A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1706: Dimensional communication

No one can understand the huge waves that can be heard at the moment!

A higher creature from outside the dimension that is incomprehensible, claims that the entire dimensional dimension is just his laboratory, and tells himself a series of desperate messages, asking if he wants to kill him! ?

After low-latitude creatures find themselves trapped in a box, in the face of despair, dilemma, and helplessness, without knowing the rules of the higher world, according to the deepest destructive instinct of thinking and reason, fear will make It loses its confidence and succumbs to its original instinct, killing higher latitude creatures and proving that they are stronger and attempting to replace them. This is the natural development of low-latitude creatures.

Destruction comes from the deepest instinct of every creature!

Green gold silk is scattered and scattered, the glasses lens is slightly reflective, and the eyes are gazing at the disciples. I hope to find the answer I want from this uncertain development, even if Green is the creator of this dimension laboratory, but this is the case. It may be difficult to go down the same way for the second time.

There are some sweat on the forehead.

The bones of the gods are originally the only life in the world that can't be seen. Although they call themselves gods, they are far worse than the gods in the general sense of the world of the gods, although both sides already have Several direct collisions have never been won.

Fortunately, Wanshou Shenshen did not choose to stay in the vicinity of the human metropolis, but chose the extremely northward iceberg as the old nest, and reached an agreement with humans to peacefully coexist.

It is also true that the world has not erupted a new large-scale battle, but a contradiction between human beings.

"If you are willing to communicate and negotiate, and make some concessions to the world's beings, at least make the world a beautiful place, I think, I will not shoot you again."


Green smiled and said: "Do you know, I have actually done this dimension laboratory three times, that is, there are already two ruins before you. For the first time, I outlined the rules with absolute cruelty and filled them into people. The relationship between them later found that mutual hostility and hatred between people could not shape a sustainable world. Therefore, the world I shaped for the second time tends to be moderate. It is a world rich in resources and harmonious. What?"

"how about it?"

Try to understand more high-latitude information from Green's words as much as possible, just like the higher world rules he understood from the eternal world.

Green waved, the dense apples in the room appeared, and seemed to be able to regenerate indefinitely.

"In the end, I found that all human beings are degenerating. There are enough resources for human beings to worry about survival. The social structure is broken, wisdom is decreasing, and even gradually becoming a primitive beast. Only knowing the mating and breeding..."

Speaking of this, Green's voice is gradually low.

"So when I last shaped this dimension laboratory, I chose to refer to the rules of my dimension. Crisis and opportunities coexist. External crises and inner peace coexist. When people's survival crisis is challenged, they will try their best to unlock all their potentials. Whether it is wisdom, blood, perseverance, emotional intelligence, it will evolve in a higher direction."

"So, can you let me feel the real power of a higher latitude?"

Can ask for permission.

I am afraid that from the inside, it is also hoped to explore the strength of Green's high latitude while leaving some bottom line for himself. If Green is really unhelpful, trying to obtain a high-latitude life corpse to find a breakthrough mystery is definitely the best choice.

As one of the world's strongest living beings, you can have this confidence in your own strength!

But if Green shows enough strength, he has a family, and he has his own responsibilities, he must have reservations and live to make sense.

Moreover, there is also a high-dimensional dimension variable that is the same as the high-dimensional dimension variable. Maybe it will become its own help when it is time! Insofar as it is not weaker than its own horrible strength, this high latitude creature is an enemy two! ?

"Oh, well, I don't mind playing with you."

Green doesn't matter.

Can be said: "This is a civilian area, we go to the extreme northern ice, the impact of the impact will be much smaller."


Green didn't know what kind of psychology he had, and he actually agreed. As a result, he followed the singer and drove up to the sky, and the round of mighty slicks a long tail mark, at full speed.

And Green is like a illusory illusion, flashing in the process of blinking, has been trailing behind.

"The original population has reached this level. It is no wonder that it will be split into dozens of countries of different sizes and sizes. They will fight each other for years. The population size is almost reaching the upper limit of the world's limited resources. It seems that this dimension experiment is compared to the endless world. The room rules are still lacking too much."

According to this dimension rule, it took a full seven days, and the two finally came to the extreme north ice.

The layers of stacked air waves form a broad tail mark. The craters in the kilometer range gather to form a spiral cloud column. The speed can be imagined. However, Green is in the shadows and follows the same distance. It is always separated by the same distance. No movement trajectory was found, which is beyond the scope of the power of the singer, even if the eternal **** has never brought it to this feeling.


The chilling wind is mixed with ice debris ~www.novelmtl.com~ as sharp as a blade.

This is a restricted area for human beings. Even some of the heavy equipment of the expedition team is difficult to reach. The endless ice sheet stretches into the abyss and gully at the end of the sky. In addition to the extremely cold ice, it is also mixed with some dead air that should not appear in this dimension.

Suddenly, Green took an empty shot and died, as if he was constantly flipping through the pages of the book, analyzing these dead elements.

In addition to the rule system designed by Green in the Wizarding style, these deadly atmospheres have appeared in the new rules of "Fairy Tale" that Green has never designed. It is obviously beyond the end, because the bones of the gods appear at the end of the "Fairy Tale". , a new factor caused by more.

Of course, there are also some self-exploitation of higher life in this dimension.

In theory, if Green can design a dimensional laboratory that is comparable to the rules of the endless world system, then Green only needs to observe the development of the dimensional laboratory, and will provide Green with the infinite truth and wisdom of wisdom!

The green light flashed, and suddenly I thought of a certain possibility. The body slammed and the pupil suddenly shrank.

the other side.

It can be as focused as ever before, and the body's fighting spirit condenses to the peak of the peak, subverting the reproduction of the sentient beings, and the dazzling glory cannot be seen directly.

However, in the face of this unprecedented horrible opponent, this is not enough, but the disciples are still gathering more powerful power!

"The world of the gods is divided into seventeen continents and four hundred and thirty-two plates. The crustal magma nourishes the vitality of all things. It is the source of all power. My life-sword sword is to subvert the gods and return to the homeland for a lifetime. Dacheng realizes! Creator Green, are you sure to take it?"

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔 !!

The high frequency of the continental plate oscillated and collided with each other, faintly subverting the swords of the sentient beings to form a mysterious resonance, and the brilliance and greenness of all things revitalized.

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