A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1785: Alliance Conference (4)

[Title: shaman Journey text 1780th chapters Union Assembly (iv) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: live scorpion criminal psychology: sin and punishment Sheng Shifanghua entertainment teacher is also crazy undead mercenary to eat in Seoul one night, the chief president is too dangerous close agent to control the Huadi Quantum controlled by the wizard civilization Science and technology, the science and technology of the Saiyan people are somewhat backward, and they have only learned some technology on the surface of the fur.

After all, the number of Saiyan survivors is not at the same level as the Wizarding World.

嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

The Black Witch King walked step by step toward the center of the aircraft. Both the inferior Saiyan warriors and the professional Saiyan scholars turned their eyes to the moment when they saw the Black Witch King, and then silently fell silently. Compared with the Black Witch King, these lower creatures are too different in life level, and so close together, the Black Witch King is equivalent to facing a world community level air storm for these lower creatures.

In the center of the empty ship, it is a conference hall with a transparent particle layer at the foot, like a layer of crystal glass, smooth and flat, not too much decoration, spacious and atmospheric.

As the Black Witch King walked through, "吱啦", "吱啦", designed to be able to withstand the ripples of the medium-sailed Asians, the crystal glass, was left by the barefoot black witch king a series of dark footprints, step by step extension At the end of the throne at the end of the hall.

The crystal glass of the whole hall was influenced by the Black Witch King. The black smoke seemed to be sealed in the crystal glass under the foot. The swimming twisted and formed a horrible mourning face, and then returned to the state of cut tobacco. It feels like the moment is just an illusion.

At the same time, the narrow space is affected by the darkness of the black witch king Huang Quan, the illusory rules are involved in reality, and the unpredictable consciousness thoughts, after entering the reincarnation, the emotional resentment at the time of dissipating, even the lighting of the ceiling tube It’s a sudden change, as if there is something to be drilled from the surface of the spacecraft.

At the moment when Prince Saqajita and Bibiro followed the Black Witch King into the hall, the already stiff body could not help but shudder.

However, the reasons for the two tremble are quite different!

At this moment, Bibi Luo clearly sensed that the creature in front of him was like the time and space of hundreds of millions of years ago. The king of the Saiyan who ruled the world community was generally vast and magnificent, and it was followed by waves. .

Absolute power is above all vain deterrence, and any existence that dares to confront it will be crushed and destroyed.

In the same small space as this terrible creature, Bibi has a sense of absurdity between life and death. Bibi’s trembling is trying to control himself and not let himself fall into that blank destruction again. .

As for the shudder of Saqajita, it is entirely from the boundless anger!

The blood of battle in the body is burning, the will of the soul is roaring in violent, every cell, every drop of bone marrow is boiling, everything is because the black witch king who is standing in front of the supreme throne of the Saiyan is only one step away. Far away!

"Move, move, fight, stop him!"

At the end of the hall, the Black Witch King did not pay any attention. After stepping to the only throne at the end of the hall, he turned to look at the two unnatural time-lapse Saiya bereaved, the dark and delicate skin of the Black Witch King who was moistened by the world will. Next, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he sat on the throne of Saia in such a self-satisfaction.

Comfortable leaning, the right hand five fingers "咚", "咚", "咚", "咚" unconsciously knocked on the throne of the throne, the black witch king arrogantly overlooked the two, completely ignoring the king of the Saiyan people almost burning Double eyes.

"First of all, you have to know that it is the sorcerer who will take care of these stray immigrants. You have not become a dog of mourning, so that you have a place to live! So as long as you are alive, every day, every minute, every second must be grateful to the wizard's grace."

The Black Witch King said of course, lazy, a black barefoot on the wide throne, black and blue overlooking.

Saqajita did not speak, and seemed to be oppressed by infinite humiliation. He was already at the peak of the burning of war. He sat on the black witch king but he was indifferent to it. "桀桀桀桀" Sen cold laughter, black smoke from the mouth It appeared in the nostrils and seemed to play with the two little cockroaches in the box to see if they had the courage to resist themselves.

"The great black witch king said that the Saiyan people never forget the gift of the wizards!"

Bibi Luo saw Saqajita, and at the crucial time, he took the initiative to step up thousands of times.


At the same time, Saqqita also seems to have overcome the bloody, realistic and victorious ideals after Bibiro’s remarks, and sighed with a sigh of relief from the end of the extremely terrible consequences. A proud head.

If the Saiya people at this time are confronted with the wizard, it is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg and looking for extinction.

"Oh, knowing this is good! Since the Saiyan people themselves are the gift of the wizards, it is only natural that the witches can do something they can do. I have read the employment price you mentioned before, and it is too high. What are you talking about?"

Saqajita still did not speak, and the head was so low that he held his breath, trying to make himself show a funny and calm, and his cheeks were flushed.

Bibi Luo also bite his teeth and said: "So, according to the master, it means..."

"I can see it in one third of your insured price! In addition, since it is an employment partnership, the baby hatchery of your Saiyan family is spread in the wizarding world community, and a large number of high-quality Saiyan fighters are cultivated. In the consumption of alliance resources, do you think this should pay some compensation?"

Hearing the words of the Black Witch King, it was the suppression of Bibi Luo, and he could not help but be completely angry.

In the hall, the horrible singularity is calm and quiet. This small airship may become history in the battle of two higher creatures at any time. The Black Witch King does not seem to feel anything outside, and still smiles at Bibiro and Saqajita ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ one-third? too low! The Black Witch King, when we were employed by the King of the Wizards, was negotiated through peace..."

In the end, Bibi Luo put on the image of a weak victim, took a step back, tried to speak soft words to tide over the difficulties, and finally realized the horror of the wizard world Black Witch King.

"Oh, is it too low? I don't think it's low. Don't say the king of the wizard. It wasn't the king of the wizard who signed the contract with you. It was just a six-level sorcerer." Do you mean that you are not satisfied with my fairness?"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the king of the Saqa Gitasias raised his head, and he did not know what he had just thought of. He was very calm and promised, and even dared to look directly at the oppressive shackles of the Black Witch King, and he was fearless.

Bibi Luo looked at Saqajita with surprise, and even for a moment, even Bibi also felt that the king of the Saiyan was about to break out.


After the black witch screamed, his hands and fingers were still on the metal handle of the throne, "咚", "咚", "咚", "咚" unconsciously tapping, just as Bibi Luo felt that the black witch king had "find the 茬" already At the end of the day, the black witch who laughed and laughed slowly: "Since the Saiyan people have already started a good cooperation with the wizard, then the king has also come to the interest. I heard that the Saiyan family has just been born. A prince and a princess, the king will accept one of them as a disciple. Who is more suitable for you?"

In the meantime, the king of Sacagitta, who was originally a strange and calm, changed his face.

Even he just got the news of the birth of the prince princess, the black witch king has already known, and so brazen to capture one of them!


Ps: The next chapter is later. 166 novel reading network

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