A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1760: Battle of the Double King (middle)

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The Black Witch King is like a demon, and he does not believe in evil again and again, colliding with Green in the ambiguous motherhood, trying to overwhelm Green.

However, the result of each collision is the same, and Green will suppress the Black Witch King with absolute superiority, which is the essential life level strength that the basic rules understand passive blessing to the wizard.

Witchcraft truth and life-and-death escaping once and for all, even standing on the level of the endless world dimension, is also a long-term epoch in the air, fighting between the rare high-level creatures, but for these two peak sorcerers in the throne This is just the beginning of the test.

On the surface, it seems that the presence is only the battle between Green and the Black Witch King, but in fact, it is not the case!

Wizarding world.

Every congenital sorcerer is the source of strength for the rule of the ancestors of the sorcerer. Nowadays, it is not only the wizarding world. The sorcerer has been able to adapt to the vast world of ecological rules, grow and learn in the exotic world, and finally return to the wizarding world to establish the sorcerer tower. .

Hundreds of millions of innate wizards, each giving a glimpse of insignificant consciousness, hundreds of millions of points of regular light arc gathering, it has formed the true witch of the Green Witch today!

On the other hand, the desperate blessing of the black witch king's human beings, in addition to making it a source of power to replace the black witch king's omnipotent soul, is the desperate suppression of the blood of the old generation of the true spirit wizards, and the control of human despair. The black king of power is like a true spirit wizard who can't sneak a nightmare, unless the wizarding world risks the loss of the half-court civilization and declares war with the black witch king, otherwise it can only admit the wizard king world king.

However, primitive humans have become history after all, and the black wizards are no longer able to provide the black witch king with the power of human despair.

Despite the vast accumulation of its long-term epoch, there will be no emptiness in a short period of time, but after all, it will not be enough, and the clouds that converge in the high ground are getting thinner and thinner.

It can be said that after the blessing of the desperate power of human beings, the true green of Wuzu is fighting with the black witch king who exerts half the strength!

The fairy tale dimension.

The invasion and killing of the demon in the outer domain did not allow the gods and the warriors to yield. All the creatures were fighting for survival. Some of the hidden worlds were strong, and the evil spirits of the world were present, and they were combined into an unprecedented joint army. Fighting in all positions in various worlds.

While the "fairy tale" dimension creatures resisted the demon invasion, on the surface it seems that the dimensional rules have not changed, but the fate of countless coincidences has allowed countless creatures to complete the battle of inferior superiority, reversing life and death.

In this dark age, everyone can become the protagonist of the times, this is simply the protagonist of fate!

What is the protagonist aura?

Speaking of the protagonist aura is really a mysterious and mysterious thing, it can not see, can not touch, people can feel some of the irrational beyond the ordinary, but because it can not find the evidence of rebuttal can not prove, can only be summarized as Good luck.

Some people are lucky at a time, while others are lucky, and good luck seems to favor those who are diligent, brave and heterogeneous.


In the chaotic void domain, Green 335th times the black witch king!

"Hey! Black Witch King, once the new era rules are promoted, they will be more advanced. You don't have any chance of winning by conventional means! And in the confrontation of dimensional dimension rules, there is an essential gap in the exploration of truth between us, but I I believe that you will never just be the power in front of me, let me really see your mystery of life and death, and lead me into this vast and magical world!"

This time, Green did not pursue, but swept toward him and rushed to himself, breaking through the four-phase power matrix shackles boundless ten corpse konjac.

Covering the sky and rolling the magic, one eye after another opened and closed, the ten heads with no flat features, the sound waves of Green.

Oh la la!

Under the control of Green, the page of "Fairy Tale" fluttered and rushed to the corpse, and the papers sneaked into the magical air, which was only a fleeting magic eye space. The incomparable corpse of the corpse has not yet reached the front of the body, and the mouth of the chest is full of painful screams. The magic of the four-armed blade gathers the sound of "呲" and "呲", and a lot of them are broken. .

Then, in the hands of the high-ranking Green, the truth balance magic wand is thrown out, the billions of sacred white sacred light lingers, the magnificent and vast balance of light at the end, the dimension of the dice ball head bangs in the chest of this corpse.


Thousands of corpses of zero-degree corpse were swept by Green, and they screamed out of the end of their horizons.

Although suffering from trauma, but as one of the three great powers of the Black Witch King, the carrying capacity is strong, even if it is not the body of the ancestors, it is not so simple to solve once and for all, even far worse!

call out! call out! call out! call out!

After being defeated, the four sources of annihilation were once again chasing the corpse of the corpse, and they looked very tired. They again applied the four-phase force matrix and bound them.


The corpse of the ancestors covered the palm of the hand and covered it again, but this time it was no longer the palm of the shoot, but the fist that gathered all the strength!

The biting wind, even the shadow of the darkness of the feet under the feet of Green also appeared some fluctuations. The dark red arrogant eyes closed slightly, and were touched by the corpse of the ancestors.

This time, Green can never be forced to wear the corpse of his ancestors as before.

However, Green did not have any panic, the peak force during the eruption of self-sealing, plus the balance of magic wand in the hands of the truth, Green is not afraid of any way of fighting, the face of truth is a breathtaking coldness.

"The truth is righteous, the technique of nothing, the space-based star gun!"


The balance of truth balances the amazing energy ripples on the head of the magic wand. It is the high-speed rotation of the perpetual motion machine and the strong blessing of the Green self-sealing eruption. With the whispering noise of Green, "Booming and Rumble", the light of the glory blooms. The endless stream of grand light rushed to the ancestral body of the corpse.

This is of course not the final form of Green~www.novelmtl.com~ vacant left hand, and is prepared for other purposes.

It’s awkward!

The arc of the world's clothing that annihilated the carrier gradually turned into a liquid state under the revision of the rule of the ancestors. After perfection with the darkness of the annihilation of the flame, it formed a hidden and unsuccessful annihilation of the thunderball, and Wuzu’s left-handed ultra-strength oppression The force makes this annihilation thunder ball condensed, smaller and smaller, and more and more dark, like a natural time and space black hole, to swallow everything into it.

"The truth is righteous, the annihilation collapses, the destruction of the Yuanji!"

call out……

The black ray ball fell to the corpse of the scorpion bombarded by the space-based star-studded artillery. It was already under the space-based rifle, and the corpse of the mourning continually retreated. The upper body was completely overwhelmed by the fierce grand fluctuations.

The black annihilation arc was changed by Green's rule to become a viscous liquid, which was stained with human corpses to eliminate the attack.

A smashing of the space-based scorpion guns that destroyed the small world was shocked. Even if the corpses of the ancestors were unstoppable, the "bang", "bang" and "bang" fell in the depths of the world. .

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