A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1707: Open up

The brilliance of the apprentice is getting stronger and stronger, and getting stronger and stronger!

In the design of the "fairy tale" rules, Green is the world of this dimension. The vitality comes from the heat temperature of the crustal magma. Therefore, it can be said that mastering the rhythm of the crustal rule is the power to grasp the vitality of all things.


Green seems to be no longer interested in everything about the sect, and is immersed in the world of self-fantasy, just like the madness in the depth of the wizarding world, and the occasional "squeaky" laughter, the twins radiate radiance.

"It turns out to be like this! Unknown, unknown, unknown! What is missing in this dimension is infinitely unknown! The unknowns that even the founders cannot fully cover! It is these unknowns that make the endless world infinitely vast and produce deeper unknown changes, It is impossible to thoroughly explore it! It is these unknowns that make the endless world produce the BUG of the perpetual motion, let the vast majority of the endless worlds exhaust their energy for this life, and not give up because they lost all hope. It is unknown to shape hope!"

Green is madly mad, and has completely fallen into a state of madness.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Green gradually returned to the madness from the madness, facing the sorcerer who was still gathering the life-swords of the swords of the sentient beings. In the laughter of Green's "桀桀桀桀", the big hand waved, and countless messy unconscious witches run the script.

In time, the sky and the sky are surging!

It was at the peak of the energy gathering. At this moment, I couldn't help but widen my eyes. I saw this incredible shocking scene. My mouth was slightly open to say something, but I couldn't say anything.

After these unconventional writings were unconsciously written by Green, they immediately combined with the rules designed by Greene's Dimensional Greens to produce new changes. However, because Green was free to write, the BUGs and contradictions emerged in an endless stream, which quickly caused more High-level energy changes, and gradually spread...

I am afraid that if I continue to let it continue, the rules of the entire world of the gods will fall into chaos and form a dimensional ecological catastrophe.


Green just drew a circle out of thin air, and these chaos were completely trapped in the circle by Green. It seems that this circle is the infinite rule.

"come on."

Green has a look at the infinite endlessness of the far north of the ice, and the creature that is peeping at himself, this creature, is the bones of the Green Seal!

Can also have found the bones of the gods.

The reason why the singer brought Green to this place is precisely because of this eternal, attempting to use the power of the 10,000-bone **** to fight against this high-latitude creature full of mysterious unknowns, or... in turn!

The body of the bones is not bad.

However, at this moment, the eternal sacred gods in the eyes of the singer are like a shivering puppies. After hearing Green’s call, hundreds of millions of burning sacral bones gather to form a humble panic. Face, respectful, looking up at Green.

"The great king of annihilation wizards, I am willing to be your most humble servant in your dazzling glory forever, to dedicate your life, to ask you to forgive my mistakes, let me leave this box, oh..."

At the end of the day, the 10,000-bone **** really cried, like a child who was helpless and fearful. After the human wizard's gesture, he screamed desperately, and he could not drill his head to the foot of Green.

Green sneered, ignoring this element that created an infinite unknown.

For a while, the low-latitude 10,000-bone meditation, composed of the infinite and endless "Wan Bing Shen" wizard rune, was so absorbed by Green into the chaotic unknown element circle.

"Hey! No, please don't do this to me, beg you, let me go, hey!"

The bones of the gods are like the screams of the little animals before they die, but they are completely ignored by Green. The billions of infinite and endless chaos and the unknown rules and the bones of the gods are lumped by Green.


Green punched into the earth, smashing, smashing, smashing, smashing...

The debris of the dense space was cracked, and all the chaotic factors were slammed into the world by Green, creating the beginning of a new world.

Seeing this scene, you can take a sip of cold air, and you will whisper and vomit, and spit out the words "opening the earth".

No matter the gods of any world or any dimension, there is bound to be a common ability, that is, the ability to open up the earth and create everything, that is the real God!

And the 10,000 bones that he was counting on, he was so casually played by him! ?

Immediately after the eyes of Green's eyes, they can clearly see what they are, and they obviously realize what they are doing. They change their minds and subvert the life-sword swords of the sentient beings. In the power level of the "fairy tale" dimension, this sword Weineng has the historical significance of the era of change, enough to make the extinct gods ashamed!

The same is a circle ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green is still laughing at "桀桀桀桀".

"Kitten, why are you afraid? You don't always want to break through to a higher latitude. Now I think of an opportunity, a perfect breakthrough. Since you can't go up, I will copy the rules with high latitude. !"

Full of unknown unconscious witches in the perfusion circle, the attack of the apprentice rushed into the circle, and the billions of chaotic rules collided with it in a large area, and in the roar of the resistance of the anti-substance, the billions of people who formed the body The area of ​​the witches was broken and was absorbed by the circles.

"My little cat, this is not killing you, but to create a more spacious season at the top of your life! How boring is the dimension of a world, only the collision of thousands of unknown rule worlds will be full of unknowns. The balance is full of contradictions, and later generations will soon forget that this is a dimension box, hehe!"

"Wait a minute! I have a request, my wife and children!"

Realizing that Green was not able to resist himself, he could growl and shout out his last request.

"Hey, meet you, I will move your hometown together!"

The unknown chaotic rules gathered together by Green were absorbed in the palm of the hand. After kneading a fist in the city, Green took a deep breath and blasted into the sky.


咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The cracks in the space cracked, and the hundreds of millions of unconscious chaotic rules, including the canon, were smashed out of the world of the gods by Green, and once again created a new world.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough..."

Green punched and punched, and the infinite and unconscious witchcraft smashed out of the world of the gods, creating thousands of large and small exotic worlds.

"It’s full of unknown worlds, how wonderful..."

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