A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1751: 6 ring trip (on)

Wizard World.

After receiving a secret order from the king of the wizard, King of Green, the six-ring true spirit wizard closed the crystal ball and held the fate lever magic wand standing at the top of the six-ring world tower, and staring at the distant side.

The battle of the second civilization was on the ancient crater, and the third battle of civilization was fluorescent green pollution. These are not only the key surveillance areas of the world's guardians, but also the areas where the six-ring algae rule is governed and the rules are promoted. The six-ringed algae will completely cover all the rules of the remains of the ancient squat pits. Even the fluorescent green radiation that pollutes any energy property will be swallowed up by the six-ring algae!

The six-ringed algae that was born in the laboratory beaker is a fierce, tyrannical, cruel plant specimen born out of nothing in the endless world.

Do not!

It can't even be said that it is a plant.

The endless world, whether it is plant life, elf life, flesh and blood life, elemental life, illusory life, regular life, local natural phenomena, life, including metal destroyers and even synthetic beasts, are under the rules of balance and complexity. The living body, with the fundamental purpose of reproduction and expansion, even the most ruthless wizard will not destroy it as an instinct for no reason, and will only be interested in the life of plundering value and truth research.

But these six-ring algae, which were born in laboratory beakers, are different!

They use the rules of destroying the outside as the most fundamental purpose of survival. Wherever they are left, nothing is left. It is generally a special rule that is similar to the deepest illusion of the esophagus, which represents the most marginal regions of the endless world. It has not yet formed, even the illusion that the dimensional gap imagination has never been involved.

But nothingness, but it is not equal to the blank area that Green draws when he comes to the "fairy tale" dimension.

Therefore, all the real spirit pits and fluorescent green radiation contaminated areas covered by six-ring algae are equivalent to a thorough purification of “endless world first opening”, a restart, and the rules of balance and rules are slowly extended.

If there is no one in the endless world who is not affected by the equivalence rule of the Green Truth Balanced Magic Wand, the Sixth Ring Spirit Wizard must count as one!

If for the general living body, the rule is a higher level pursuit above the basic passive evolution, but for the six-ring true spirit wizard, the rule is equivalent to non-existence, everything is nothing but nothing, he fears Only those destinies that cannot be seen clearly! The special attribute of the fate lever inherits, so that he can hide from hiding, can't hide, can only choose to fully exert his potential to make the world shocked, and make himself stronger!

Even, he doesn't have to do anything at all, just need to hide the seal itself is enough!

For this, the real ring wizard of any ring knows, so the fate lever magic wand will be passed on to him. The same is true of Green, who is the king of the generation of wizards. So he will not take the six-ring true spirit wizard to travel, but give For a longer period of time, he thoroughly exerted his potential. Green even suspected that even the three disciples, Anderse Seymour, who had mastered the rules of great destruction, had far less potential than the six-ring true spirit wizard who mastered the six-ring algae!

a long time.

The six-ring true spirit sighs with a sigh, waving the truth balance magic wand in his hand, the colorful glory stirs the rules of time and space, and a six-level female sacred sorcerer appears.

The pure water flow forms a turbulent protective cover around the body. After the witches' ceremonies are treated with sincere and respectful wizard etiquette, they say: "I have seen the great six-ring true spirit wizard, I don't know what it is suddenly calling me here?"

"I will go to the deep illusion of the king of the wizards. During this period, you will be hosted by the Sixth Ring World. Everything is based on the laws of the Wizarding League. Now it is the time of the king of the wizards, and it is not strong for the elemental wizards. Out of the image."

The witch wizard pondered and looked at the nod.

Finally, I looked at the great scenery of the Six Rings world. With the continuous strengthening of the wizard's world gravity rules, the **** between the world of the real world and the free small and medium world is getting stronger and stronger. The rules of the six-ring world are also affected by the wizarding world. The more, not just the rules of day and night, the rules of the four seasons have already begun to appear, the innate wizards of the rule of the ancestors of the wizard are proliferating with the generations of the wizards, and are constantly expanding, followed by the Enlightenment Education School.

Great scenery, infinitely wonderful.


Once again, the fate lever magic wand was swept. The six-ring true spirit wizard was wrapped in colorful rays. The world of the six-ring world was gradually distorted, and the world began to become dim. The wizards on the street disappeared from near to far and replaced them. The imaginary creatures who swim in the corners of the street.

It is only a shallow illusion, similar to the nightmare world, still sticking to the real world. The six-ring true spirit wizards ignore this and continue to sneak into the deep illusion.

Gradually, the streets of the Wizards World disappeared from the week, replaced by irregular tobacco, as if wandering with life consciousness, sometimes gathered into irregularly twisted faces, sometimes turned into nothing. It is really grotesque.

In the colorful time and space, the six-ring true spirit wizard continues to sneak into the deeper illusion.


At this time, there were two other foreign lords who had chased and escaped, and also sneaked into the deeper illusion, and actually met the six-ring true spirit wizard!

However, compared to the six-ring true spirit wizard who holds the magic balance wand, these two masters sneak into the deeper illusion of the omnipotent soul, which is dozens of times, hundreds of times, which is the six-ring true spirit wizard So easy?

"This unknown powerful existence, I am willing to pay a six-level peak bio-nucleus as a price, exchange your shot once, help me temporarily block the arrogant dominated behind ~www.novelmtl.com~ initiative and six-ring true spirit wizard The communication of the will is dominated by a cloud of morphological elements, but it seems to have the ability to take biocrystal nucleation into its own strength. The six-ring true spirit wizard feels something unusual from him.

"Hey, dare to intervene between us, you are the accomplice of the abyss of the invasion of the Alliance of the Beasts!"

Abyss world! ?

Behind this angry roaring lord is a majestic lion with three eyes, a good life, and the golden hair is very smooth, it is a perfect creature!

After hearing the words of this male lion, the six-ring true spirit wizard actually paused a little, waving the truth balance magic wand, and wrapped it with a fog of incomparable time and space fluctuations to escape the fog, the fog dominated the horror discovery, himself Even if you spend several times the omnipotent soul, you can no longer sneak into the deeper illusion.


After chasing the three-eyed lions who were attacked, they were slightly surprised. Although they did not know why the six-ring true spirit wizards were so, they laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha ha ha, you are interested, thank you!"

The six-ring true spirit sorcerer has not finished after the time and space barrier, and even took a hand, "嗡", a group of gray six-ring algae rules sweeping to the three-eyed lion, this turned and left: "The Alliance of the Beasts We have a common enemy, I believe that it will take too long, the Wizarding Alliance will join the battle against the abyss!"

After that, the colorful Xiaguang wrapped the six-ring true spirit wizard, gradually sneaked into the deeper illusion, more absurd, unknown, weird rules drown the six-ring true spirit wizard.

"It seems that the judgment of the king of a generation of wizards is correct. Those who have no sorcerers are afraid after exploring the secondary esophagus. They have not yet fully confident to carry out the secondary esophagus war, trying to break the **** of the dimension of the dimension and conquer those high latitudes. Creatures!"


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