A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1782: Alliance Conference (1)

Participate in the Wizarding League conference, at least a very special three-level creature is eligible, such as the control of a small world leader, the first-class medal of honor hunting wizard.

After the third civilization war, I don’t know how many world masters and holy marks wizards fell, but what followed was the promotion of more world masters, holy marks, and the increasing power of the wizarding world in the alliance. Gao, this large-scale alliance organization civilization system has grown stronger.

Although the alliance conference has not really opened yet, in the whispers of people gathered in the early days, the topic of the king of the early wizards has become the core of all topics, followed by some discussion of the demon expedition, after all the owners of the exotic world. All understand that the starting point for the wizards to build this huge alliance is for this so-called hunter expedition!

What exactly is the Hunting Expedition?

The vast majority of the world's lords are ignorant, do not know the so-called, just afraid of the brutal conquest of the wizards and forced to join the alliance organization, subject to the rules of the contract.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The nature of the first elemental space is the sacred sorcerer and the lord of the world. The grotesque alien world masters survived from the battle of the third civilization, or later made a good fortune, fully understanding the world. After the unique center of the community's horror world strength, it has maintained an absolute awe.

The "call", the flame burned, the black-bearded wizard who was swayed by the red heat wave followed the elemental wizarding army, like a meteor, coming from the void to the elemental space wrapped in this time and space rule.

The Andes sacred sorcerer, as the outstanding pride of the newly promoted sacred marks since the birth of the rule of the ancestors of the sorcerer, the road of wizards is long, and he is inspirational to become the king of the second generation of wizards, trying to explore in the flames burning the truth.

"Andean Master!"

A female sacred sorcerer volunteered to the Andes, a four-level Skynet sorcerer, who was scrapped towards the elemental sorcerer where the Andes were.

Today's wizarding world is no longer the same as it used to be. The various factions and wizards are distinct. Under the unified management of the wizard king, there are also mechanical wizarding schools, Skynet wizarding colleges, refining wizards, and other regions. The world of wizards is in a large concentration, small mixed state.

"Li Li Ya An Master!"

After seeing the comers, Andes also rushed to make a ceremonial gesture, welcoming the most intimate look.

Although the new world of the universe has been blood-combined with the wizards, and the semi-mermaids, they belong to the wizards after the rules of the ancestors, but the individual forms are still different from the average wizards. For example, this one is different. Li Yaan, tall and graceful, white and flawless, like a baby, the limbs are much longer than the normal sorcerer, the body is more slender, and the head occupies a higher proportion.

In general, Skynet Wizards are similar to the hacker's general role, rarely revealing the true body, but this kind of alliance conference, except for the very few masters who have the right to participate in the conference, the Lord of the World and the Holy Land The wizards need to come to the real body to respect the king of the wizard.

"After a thousand years, the rules of the masters have become more and more sturdy. My true body is close to the spiritual body protection and the basic cell transformation. I feel a small depression just standing next to the master."

Having said that, Lili Ya'an looks obviously different from the eyes of Andean, and it is fiery and tender, almost without disguise.

In the same way, Andean eyes seem to be melting Lili Ya'an in general, and the feelings are pervasive.

"This conference was convened by the King of Wizards. The purpose of this conference is to formulate the internal treaty of the alliance. As a rule during the expedition, it is divided into two parts: the relationship between the wizarding world and the alliance, and the internal development of the wizarding world. Have the right to speak, how are you ready for the proposal?"

Andean is concerned about the question.

Although it has not been experienced in detail, Green has also learned something from other sorcerers. The Skynet sorcerer and the Sea Wizard are still discriminated against by the traditional ideas of many ancient wizards.

The ancient wizards referred to by the Andes are completely different from the concept of the ancient wizards pointed out by Green in the old days. In the view of the innate wizards, all the wizards of human descent are classified into the concept of the ancient wizards. This type of witch is thinking for historical reasons. Be conservative and backward, and often duty to the new era, the wizards forget the tradition, break the inheritance, and lose the sorcerer's belief...

Everything is similar to the ancient wizards who used to see the last era of Green.

"I originally prepared a proposal, but for special reasons, I may not intend to use it. I believe that the King of the Great Wizard will definitely establish a strong, harmonious and unified wizarding world."


Lili Ya'an's words made the Andes confidently nodded and happy.


The black witch king who hunted the demon sin, as the incarnation of the Green Hunting Demon during the expedition, and the many spiritual wizards who have gathered together in the void, overlooking more and more holy marks wizards and world leaders in the element space box. We.

There are more and more people in the world where elemental space gathers, and this small space is almost blasted.

Beside the Black Witch King, it is a crystal cymbal, which is a Pmythonyus avatar.

Three meters tall, full of explosive power, the skin does not have a trace of sputum, towering nose, sunken eye sockets, Pumirosius squats deep and calm eyes gaze at the black witch king, low: "Everyone is coming for the king of wizards, you But it doesn't appear ~www.novelmtl.com~ Really good?"

The endless black smoke, in the darkest part of the darkness, the black witch king messed up the evil and cruel mouth, "桀桀桀桀" smiled, humming and humming: "People only need to know that there is a king of wizards, just fine, The king of wizards will serve as the ultimate guardian of the wizarding world. In addition to the hunter-destroy expedition, there are still many things left in the wizarding world. The nightmare world and the fairyland exploration are not mentioned. According to secret information, the chaotic world community seems to have been independent. The dynamic of the will of the will?"

Hearing this saying, a round of true spirit wizards in the distance suddenly saw the black witch king, I do not know whether it is a psychological effect, a round of real spirit witch seems to be seeing the black witch king looking at himself, rushing to turn his head, not afraid More words.

The black witch king "squeaky" a cruel sneer, did not say anything more, faintly said: "The network world is the illusory world created by the universe of the world, and the communication of the future wizarding civilization, is the loss of the Xiahe civilization. The world’s equally important things must not be let go, and no one wants to return to the era of zero-stone communication. These things are secretly solved by the wizard king. We go all out to expedite the past and the world of the dark world. I don't know how."

Today's Black Witch King, although controlled by Green's Wizards, is not a complete will to replace, only some will be compatible, similar to low-latitude biological will into high latitude will complete rebirth, but only a larger proportion.

Thus, the evil spirit of the Black Witch King, cruelty, madness, and darkness without considering the consequences, remain, and extremely suppresses everyone.

"Well? The light of Quantum Quantum is coming, hehe!"

If the black witch king has the induction, and the many real spirits in the void, staring at the time and space vortex that gathers the energy beam, the two little points that gradually fly out are the magic doll and the little emperor!

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