A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1781: Before the expedition

Saiyan Nova.

The Saiyan scholars have learned a lot from the wizarding civilization, and there are a lot of witches coins obtained by the Saiya warriors in exchange for resources. In exchange for resources for construction, although the nominally only rules the new star, the actual influence has spread to the surrounding numbers. Ten worlds.

call out! call out! call out!

The hospital is a tower at high altitude, and one inferiorly qualified Saiyan baby is launched to the void.

"Wow, wow..."

In the hospital's delivery room, Molly was in the anxious and nervous guard of many medical staff, with a baby crying and screaming, almost out of frustration, pale, and gasping.

The medical staff were pleasantly surprised: "Congratulations to Molly, the Queen, gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes! The emperor was three pounds and four, the heartbeat was normal, the princess was seven pounds and eighty, and the heartbeat was normal!"

There was a smile on the pale face, and Mo Libi shed tears and couldn't speak.

"Queen, hard work."

When everyone was fully focused on the two birth princes, only the queen’s confession was full of tears, and the number of the queen’s falling in his combat glasses made him extremely painful. The female high-ranking warrior who was once proud of the Saiyan family, It’s gone forever.

"哒哒哒哒" footsteps, very quickly, the room has entered a number of high-ranking fighters, all of them kneel and kneel on the ground, paying respect to the birth of two babies.


According to the usual practice, almost every Saiyan baby will be tested for combat effectiveness after birth. The high-potential Saiyan babies will be trained by the resources of the family. After they become adults, they will join the conquest and plunder army, and gradually grow up, and inferior qualifications. Saiyan people will be arranged into the hatchery launcher, with a growth mission, launched to the weak world, until they grow into qualified Saiyan warriors can return, otherwise they will let themselves die.

With the emergence of the combat power of the prince and the princess, the people who were waiting for the knees suddenly changed their faces.

"The prince's innate combat power: 432."

"The princess innate combat power: 17500!"

It's no wonder that everyone in the field has changed!

Although the congenital combat power of the Saiyan descendants is determined by both parents, there is no doubt that the father’s request is higher. If the combat power of the princess and the prince are reversed, how perfect it is.

The 432 combat power of the prince of Saiya was very strong for the ordinary Saiyan, but it was inferior for the Saiya royal family. It is not worth mentioning.

As for the 17500 combat power of Princess Saiyah, it is a rare genius, even for the Saiya royal family. Just think about it. When you are born, you have the strength of being close to the fourth-level creature. You can imagine this life. The body is terrible!

What is embarrassing is that the weakness of the female Saiyan is inevitable, that is, the weakness of the gestation period, the potential after birth and the decline of the fighting power, so the strongest Saiyan warrior is always male.

"Hurry up and inform the King of Saia!"

The high soldiers have reacted.


Wizarding world, endless sea and black areas.

The Black Witch King has completely exhausted the power of human despair accumulated in the black world. The long-lasting dark clouds of the sky have dissipated, the sun shines on the earth, and one dark wizard laboratory has attracted the most tragic blow in history. Smoke is everywhere.

"The instructor didn't know what to think about, but he really gave me this heavy historical task."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Walking on the land of the black field, the fire of the nightmare purgatory is burning, the black shoulder is against the purgatory furnace, and the final elimination of the black domain is completed. It is necessary to complete the mission requirements of the king of the wizard, and the final task period from the alliance conference. Getting closer and closer.

"After reporting the two rounds of true spirits, Nanya found a narrow time and space crack, it should be several black wizards to open together, whether to trace the past?"

A demon warrior screams and screams.

"Time and space cracks? Take me to see!"

After that, the black ropes against the purgatory furnace step by step toward the direction of the wizard. After a while, they found a small crack that suddenly appeared in a small valley.

"so small?"

The black murmur whispered, and Wanmi squatted down, kneeling on the ground, squinting at the other end of the crack with a big eye, and overlooking it. He saw the soft and intelligent creatures of a Shata city horrified. Cried, looking up at the huge eyes behind the black crack in the sky, making a hysterical scream, very chaotic.

This kind of scene, Hessian has taken for granted, but it is only a small world. If the black line is forced to come, it will inevitably cause the world rules to collapse and develop into an ecological extinction.

"Just some low-level black wizards, send a few holy marks wizards to thoroughly inspect it~www.novelmtl.com~ According to the will of the great first wizard, don't let go of any black wizard."

There is no interest in communicating with the lower organisms of the world's ants, and the eyes in the cracks are gradually receding.

After the black cracks calmed for a while, it was followed by hordes of horrible demons, rushing into the little-known world.

To put it bluntly, with the extinction of primitive humans and wizard apprentices, the rules of protection for primitive humans and wizard apprentices in the Wizarding World are slowly retreating, gradually recovering the carrying capacity of a large world.


Convening alliance meetings are also divided into different specifications.

According to the general rules of the Union Assembly, it is often held every few hundred years. The general wizard world will send a real spiritual wizard to participate, mainly to resolve the contradictions between certain worlds within the alliance, and occasionally when there are nearby The Lords joined in the fun and inquired about the wizarding world's propositions, and nothing more.

As for the Supreme Council of Wizards of the Supreme Rules, it is almost a high-level meeting that forces every world leader to participate. It is usually only held when the major world of the Wizards is to be issued. Such meetings must at least be held. Only one or two eras are only once, and every time the Wizards’ Union is held, the lords will arrive in full.

Before the convening of the conference, the most important thing is to arrange the venue, and this is the task of the six-ring true spirit wizard holding the fate lever!

"Well, I can't control my powerful strength more and more, cough and cough... I hope to support the day when the Hunting Expedition ends. I already knew that getting this magic wand will never be calm, but unfortunately I was ordered to suffer." There is no way to back down."

Sighing, the six-ring true spirit wizard holds the fate lever, one of the colorful glows flashes, leaving the elemental space of this fate lever.

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