A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1752: 6 Ring Tour (middle)

The vast expanse of the continent, every bone is telling the history of a world of material energy and strong civilization.

I don’t know how many secrets are hidden under the layers of the tibia. I don’t know how many six-level peak monsters are trapped in this endless world to digest and recycle the illusory world, and experience the endless desperation and eventually be digested.

Here, any strange and ridiculous things can happen, no longer constrained by energy, the cumbersome rules of the material world, even if the gap between the dimensions of the imagination is broken, the other side of the memory of Huang Quan’s memory consciousness reverberates, even Some strange illusions that even the wizards have never heard of will come to a gathering, beyond the limits of understanding of any endless world dimension of life.

Even though, compared with some ancient civilizations, the monitoring of the secondary esophagus and the acquisition of strange power, the wizards can hardly know much about this illusion. The second battle of civilization completely interrupted the exploration of the ancient wizards.

Here, in the mouth of the ancient wizards, the name is streamrayed back to the world!


Suddenly, as a colorful ray of light broke through the bounds of the infinite time and space rules of high altitude, the sound of "嗡" had not been able to make too much reflection, and it became engulfed by the earth-shattering storm on the mainland of the cheekbones.

"Oh, hateful, luck is so bad. When it comes, it is a storm."

Complaining a sentence, but the six-ring true spirit wizard as a super-living body that controls the cultural heritage, will not suffer any traumatic trauma in a short period of time, and there is no strong biological pursuit, naturally choose to explore on the spot, sneak into the sacral mainland .

"Call...but it’s better than coming directly to the gathering of those ridiculous monsters."

After adding one sentence, even the six-ring true spirit wizard has to be here, honestly waiting for the head storm to gradually subsidize.

With regard to the special rules of streamlining back to the world, since the ancient times, there have been rumors between the wizards of the wizarding world, but since the king of the wizards announced some secret handwritten documents, this illusion is known as the end of the endless world dimension. It is finally in the wizarding world or officially acknowledged that research on dimensional dimension seals is also underway.

After the storm lasted for a few hourglasses, it gradually came to an end and calmed down.


Breaking out of the ground, the six-ring true spirit wizard turned into a colorful Xiaguang, flashing at the height of the secondary esophagus, rushing toward the coordinates given by Green.

Although it is dangerous to do so, it is no longer important to compare the priorities of the tasks given by Green.

Even if you are in a hurry, the six-ring true spirit wizards can selectively circumvent some monster gathering places along the way, otherwise even if these desperate old monsters are killed, the wasted time will not be worth the loss. As for the ground, those who collect a master advent information The scattered monsters of intelligence, the six-ring true spirit wizards are too lazy to pay attention.

After a few months, finally, the six-ring true spirit wizard arrived at the mission coordinates given by Green.

Oh la la...

The page of page destiny has no wind and starts to swell. The book of Destiny has only three pages of original text, and the others are blank. There are even a few pages that have been torn open. I don’t know where to drift. .

"Is it here? The hunter-going expedition is just around the corner, and the loss of these Almighty Souls is nothing compared to a page of destiny."

Saying, the six-ring true spirit sorrow took a deep breath and stared at the sacred continent that suppressed the quiet and terrible surroundings, but those faint scent, though weak, could not be seen by the six-ring true spirit witch, but it was not Time to go through the troubles to find out, the creatures that can survive outside the secondary esophageal gathering place, at least not too weak, have some unique ability.


Once again, swing the Destiny Lever Magic Wand, and the colorful glow shrouds the earth beneath it.

A piece of bone was transferred to the distant place by time and space. As the six-ring true spirit stalked deeper and deeper, finally, a huge eye passed through the gap of the tibia and looked at the six-ring true spirit wizard overlooking the sky.


Very strange, the six-ring true spirit wizard seems to be hypnotized, but also seems to be imprisoned by time and space, not moving.

Let the time pass, the colorful light lingers, the rules of the six-ring algae linger, and even in the deep and savvy double-minded, the shadows of the shadows of the world's main monsters are fleeting, and there is no change.

In this way, after a few months, the eyes excavated by the colorful Xiaguang were re-masked. The six-ring true spirit wizard even went through several times of baptism, as if it were a dead body, falling in the cheekbone. Gradually buried.

Although no one dared to dominate this short-term, the information hidden by the six-ring true spirits gradually spread with the surrounding masters.

this day.

Suddenly, the bones covered by the heads of the six-ring true spirits, after a squirming, turned into a gray eyes, faintly revealing the contours of Green's truth, and staring at the silent six-ring true spirit wizard. .

"Six rings!"

After a roar of consciousness, the six-ring true spirit screamed fiercely and stunned: "One generation?"


Green's illusory face nodded and said: "I said that it hasn't been solved yet. It's really interesting. It has such ability. With the help of the right esophagus, the right eye stores the material energy world and the illusory power, with the help of the material energy world. The left eye hypnotizes the materialistic biological consciousness of the illusory world. Once, how powerful is the creature that left this eye of destruction? Hey, interesting!"

From this pair of eyes of destruction, Green seems to have seen the image of an extremely terrible creature in distant time and space.

"Ah! I will continue this!"


After the six-ring true spirit sorcerer broke out, after half an hour of hourglass, he returned to the coordinates of the devastating eye of the hidden esophagus. He gently waved the fate lever magic wand, and the colorful light excavated the earth bones.

After a short moment, I once again reveal the super giant eye hidden in the underground of the esophagus and esophagus. www.novelmtl.com~哗哗啦啦!

This time, all the prepared six-ring true spirit wizards did not give each other another chance, directly activated the "Book of Destiny", stunned, the back was cold and bitter, and the six-ring true spirit wizard only felt that the cold sweat spread all over the body, even the breathing stopped. It is.


Painful wants to be snarled, but even the sound can't be emitted. With this super-giant pupil as the center, it seems to be caught by an invisible palm, and the darkness spreads. The super giant eyes disappeared a little bit, and those high-latitude creatures were A little erased.

"Oh, great, its illusion is disappearing, it is bothering you."

The phantom of Green Truth is excited and said.

At the same time, "The Book of Destiny" "哗哗啦啦" flipped, one by one clearly marked the fourth page of fate.

The six-ring true spirit wizard did not respond to Green's meaning, and it has been stiff since then. After a quarter of an hour, the page of fate has been thoroughly written, and the hidden eye of the second esophagus has been completely erased. After the incomprehensible fear has completely disappeared, the six-ring true spirit wizard is relieved, and he has a quiet voice and muttered: "Will this be my final destination?"

Green of the chaotic void domain obviously does not know what the Sixth Ring thinks. The face of truth gradually falls into illusion and is low. "If you don't hurry back, you should first explore the preparations for the next far-reaching world of the Yuanji. I don't believe those awkward Devils." They have given up the Dimensional Esophagus Program and are determined to fight the fate of the endless world."

After that, the face of truth lost the tangent of the eye of the eclipse of the esophagus and disappeared completely.


The six-ring true spirit wizard put away the "Book of Destiny", and the eyes looked at the second-order esophage monsters surrounded by shadows, and the look was a little serious.

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