A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1786: Alliance Conference (5)

[Title: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1780th chapters Union Assembly (five) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: Sheng Shifanghua criminal psychology: teachers of sin and punishment entertainment are also crazy and immortal mercenaries live oysters eat in Seoul one night, the chief president is too dangerous close agent "What do you want!?"

After all, it was the endurance of Bibi Luo, and it broke out!

However, Bibi still maintains the last reason, and does not spread out the power ripple mode. It is only a verbal challenge. There is still a line of hope in the depths.

After the roaring of Bibi, the whole hall, the entire aircraft, and the nearby voids seemed to be completely frozen. The black witch’s “桀桀桀桀” evil laughter also came to an abrupt end.


The king of Saqajita Saiyan only had time to make an inhalation posture, and the dark shadow appeared suddenly on one side. Face to face with the senior Saiyan warrior Bibi Luo behind him, and instantly formed an absolute superiority of oppression. force.

The black witch king did not sneer, staring at the screaming little thing in front of him who was so frightened that he could fight with blank madness at any time. He said: "What do I want? I want to pull it on your head. Use everything to insult you and let your inner ambitions vent out, then I can justify the media of this ambition completely!"

The Black Witch King also reacted with his cold sweat and drip, regardless of his reaction to the Sakya Tower, the king of the Saiyan, who has completely shown his evil, gloomy and cold side.

"Yes, I just want to oppress you the Saiyan people, so that the garbage that should have been erased by the endless world of truth and truth disappears, let you do the dirtiest and hardest work, let You can never see the hope of turning over! Desperate, hey, come, shoot, attack me, don’t knock me down, your Saiyan people will never have the hope of turning over!”

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚

Bibi Luo’s heart beats fiercely, and the long black hair gradually fades as the inner body gradually begins to burn. The crystal glass ion layer under the foot is broken, and the “air” is generally spread. The entire airship begins. Naturally distorted, the metal made a squeaking sound of "Oops" and "Oops".

The black witch king looked at all these hairs coldly, and the arrogant demeanor showed a trace of evil and cruel smile.

Just so stunnedly standing in front of Bibi Luo, let the momentum gradually emerged in his body to disturb his own black smoke, and his long hair, turbid, cold and dark, revealing a trace of madness.

Different from the incitement rule of the Green Elemental Wizard, the maximization of interests controls the use of psychology. What the Black Witch King wants to see is to exclude dissidents and to dominate everything with absolute authority.

Through the understanding of this Saiyan fighting nation, every cell of the Black Witch King is telling him that this is a huge threat. Green tries to use the other's behavior and is playing with fire!

Whether the last battle before the Wizarding League's Demon Expedition is open is in the blink of an eye!


At this critical time when the battle was at its fingertips, this was where the Wizarding Alliance dominated the gathering place. When Bibi Luo was about to fall into a deadlock, suddenly, with a bang, the Black Witch King and Bibilo felt. Unanimously looking at the bricks, it was the king of Sakagittasia who squatted on one knee and performed courtesy etiquette.

And the person he is swearing is a black witch king.

"The great black witch king, I am the swearing oath of the time and space of the Saiyan beast, and I am grateful to the sorcerers for their rights. The Saiyan family will try their best to repay!"

At the moment, in the mind of Sakajita, the image of the prince and princess produced by Queen Molly in the 3D light and shadow screen is constantly appearing. The two are intertwined and replaced. It seems that they are making a very painful decision. Saqajita eventually has As decided, the pain roared: "I decided to give the great black witch king a post-graduate study by the Queen Molly."

It seems that Sakajita did not expect such a choice, and the Black Witch King also took a slightly glimpse.

Mo Libi's team of dragons and phoenixes, the prince's congenital combat power 432, the princess congenital combat power 00, according to the truth, Saqajita should leave the potential of the more powerful princess, but the black witch did not think of women The desperate situation after the breeding of the Saiyan people, and the encounter of the king of Sacagittasia in the time and space of 300 million years ago.

This prince with a congenital combat power is not the former Saqajita?

"His Majesty!?"

Bibi Luo looked at Sakagitta incredibly, the arrogant Saiyan king, facing the cruel reality, for the Saiyan family, have they chosen this?

"Not yet!!"

Saqajita’s roaring sound made Bibi Luo’s instinctive choice of kneeling on one knee, and also lowered the proud head of the Saiyan people to the Black Witch King.

However, from the depths of their eyes, no one would suspect that they saw a more determined ambition, to bear the burden of humiliation and steal, as long as the time is ripe, it will inevitably launch the most deadly blow to the powerful things that once oppressed themselves, and retaliate.

The strangeness is only a moment, and the Black Witch King disdains: "I want to be a disciple of the king. It is a great honor for your Saiyan people. I don’t know how many people want to kneel in front of me, but they have become Dead bodies, you should feel extremely glorious!"

"Yes! The Saiyan people really feel very honored, thank you to the great wizard king who can accept my daughter as a disciple!"

In the face of the completely humiliating King of the Casa Guitar Saiyan, even the Black Witch King is not good, and even the restlessness in the heart is more intense.

The deepest soul consciousness is constantly telling the Black Witch King that they must immediately kill the two masters by any means, but Green’s consciousness is affecting the Black Witch King, and he must follow the rules and use the rules to control the two. Use their power to serve the ultimate plan of the Demon Hunt, and then use the rules of employment to kill when you don't need it.

In the end, Green's consciousness defeated the black witch king's instinct consciousness. The black witch king looked at Sakajita with a dignified look. He said coldly: "If you want to retaliate, you should grow up as soon as possible. Let me see if you are a timeless person." What is the skill! Then, after the conference, send your daughter to the wizarding world. If you dare to violate what you said today, you will know the consequences."

After that, the Black Witch King walked by himself and left the ship.


Saqqita until the black witch left ~www.novelmtl.com~ and stood up with Bibi Luo, the anger and humiliation of the eyes made a humiliating weight-bearing resolution.

After a while, the inferior Saiyan warriors and Saiyan scholars were awake from the coma, and the soft body stood up and saw the sin of the unhappy Saiyan king on the throne, and rushed to sin, and very Quickly reorganized and restored the basic functions of the ship and drove away.

When the Black Witch King returned to the void again, the concentration of the masters was significantly more.

This vast world community is more than the ancient wizarding world. With the powerful strength of the Wizarding Alliance, I am afraid that it has already surpassed the peak of the ancient wizarding world. With the promotion of the rule of the wizards, the colonization of the innate wizard Diffusion, the number of surges, the strength of the gap between the ancient wizards will be larger and larger, until the difference.

In this way, the Wizarding World finally has the courage to face the abyssal world community, rather than the desperate attempt of the ancient wizards.

"Black Witch King!"

In the face of this familiar conscious greeting, the Black Witch King looked at the south without a lush old tree.

Although it is only a six-level peak, but the world tree is the terrible body that the Black Witch King is also facing, and it is enough to compete with the complete body of Pomerius!

If the non-ontology can't move, the miraculous body is terrible, and maybe the ultimate world of the endless world that the wizarding world needs to be cautiously treated, the super eight-level body!

"The world mother tree, the hunting demon expedition plan is about to open, are you ready to complete the contract that was made in the Wizarding World that year?"

The Black Witch King asked, the world tree was easy to say: "Of course! Even if you know that the road is dangerous and cruel, how can I refuse the price of the wizarding world?" After all, this is what makes me truly free. Destiny lever magic wand!"

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