A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1761: Battle of the Double King (below)

call! Suck……

call! Suck……

The body of the ancestors of Green's ontology transforms into the power of the imaginary mother's body, and the force of the emptiness is the power of the element. It is like a whale that absorbs water. Each breath absorbs the forces of a large number of elements in all directions, and balances the magic wand with the truth. Together, it adds to the loss of previous violent consumption.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The blood and rain avatars are in the same shape as the purgatory bones. In the collision again and again, they gradually fly to the far side, and they are also separated from the interference range of the "Dimensionality" of Green "The Fairy Tale" and the interference of the Black Witch King Huang Quan.

On the one hand, the infernal sacrum has not obtained the Furnace Furnace, and its strength is far less than the ideal state of the Black Witch King design. The strength of the King of Aba Dang is half because of its unrivalled Purgatory Furnace!

On the other hand, blood rain is a master, the rule of blessing is the blood of the creature, and the greater potential is the special rule that arises after the wizard and the nightmare are connected. That is the peak of it. At this moment, the strength is just plain. Play it.

In this way, the battle between the two will be equal and farther and farther.


The familiar melody, the face of Green Truth, firstly saw the black witch king's coming again, the cold face of the truth: "The third hundred and thirty-eight times! Hey, the black witch king, you will do this, Is it just a wizard who can't afford to lose?"

The balance of truth and magic wand body is the balance of rules, illusory and non-physical structure, can be long or short in Green's hands, can be thick and thin, hundreds of millions of holy white light linger, the face of Green truth is three colors The dead locks the indomitable Black Witch King, and the majestic atmosphere sways round and round, and the dimensional dimension ball smashes again.


Death Bone Magic Wand is in the balance of the magic wand dimension Dimension ball head, the perpetual motion is radiant and not scattered, the endless darkness of the black tobacco, the black witch king clenches his teeth, seems to motivate his full potential, refused to admit I have been surpassed by Green, even if it is the transcendence of the desperate blessing of human beings.

The short-term stalemate, although it seems to be only a superconducting time scale than before, but let the black witch king get an unprecedented fast + sense, and the green tri-color light in a cold!

"How many times have you said that you are not my opponent, go on!"


A slight wand damage, the black witch's excited expression is stiff and solid.

Truth balance magic wand power can not be any object can be long-term confrontation, even the magic wand in the hands of the black witch king, after hundreds of consecutive collisions finally showed no support, and broke.

"Boom", Green, who was serious during the eruption of self-sealing, once again threw the Black Witch King.

At this time, a fading light radiation descended from the sky, and the target was locked by the black witch who was hit by the Greens!

"The king of a generation of wizards, your position has been recognized by the mussel world community, the black witch king is the witch world cancer, now I join hands with you to eradicate it, how do you see?"

The ambiguous mother-in-law seems to have seen the unrivalled overall advantage of Green at this moment, and after watching the cold eyes to see the fighting will of Green and the Black Witch King, he decided to take a method of breaking one by one, which is also a revenge for the mussel world community. .

It’s not that the mother wants to completely watch the fisherman’s profit, but Green and the Black Witch King seem to continue fighting forever, even if they are the ones that they want to hide, and with Green’s The influence of the Black Witch King's battle is getting bigger and bigger, and it will surely fall, the rules collapse, and the world is destroyed.

This is tantamount to chronic suicide. It is a passive situation in which the mother wants to be obsessed!


The three-color light of Green gazed at the light of this awakening. In an emergency, it was only possible to use the ability of the witch to change the rules and create a time and space mirror to help the Black Witch King block the resistance.


After being bombarded by Green, the Black Witch King was obviously subjected to more serious wounds after being subjected to the ambiguous mother-in-law. He made a low-pitched sigh, and countless black smoke scattered, and the light-light column awakened was coming. Sustained heavy damage to the Black Witch King.

嘎巴, 嘎巴, 嘎巴!

Before awakening the light column, Green gripped the truth and the magical knives of the palms and knuckles of the magical knuckles issued a "squeaky", "squeaky" crisp sound, three colors of light gaze up to the super 璀璨 pearl, angry glare revealed.

"Hey! This is the battle of the two kings in the wizarding world. What are you, dare to point your finger again!"

As the Green Witches roared, the smashing of the arc, this time the black annihilation arc was actually changed by Green as the ancestors of the ancestors. The unit was solid, and the four arcs seemed to be a pointed cone, and the top-level ball of the balance light was bombarded.

Realizing that Green did not accept his own kindness, but instead turned against his enemies, he did not expect that Green was such a choice. He wanted to confuse the mother to quickly turn the light column to the target, and to balance the magic wand against the truth that was blown to Green.


There was a fierce opposition ripple between the two. The black witch king still lost to the state of Green at the moment, let alone want to be ecstasy?

With the support of the balance of the light stick, the dimensional dimension ball breaks through the light beam of awakening a little bit, and looks closer and closer to the sun of awakening light. It has already confronted Green once before, and dare to re-energe with Green. Positive confrontation, rushing to avoid opening in panic, fear of the situation is self-evident.


Although the sorrowful mother-in-law avoided the frontal attack of the Green Truth balance magic wand, it was chased by the green-controlled annihilation cone. In the high-frequency ripples of light and dark distortion, the super giant pearls were branded with four black spots. .

"The king of a generation of wizards, you actually refused my kindness! Well, if so, then I will join forces with the black witch king! You will pay for your choice! Black witch king, you and the mussel world community With a write-off, I wish you the best to be the only king of the wizarding world. How do you see it?"

There is also a layer of reluctance that can be called the ground. It is a regular hotbed of layers of illusory power. Most of the young mussels are spent on these hotbeds, and capture those here. Lost energy material world creatures.

The black witch king breaks free from the regular hotbed, and among the scattered black smoke, a light golden milk white spot is gradually being swallowed up by black smoke, and the clear face is unmasked, also staring at the super giant giant pearl. .

"Join with me? Dirty and weak, you are so hard to live. I think I am tall with you? You are not worthy!"

After the black witch took a deep breath, in the nod of the conjoined phantom sister, he extended his right hand and put on the quaint ring with his thumb. The two fit perfectly.


For a moment, a completely different momentum, revealed from the black witch king, witnessed the green look of this scene.


This time ~www.novelmtl.com~ Black Witch King's attack target suddenly became the awakening light of the imaginary mother-in-law!

"Hey, Black Witch King, let's work together to solve this insidious illusion, and then continue the battle before, how do you see it?"

The three colors of Green are full of excitement and look at the black witch king Siamese sister. It seems to have seen a new world, and saw the end of the black witch king's life and death mystery. It turns out that the black witch king actually died in this way.

"Hey, the king of a generation of wizards, your strength has gained my recognition, only the strong can live in this cruel and endless world!"

The black witch king's mouth is full of excitement, which is the excitement that has turned greed into a companion.

At this point, the Black Witch King has confirmed that Green must have come into contact with the secret that can never be said, sharing the loneliness and loneliness since his long history...


Ps: The third one to make up, after 11 o'clock.

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