A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1703: Level 9 life! ?

Wizarding world.

Green has been in the source of the dimension for a short time, but the wizarding world has passed for more than a thousand years.

As the source of the rule, the source of the dimension has not yet experienced the chaotic and uncertain information after the endless world rule resonance, so it does not produce the unresolved chaotic time and space like the secondary esophagus, which makes it impossible to determine the exact space-time coordinates of the regression.

For more than a thousand years, the faction sorcerers frequently clashed on the ruins of the ruins of the sorcerer after the battle of civilization and power. The keystone of the innate sorcerer's plan was based on Silvana. Support, the unanimous adoption of all faction wizards, promoted in the Wizarding World, as if the virus generally spread quickly.

For more than a thousand years, nearly 20 generations of ordinary human times have changed, the temptation of immortality as a fool, the wizard's path to explore the truth and the righteousness as the guide of the wise, the universal world of life, the innate wizarding medicinal agent is actively promoted by the wizards. In short supply, the world of witches has undergone tremendous changes over the past few thousand years.

The rules of the ancestors of the wizards have been formally formed irreversibly, and no wizard will want to experience the life of ordinary human beings.

With the spoon of life, the Wizards and the sorcerer, the wizards can breed and multiply even in the exotic world. They are no longer confined to the wizarding world. The power of innate nature will make the baby adaptable and unparalleledly powerful!

Silvana was promoted to the new ring of the true spirit wizard, the black rope was promoted to the second round of the true spirit wizard, the last guardian of the four seasons was born, and the witchcraft world was listed as a new generation of witchcraft with the potential to promote the true spirit. A stunned amount, Skynet Wizard officially separated from the rule of elemental and mechanical, completed the blood gene fusion, fighting the wizard, the sea wizard system stood out...

Six Rings Santa World.

With the special ability of the fate lever to change the nature of the life, coupled with the special nature of the six-ring algae rule, all that the six-ring true spirit wizard needs to do is not to suppress his almost endless terrible potential!

Change the life against the sky: the person who resists the destiny is the protagonist of the dimension, and the life must have the power of miracles, the light of wisdom, and the power of the king. The power of miracles cannot be possible, and the probability of one percent is greater than ninety-nine percent; the light of wisdom is inspired by the light, the source of thought runs through the imagination of the legend; the power of the king will make the unwilling, the lost, the ordinary The suffering people unconditionally follow the songs.

No more fear, no more fear.

The mature rules of the six-ring algae are promoted in the wizarding world. Whether it is fluorescent green pollution or the true spirit dominates the crater chaos rules, or some ecological invasions, only after the six-ring algae rule is over, all abnormalities are completely erased and turned into no Rules, no energy, no blank space, waiting for the rule to slowly fill the blank area to make up for it.


Six-ringed algae shocked to see the fate lever magic wand!

Because of the possession of ample omnipotent soul, in order to alleviate the contradictions and conflicts of various factions, the fate of Greene is summoned. Therefore, the six-ring true spirit sorcerer has maintained the consumption of the omnipotent soul for more than a thousand years.

Now that the Wizarding World is on the right track, the Sixth Ring Spirit Wizard is also planning to recall Green, and the Green, whose fate lever is locked by the Magic Wand, suddenly disappears.

"How is it possible! There is the birthplace of the fate of truth, the source of self-consciousness. Although there is no energy material attribute as the foundation of witchcraft, his subconscious will protect him from any harm, how can he die? Even if suicide is impossible. !"

The fierce, six-ring true spirit wizard thought of something.

"Is he promoted to the 9th level there?"

At the same time, the heart of the wizarding world.

"咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", the balance of magic wand appears from the cracks in time and space, the sound of "嘭" is inserted in the ruins of the magic stone, the guardian of winter is bursting with eyes, a flash The death is unbelievable before the truth balance magic wand.

And beside the balance of truth, the magical face, the book of truth, and the robe of appearance are quietly scattered.

"The ancestor of a generation of wizards!?"

Realizing that there are some extremely terrible things, it is a dangerous situation to use a generation of wizards to force a round, and the power of Samsung’s true spirits has fallen.

Just think about it, the guardian of winter feels chilling, and after collecting these witches of truth, they will immediately launch an urgent summoning order to the guardians of the four seasons and all the true spirit wizards with the will of the wizarding world!

A few days later.

Many real wizards or projections come, or come to life, and discuss them in an atmosphere of incomparable oppression. They have gradually accepted the fact that the first generation of the wizarding ancestors Green was fallen or promoted to the ninth level. Everyone’s heart seems to be filled with a layer. Fear shadows.

After all, this is going to be the king of the wizard!

As the leader of the six rings, the true spirit wizard has now been quite majestic.

"So far, the rules of the ancestors of the wizards have become irreversible. We can only choose the king of the second generation of wizards, and we must fully block the specific news of the king of the first generation of wizards. This handles the truth of the supreme power of the king of wizards. Balancing the magic wand, currently in line with the protagonist of the eye-catching era, only the Samsung Spirit Wizard and a round of true spirit wizards, but neither of you can open the balance of the magic wand conspiracy theory skepticism attribute, can not get the basic energy blessing ..."

"Mom, who will allow you to choose the king of the second generation wizard, my grandmother's leg!"

It was the small eight fans who appeared on their wings. For the soul partner of the wizard king, everyone was as familiar as Antonio and the old bat.

"I am still alive, I am sure that the Green Beast is still in this dimension. I have already contacted it, but it is a little crisis accident, you and his bird want to rebel!!"

Unknown nothing.


No, no pain, Green actually felt a relief, seems to be eternal life that will reach another meaning.

Those higher latitudes have seen themselves, and at this moment they are gradually completing the rules in the imagination rules of the dimensional gaps, becoming memories of these higher latitudes, integrating their consciousness into a wonderful rule, even These thought memories can affect some behaviors of these higher latitudes!

These high-latitude living bodies affect the low latitude through unknown means, and become the mysterious force in the eyes of low-latitude living bodies.



"Manga, film, books publishing!"

"I hope that everyone will continue to support an egret in the future, and reward the lord, what?"

A lot of miscellaneous messages echoed Green's ear~www.novelmtl.com~ It seems that these are mysterious means of influencing the endless world of low latitudes after entering high-latitude living body memory thinking.

But what do these high-latitude information mean? Green doesn't know the high-latitude rules, I don't know what to say.

Just as Green is farther and farther away from the endless world of low latitudes, it is constantly decomposing and dissipating into tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of high-dimensional living body thinking memories, more and more tend to mysterious When force evolved, suddenly, there was a small scream in the consciousness of Green.

"Wow, wow, my Green Beast, you haven't finished the mission yet, you can't go! I am not the memory of your growing up, our soul partner, I am the Lord, I have shaped you into a wizard. Wang, you bastard, can you just drop the Lord? Oh, let me go back to the Lord!"

Green violently woke up.

There is no doubt that at this moment Green's consciousness has returned to the endless world, but it is in the absolute edge of the dimensional gap, as a mixture of imagination and memory rules, fluttering and wandering.

"Go back? Go back... Go back!"

Thousands of high-latitude conscious light sources are watching themselves. As long as they take another step, they can integrate these high-latitude consciousness, and the endless world nine-level living body becomes a mysterious force.

But want to go back?

"Well? That is..."

Green actually found some unusual in the endless world dimension dimension stacking pages, just like the wisdom light of high-latitude life is generally attracting himself, it is incredible.

That is... "Fairy Tale"! .

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