A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1704: Fairy tale dimension

"I am in the dimension of the "fairy tale" dimension?"

In the middle of the night, Green wakes up and is now in a new world. "Scorpio novels" 2.

The original body of "Fairy Tale" is "Gregory Fairy Tale". The book does not involve any witchcraft knowledge or even the concept of truth. The whole story is only an author named Green in the Wizarding World. He wrote a fairy tale on the occasion of solitude and boring. Fiction.

The protagonist of the story is called Cantu. In the world of the gods, the world cruelly tortures him. The unfortunate fate comes to him. The gods are the root of the suffering of the world, but they cannot win at all.

Only the believers can firmly believe in the father's beliefs, and the gods can be defeated by human beings.

In the eternal self-improvement of self, it is getting stronger and stronger, and finally defeats the so-called gods and restores peace and beauty in the world.

This is a biographical novel that was compiled by the five-ring true spirits when he was about to leave the Wizarding World during the peak period of the Green Three-level Great Wizard. It took more than 60 years to compile in a novel, and scattered thousands of sorcerers. In the book, the book covers the history, rules, character contradictions, origins of life, future exhibitions, power system exhibition conjectures, etc. of the gods...

As far as writing techniques are concerned, this is not a good work, but an in-stream work, but because the preface is that the author is the Wizard World Green, not the same, gradually promoted to form some low-level The rules that life mentions cannot understand.

At the moment, the world of the gods!

It seems that Green is a wandering scholar, wearing black-rimmed glasses, holding a quill pen on the left, holding a "fairy tale" book on the right, lazily leaning against the afternoon stone on the street stone wall, doing nothing.

In Green's eyes, everything in this dimension is made up of witches and texts!

The flowing wind is set according to the imagination of the wizarding world. The six hourglass hours of the day and night will be adjusted according to the changes of the season. The earth is made of “soil”, “sand”, “rock” and “water”. The composition is composed of a large number of sorcerers, and the degree of softness of the land is determined according to the intensity and brightness of the sorcerer's text.

The people on the street are also composed of countless wizards and literati. The blood is composed of infinitely tiny witches, "blood", and these flowing wizards, "blood", are made up of smaller sorcerers. ", "white blood cells" constitutes, and "white blood cells" witches are composed of neutral cells, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and the like.

It can be said that Green's most basic rule in the more than ten thousand words in Grimm's Fairy Tales is this, which tells the rules of a lower dimension dimension.

If this creature of lower dimension dimension wants to analyze the truth of the truth, it needs to start with an infinite microscopic, like deciphering, first parsing the lowest elemental wizarding civilization, and constantly spelling higher elements until the thorough analysis of Grimm's Fairy Tales. This is almost impossible!

As a high latitude, Green only needs to write a higher sorcerer's text, which is the automatic generation rule of the lower sorcerer's text of hundreds of millions of pyramids. This is the power of different dimensions.

To put it bluntly, the five-ring true spirit wizard was able to patiently read the Grimm's Fairy Tales, and some of the hidden mysteries are due to his unparalleled wisdom!

For most scholars of the Sorcerer's Congress 6, the Grimm's Fairy Tales is too bloated, some of which set the clouds in the fog, I don't know the so-called chapters that feel completely meaningless...

For the average person who uses it as a biography story, it is a nonsense. If it is not a high-level wizard, the main storyline is a bit attractive. This kind of junk novel is really not attractive.

咚, 咚, 咚...

The loud bells rang, and the people who had traveled stopped the things in their hands. Even the people on the carriages got into the carriages, praying in a pious manner and bowing to the glory of the **** of order.

"The **** of great order, your radiance must have the energy to dispel the evil forces of the demon, and let the world return to peace. We will always be your most faithful servant!"

During the prayer process of a young girl, she couldn’t help but cry, showing how pious she was.

In Green's "Grimmond Fairy Tale" setting, it is for the freedom of the people of the gods to fight for freedom, firmly believe in the father's beliefs, unyielding, the so-called God is only a powerful life, and ultimately can be defeated . However, such noble beliefs are in front of the ignorance and ignorance of ordinary human beings, but they are a cult leader that undermines the rules of the gods. People are self-serving as slaves and cursing the disciples.

From a high latitude perspective, what kind of cruel world is this...

This period of the fall of Greene should be a period of rise!

Soon, everyone is now a different kind of green, indifferent to the prayer of the **** of order.

In the angry gaze of the people around him, Green seems to be watching the strange creatures in the zoo cage. Look at the east and see it in the west. I am curious about everything in this dimension. Although everything in The Fairy Tale is carefully designed by Green, The feeling of going deep into it is unusual.

The people who prayed forbearing the anger in their hearts and finished the prayer ceremony~www.novelmtl.com~ Soon, a large crowd surrounded them, yelling at Green, angering Green’s disrespect for the **** of order, and even some radical Fanatics have already named Green as a cult, and threatened to send Green to the fire.

嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

The hooves of a team of knights rushed from far and near, the golden church costumes, the people let a road open, for the tall and majestic church, the knights stood tall and overlooked the desolate scholar, and said: "Is this person?"

"Yes, adults, we all saw his disrespect for the **** of great order, and it is probably a pagan disciple!"

A ragged old woman pointed at Green and said evilly. I really don’t know that she is already poor in the city. Why is she still believing in the so-called **** of order, accusing Green, or the original sin in her heart for her to see? To be happy with someone who is more lonely than yourself?

"Tie him up and take it away."

Cold and contemptuous look at Green, the knight waved his hand, then drove down the horse and turned away, did not face Green ants.

Several knights came down, and the metal chain of the "哒哒啦啦" snorted, and it was impossible to copy Green.

"No interest."

Green said to himself, "Fairy Tale" repeatedly turned pages to the last blank, everything around in the eyes of Green is flying and changing, the low-rise building becomes tall, staying up late and staying up all night, the clouds drift, the four seasons reincarnation, the war into Rebuilt after the ruins...

Green is like a time creature, is moving time, spanning vertically, rather than exploring space.

I didn’t pay attention to the passers-by, which were not even the humble ants. They have become the history of the story. After Green’s direct shuttle to 10,000 years, this is also the most glorious period of the Emperor’s greatest glory. .

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