaming, and muttered: "Qi Tian Xian Teng, Qi Tian Xian Zun!"


call out! call out!

At high altitude, Millie followed Green and sighed: "The glacial vegetation specimen store that has been in operation for two thousand years, the old customers have become accustomed to the nature of the vegetation specimens I cultivated, but unfortunately."

After that, Millie smiled sweetly: "However, it is good to have such an ordinary experience with you."

"Mental consciousness affects the power of transformation, breaking through the 1024-point mental limit, and the black witch king's life and death are fundamentally cognitively absorbed and absorbed. Two thousand years is enough."

Realizing that such a discourse was a cold and influential Millie, Green quickly added: "I also thought about this time, as the king of the wizard, is it also necessary to respond to the call made by the Demon Expedition? Make your own contribution and add to the world of the wizarding world."

Even the old guy who lived for a long time like Millie suddenly heard Green say so, and couldn’t help but look at the red face of the neck, and dare not look at Green, who is softly joking.

Although the wizard has long been accustomed to everything in the objective development, and treats the natural development of all things calmly, but Milli, who is focused on Green, has never been obsessed with herself. Instead, she has become more and more cherished and expectant. She has been close to Green many times during this period. Distance contact, but has not developed to the last step.

Until now, Green is not only affecting the Black Witch King, but also seems to be influenced by the Black Witch King. Even if he said such words, Millie could not believe her ears.

Millie, of course, does not know that Green is in the eternal life of Huang Quan, and that the release of Lafite has been completely freed from endless regrets.


On the shoulders of Green, boring with the feathers of the little eight, as if I heard something amazing, stunned and shouted: "Green Beast, what you just said, I seem to hear you want to mate with Millie?"

Green did not speak, but Xiao Ba was not prepared to let go of Green's meaning~www.novelmtl.com~ screamed: "Is it true? Hey, hey, I just heard something wrong, you are talking! Wow Hey, this is the blood of the king of the wizard. You have to leave a few more. I already have you and Xiaowan, and I can add a few more potentials to the blood of the king of infinite wizards..."

Millie's upper teeth clenched her red lips, shy but still kept looking forward, looking at Green with a gaze, and earnestly said: "According to your call, each pair of wizard partners can at least raise two offspring, so that you can rely on the wizard A long life expectancy, enough to maintain a sufficient amount. But you see the wizards who are with you, who responded to your call, are some old guys who focus on the truth of the truth, not because you don't lead by example!"

Said by Millie, Green thought, it seems to be, suddenly shame.

"Well, you strive to advance to the true spirit as soon as possible, and it can be regarded as a part of the elemental wizard. The wedding will be held according to the plan, on the day of the successful hunting expedition, the combination of two true spirit wizards, the blood left by the time will inevitably have some wonderful Talent. Before that, you are using the six-level holy sorcerer as a cover, we... um!?"

Green, who is heading to the city of Eternal Sky, halfway through it, suddenly seems to find something. The tri-color ray looks at the slightest inconsistency in the distant water curtains. He hoarsely: "Don’t dare to spy on the wizarding world, hehe, Looking for a dead end!"

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