A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1800: The third generation of wizard civilization technology

The Wizarding World has not been built for a long time as a city of the sky as a result of the wisdom of the ancient times.

After the Second Civilization War, the ancient wizards defeated the abyss and the ancient demon, and the wolverine fled to this world community, heartache, frustration and despair, facing the sorcerer world, although the 17-round true spirit wizard Pumiro Xiusi proposed the grand plan of the Demon Hunting Expedition to regain the courage to face the cruel reality for the Wizarding World, but the specific implementation of the operation is another situation.

As the platform for the ancient wizards, Sky City is the base for carrying space fortresses. It is suitable for the ultra-distant distance between the world communities, symbolizing the glory of the ancient wizards, but the ancient wizards who fled to this place conquered this relatively primitive. If you are a member of the world community, it is obviously not cost-effective to exhaust your heart and build a city of the sky.

In contrast, instead of using the fate lever magic wand to incite the miniaturized space fortress to directly fall into the exotic world, it is undoubtedly faster and more convenient, and consumes less!

In this way, under the joint efforts of Pumirosius and all the mechanical spirits, all the cities of the sky were merged, and the city of Eternal Sky was completed little by little, and its internal structure became more and more complete.

This is the miracle of the eight-level life that has accumulated by countless wizards with wisdom and wealth!

Nowadays, the body of the eternal sky city of Pemirosius, which was supposed to have been completely completed according to the plan, is still under the full efforts of hundreds of millions of mechanical wizards and Skynet wizards because of the will of the king of the early wizards. The final transformation was carried out, and even the planned new generation of Sky City construction plan was delayed.

call out!

The crystal glimmers, and Pemirosius has a work inspection around the city of Eternal Sky.

The plan of the incomparable grand stellar orbiter and its own body in the cosmic world is approaching the end of the rushing process as the hunter strikes approach.

Every detail has been repeatedly scrutinized by thousands of Dawn Wisdom Wizards to ensure perfection.

In fact, compared to the construction of stellar orbital artillery, it is not the stellar orbital artillery itself that really plagues the metal destroyer civilization of the great universe. It is the vast energy that it needs after launching an attack!

Even with the perpetual motion and dark matter reactors, Vantage Quantum Technology, which is based on energy and infinite micro-technology, is a headache for energy consumption. The energy needed is not just a unit in the conventional sense. The sorcerer's world heritage can't be consumed for a few times.

However, after careful consideration, Green finally transferred the eternal orbital gun to the city of eternal sky.

There is the eternal sky city of Pemirosius, plus the black witch king, this bright and dark man is a corner of each other, the conventional battle of the demon voyage should be enough, then only need to leverage the magic wand in the wizarding world A city of eternal sky, it will be enough to make up the consumption.


The four-wheeled wizard who was responsible for the connection of the stellar orbital energy pipeline line, saluted Pumirosius.

"Well, how is the work done, can the supply loss be reduced to less than 12%?"

Although the wizarding civilization is not known for its energy application, it is unparalleled in terms of the meticulous control of energy. Therefore, after understanding the truth of the stellar orbital gun, Pumirosius understood that except for some of the sci-fi random parts. If some key parts are added with the energy application effect of the elemental wizard, some qualitative changes will occur.

In this way, Pumirosius issued a harsh order, and must reduce the energy consumption of the stellar orbital gun to less than 12% of the original design!

The four rounds of the real spirit sighed and sighed: "The elements of the real spirits have been consulted, and the dawn wisdom wizards have done their best, 33% is already the limit of the wizarding civilization, which is still in use. This is the case with some underlying materials. We have really tried our best, and if we continue this way, we may delay the new generation of Sky City technology developed by the space-based starship and Sky City technology, affecting hunting. The Magic Expedition Planning is not worth the loss."

The new generation of Sky City is the third generation of Sky City developed after the combination of the second generation of wizarding civilization and metal destroyer civilization technology. The war platform seeks balance in stability, durability, efficiency and comfort.

This large-scale platform technology has been developed for thousands of years, becoming the first and foremost event after Vantage Quantum Technology has been placed under the jurisdiction of the Wizarding World.

According to the design, the third-generation Sky City war platform form still uses the wizard's rectangular structure, but its internal energy-driven mode is a combination of dark matter reactor and element conversion technology, with a length of one million meters and a width of 500,000 meters. The height is 250,000 meters, the highest carrying space is 500 fortresses, the standby virtual airship is 10,000, and there is a wizard's willing rule to spread the amplification technology. The maximum power space-based satellite gun 1000 degrees half hourglass, the main at-field protection The hood has a burst of energy protection of 2.5 million degrees...

In short, this is a new generation of qualitative warfare platform completed on the basis of the sky city created by the ancient wizards.

According to the wizards, the third-generation Sky City has at least a power of between 1.7 and 1.8 times compared to the second-generation Sky City, which consumes the same resources.

"The dominance of energy applications, the enemy of energy applications, the wizard of energy applications..."

Pumirosius muttered over and over again, thinking about all the people he had seen, the alien alliances, the wizarding world wizards, the ancient fallen wizards, the books of the holy books, the enemies who had handed over...

Suddenly, what Pumirosius thought of, the towering nose was sagged under the eye socket, and the eyes flashed brightly.

"The king of the early wizards! Have you ever seen the king of the early wizards?"

The four-wheeled real spirit sorcerer said: "How is it possible? After the world hegemony, even the king of the wizards of the Wizarding League Congress did not show up. If he wanted to hide in the wizarding world, unless there is a face of truth, or a guardian of the four seasons. Otherwise, who can find it? The ridiculous thing is that the face of truth is on the king of the early wizards, and the four-level guardian is dispatched by the ruler of the wizard king.

The four-wheeled real spirit sighs.

“哼哼~www.novelmtl.com~ Speaking of energy manipulation applications, his power of annihilation is really close to the properties of dark matter reactors, and it also controls the Vanguard perpetual motion, and even the self-sealing explosion can achieve absolute power. Control! If you can find him, even if the energy loss rate of the stellar orbital gun can not be reduced to less than 12%, there will definitely be another breakthrough, which will not be the limit of 33% today."

Pumiro Shunton, then said: "Contact the Black Witch King, summon the king of the early wizards to the city of eternal sky!"

Hearing the words of the Black Witch King, even if he knew that the Black Witch King had been influenced by the spirit of Supreme Witchcraft, he couldn’t help but burst into a cold sweat. The four-wheeled Real Witch nodded silently.

After inspection, Pemirosius went to the muzzle energy aperture compression, which is the science fiction device of Vantage Quantum Technology. In the continuous energy output process, the stellar orbital gun needs to maintain the constant pressure of the energy source, which is There is a need for a strong enough muzzle and compressor, but unfortunately, the wizarding civilization is not involved in this regard.

It can be seen from this that the addition of the metal destroyer civilization can almost be said to be in all aspects for the improvement of the wizarding civilization.

In terms of the eternal orbital gun energy compression aperture, there are three 歼天网真灵巫师.

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