A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1713: Newborn (bottom)

All the way up, under the guidance of the old bat, the "good teacher and friend", Xiao Ba’s childhood was full of grievances and resentment. Until the day of the rite, the nephew changed the fate of Xiao Ba.

"Hey? Impossible, how can I lose the bat lord!?"

The bat shouted and couldn't believe it.

"Wow, I won, I won, I won!"

Xiao Ba is very happy. One of his wings is holding a bowl of bowls, and he is happy and jumping.

"I will make it up, you are out of the old thousand, I don't accept the bat, we will start again!"

As time went by, bats and Xiaoba had a lot of grievances, and soon they ushered in the second war of civilization. Antonio also began to become busy, constantly moving between the ancient wizarding communities.

However, in the face of the surging powerful annihilation of the ancestors and the incomparable ancient demon, the sorcerer's corps was only retreating, and the city of the sky was ruined in the void, and numerous ancient wizards and slave monsters were overwhelmed by the abyssal dragon army. Even though the ancient spirits faced this infinite and deep mysterious dragon, they could not help but fall into endless despair.

Some true spirit wizards intend to raid the world of the abyss of the Abyss World community. Some true spiritual wizards want to unite with other world community civilizations. Some true spiritual wizards try their best to find the weakness of the abyss civilization. Some true spiritual wizards will be far away from unknown time and space. Powerful creatures summoned to the ancient wizarding community...

But in the end, without exception, all failed!

In the gap between the absurd dimensions, Antonio, who holds the lever of destiny, attempts to save the destiny of the wizarding world with the superior dimension of the power of the dimension, and also fails. In desperation, he has to leave a page of destiny in the small belly. A time-space letter that Green could not understand, took the final rescue method, forcibly broke through its own limit, and moved the wizarding world to an unknown new world community at the expense of the infinite time and space of the sorcerer's world, and fought for time.

At the same time, losing the coordinates of the real world, Xiao Ba is lost in the gap of the dimension, living an unfettered day, only occasionally thinking of the days of stinky bats and old bastards, although it is incomparably true to make a grievance, People miss.

During this period, Xiao Ba found the Venus, the **** of love that the old **** specifically confessed, and also met many of them, like the ones with the unique nature of the gap creatures. Time seems to have no meaning here.

until one day!

Familiar time and space fluctuations are summoned from the world of energy materials. Xiao Ba excitedly flew in front of the big goose and seven stone giants. He once again came to the wizarding world and started a new life. He vowed to replace the bat man to become the lord. life!

However, what he faced was a savvy first-class wizard Green...

The three colors of the green light gradually converge, and the palms are recovered from the memory core of the small eight. They touched the nose. It is no wonder that Xiao Ba was so tempered at the beginning, and he was really hard-tempered at the beginning. He actually gave him a small eight.

However, what does Antonio's letter in the small eight body mean?

Is it that Antonio passed his fate to send himself to Xiaoba, or sent the letter to any sorcerer?

If you have to go to the same point of summing up with Xiao Ba, it is probably the dark beginning of the unknown, but Grenne knows that Xiao Ba is the dimensional gap creature created by Antonio, just like the "fairy tale" he created. They are all conjectures in the box, but I don’t know how far it is for Antonio to explore the fate of truth, what direction it is, and what is the difference between the truth and the path of truth that I have studied.

Going back to God, Green first is full of mystery to the small eight: "I have left a special thing in your body."


Xiao Ba seems to have seen a familiar scene, can not help but annoyed: "Wo Wo, your grandmother, a bird retreat, what situation, how do you like the old bastard, like to leave things in other people, what is the Lord? You are responsible for pregnancy!"

Xiao Ba dissatisfied shouting.

Green did not pay attention to the noisy little eight, turned to look at the daring guardian of the winter guardian, apologetic: "I apologize for the disaster brought to the wizarding world, this is my fault. But I believe that my return will Let the world of witches gain far more than the loss. I believe that the Wizards of the World will reshape the true body without loss. Otherwise, I will never return to this dimension. I will be careful in the future!"

Say Wan, Green thoughtfully opened a book of "Fairy Tale", but saw that many of the wizarding texts appeared to be chaotic, and the handwriting was faint, apparently because Green had received great influence.

The "fairy tale" dimension is under the endless world dimension, relying on the endless world dimension, the super dimension rewriting of the handwriting is constantly leaking low-latitude information, and is constantly being perceived by high-latitude rules, which will be balanced and inclusive. Gradually merged into a part of high latitude, similar to the existence of the big world ball, a failed box in the box ~www.novelmtl.com~ best! ”

After the winter guardian Mori said, after a pause, he continued: "The wizard's main rules of the world have admitted that you exist as the king of a generation of wizards, but for the destruction of the city of the eternal sky and the black field, or you personally Let's solve it."

Of course, Green can understand the wrath of the guardian of winter. After the second civilization war, the guardian of winter has always guarded the heart of the wizard world as his mission. As the meaning of his existence, it can be said that it is a wizard. The rule of the world is the embodiment of the will of the guardian of the world.

If the heart of the wizard world is damaged by external forces, then she has no meaning of existence.

At this moment, thousands of snowflake crumbs behind the guardian of winter have been re-aggregated into a hexagonal snowflake, staring at the big eyes with long eyelashes, looking at the isolation with curiosity.

"You said that you broke through the dimensional constraints, then are you even stronger than the ancient ten-ring Antonio?"

The small snowflake sounds like a children's song, crisp and sweet, full of comfort, and makes people feel good. This good thing Green heard this little snowflake for the first time.

However, Green is full of self-deprecating: "What breakthrough dimension, but barely let yourself stay in this dimension and steal the life, compared to those real high-latitude biological subject consciousness, even if I break through the past, what is it? ?"

The little snowflake seemed to understand and nodded. Then he said: "The words of these powerful spiritual wizards are really difficult to understand. If you count, you should do business right now. You are now the king of wizards and the guardian of the day and night. Or see the nearby guardians and solve other things. Many guardians are still waiting for your will. The normal operation of the wizarding world is inseparable from our dedication."

When the little snowflake laughed, the eyes became two crescents, very cute.

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