A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1712: Newborn (top)


A strong heart beats and hits everyone's heart.

The huddled figure is like a baby in the mother's body, and the wings of the night and night are also stuck behind the back, but when it gradually spreads out, it is like a butterfly in the scorpion, and the petals of the bud are gradually blooming!

Call, suck, call, suck, call, suck...

Have a heartbeat and then have a breath.

When the elemental energy in the wizarding world completes the first internal and external exchanges with this living body, he has successfully escaped from the low-latitude "fairy tale" dimension to the endless world!


Green's breathing gradually calmed down, and the unconsciously whispered in the depths of his throat. The body instinct that had been completely stretched out received the blessing of the sacred world of the sorcerer's world. This is not only the salvation of the savior, but also everyone. The power of nature is the blessing of the rules of the innate wizard.

The power of the grandiose rules of the robe is so vast that the life that is already extremely terrifying and terrifying is no longer a separate living body, but a unique natural phenomenon of the endless world.


The black arc layers are layered and staggered, and the light and dark distortions converge. The night and night wings stretched out fiercely, emitting high-frequency oscillating sound waves, which shocked out the unclear and unclear, silky and flowing, and the whole core of the wizard world showed a day and night alternation. The glory of the cycle, people can not help but have a sense of absurdity in the tunnel of time.

Silent, but natural, the golden silk fluttering, the blue and red light slowly opened.


In the moment when Green and the Guardian of Winter looked at each other, the cracks in time and space flashed, spreading like a spider web, making a sharp and harsh frictional collision sound.


Green's refreshing pleasure, in contrast to the winter guardian, but his face is not changed, the fluttering hexagonal snowflake "wow" screams and blasts into thousands of snow.

Two six-level guardians around him noticed the change, and wanted to help the guardians of winter to unload, but they were obviously unable to catch them. The sound of "嘭" was blown into the dewdrops and thorns and debris, and the pain was assisted by the power of the world. Quickly gathered.

I noticed the faint hostility of the guardian of winter. This is the proper defense of the instinct after Green is awake!

"leave me alone!"

The Guardian of Winter shouted and saw that in this small space, "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", an icicle rose from the ground, as a support, firmly tied to it In place, it resisted Green's rule collision.

At the same time, the sky was broken and the ice was broken.

After stabilizing the figure, the guardian of winter glared at Green, the sound seemed to come from the deepest part of the throat, and the lowness of the coldness: "You have consumed the heart of the wizarding world for a thousand years, and all the creatures of the wizarding world are being You sucked on the source, the city of eternal sky because of your great chaos, the large-scale collapse of the water curtains and the vast areas of the land turned into a desert, the depths of the abyss and the turbulence of the abyss, even the black domain has a great turmoil! You one People, almost into a wizarding world cataclysm!!"

Without speaking, Green just stretched out his body and let the colorful essays of the robes re-enclose their own annihilation of light and dark distortions. It seems that like the Black Witch King, after seeing the essence of the world, in addition to the innermost persistence of the heart Everything is no longer important.

The face of truth slowly sticks to the face, the left hand of the Book of Truth, the right hand balances the magic wand, and as the eye of the world in the center of the forehead slowly opens, Green is looking at the truth of the truth in returning to the truth. all.

The intrinsic insight of Green's overriding nature makes the guardian of winter feel uncomfortable, as if a dog is facing a wild monster!

At the same time, Green's shoulders fluctuated in time and space, and familiar calls came.

"Oh, wow, wow! My Green Beast, you can finally come back, I know that you can't bear the Lord, don't forget your mission, you won't leave like this. I am shaping you to become the king of wizards. You are detached from the dimension, the Lord I installed + forced to not have enough, our good days have just begun!"

Xiao Ba fluttered his wings, holding Green's head and crying, as if he was hating his own summoned beast, and one wing kept beating Green's head.

At this moment, in the eyes of Green, everything in the world is composed of different high-latitude square origin runes of different colors.

In detail, these square runes are composed of numerous dense and small square runes, which form different glossy textures according to the degree of density.

All of this is no different from the "fairy tale" dimension.

However, in Xiao Ba, Green suddenly thought of another thing.

Xiao Ba and himself are soul partners. In essence, the two are oneness and complement each other. In theory, they should be able to find some of their own meanings of life from Xiao Ba, and look more objectively. To yourself.

Thinking like this, Green will naturally reach out to Xiao Ba.

"Yeah! Mom, what are you doing with your hand, what?"

I saw that Green actually inserted his hand into the small eight body, but the words from the small mouth, said that the taste has changed.

This is not the mutual harm after the collision of material energy. However, the integration of the original rules and levels, gradually, in the rapid movement of the eyes of the Green World, even after a large amount of bloodshot, finally harvested, found that memory The core is also the meaning of life of Xiao Ba.

It is also a dark piece, basically the same as the deepest part of Green's memory.

Green stood in the perspective of Xiaoba. The first thing I saw was a black yo-yo bat hanging upside down on the cage~www.novelmtl.com~ was showing his mouth full of laughter, showing his white teeth looking at himself.

"Hey, little guy, how are you?"

Said, this bat brick said: "Hey, Anton's father, this little thing woke up! Look at it quickly, it still moves, **** town farmer, so sweet, I want to taste it, 啧啧啧......"

Crazy, an old guy running in a wide wizard ran to the test bed.

A skinny face of a scared child stretched out, mixed with yellow croakers, big and small, and the old man looked at the shivering little eight, as if he was admiring what a rare treasure, excited and gloomy. Laughed and said: "Fast, use your talent ability to see what unique ability it has, this is not an ordinary steel emblem starling!"

"Oh, obey, oh!"

The pain of the heart, Xiao Ba was stinky bat two fangs to be around the neck, and since then the two guys' grievances have begun.

"Hey, I don't want to tell you, according to the wizard world, chemistry, your steel emblem is the species that will be eliminated, that is, the fate that will be extinct..."

"Hey, today we eat watermelon, come and come, the same weight, the average distribution, I eat watermelon, you eat watermelon skin! Hey, eat fast, you are welcome, I have never been a stingy person." The brothers are two words, loyalty!"

"Cough and cough, today is your 300-year-old adult ritual. You are able to grow up under the guidance of my buddy." From now on, you can try some activities that are not suitable for children. For example, what yellow gambling scams are swindled and swindled, come and come, let's start with gambling, this is a scorpion, lose, but there is punishment!"

The bat smiled badly, and the little eight was so scared that he shivered, and he dared to speak out, and he hated that Mao had blown up.


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