A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1687: Wizard World War (9)

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have been the advantage exchange, Green is in full swing!

"I don't want to be the king of the wizard. If you can't suppress you this time, I'm afraid that even if I deal with it in the next round, I won't have much chance to win."

Ashura spit out the gas in the abdomen and turned it into a gusty wind, and the blade of the right hand abyss slowly pointed to Green.

"Although I don't know what relationship you have with the world's will, you can use it to suppress and oppress me through the will of the world, but it is obviously only a symbolic intimidation. I will never back down."

Looking at Green, the ancestors of the real body, Asura, is guarded by the remaining sacred sorcerers, and the body is pure and majestic. The unique frequency of the magic under the face of Green Truth, Green naturally knows what he wants to do.

As a result, Green did not look a little serious, and there were some expectations in the depths of the pupil.

As for the other masters, in addition to the sorrowful Thousand-Headed Birds and the Seven-Star Spiritual Witch, who have been stalking, several masters who have suspended in the middle of the game have once again played against each other. As for whether or not to fight hard, it is said otherwise.

"Lying whispering, evil, dead!"

The farther and farther the souls and the seven-star real spirits are not mentioned, the battle between the six-star true spirit wizard and the mermaid king is particularly striking.

I don’t know what kind of civilization the six-star true spirit witch passed through when he was wandering in the foreign world. He found the wizarding world in the vast expanse of nothing, but from her magical swordsmanship at the moment, the internal mottled and clumsy mystery is obviously more The fusion of cultural heritage.

The magical lights of the two hands are three, three, nine, and thousands of shadows, dazzling, and the six-star true spirit wizard actually evokes the mysterious force of the unknown. These lightsabers are blessed by mysterious power, forming a faint The shin claws are caught towards the king of the mermaid.

It is no wonder that the six-star true spirit wizard is angry inside.

During the ancient wizarding period, the Haizu had only one residual master of the Haiwang Festival, and the ancient wizards ruled the vast world community with absolute power. Except for the wizards, other biological groups can only be slaves. There is no other right to choose. Are the Hai people who are oppressed by ancient contracts interspersed?

The Hai people were given the right to speak on the face, but after the Wizards' Rules were opened, because the Hai people were the first members to join the Wizarding League, their status was greatly improved in the Wizarding World.

Today's six-star real spirit wizards do not fully understand the excessive development of the wizarding world. They still look at everything from the perspective of the ancient wizards. Seeing this new promotion of the sea lord is not only exceptionally "arrogant", but even dares to face the anti-sorcerer, the inner The anger is almost burning.

It can be seen that the six-star real spirit wizard is serious, she is fighting in the attitude of treating the enemy!

On the other hand, the king of the mermaid holds a clay pot in his hand. The sea water in the pottery jar seems to be inexhaustible. The king of the mermaid is delicate and slender fingers in the clay pot, and a drop of water drops can easily be turned into a lake. Water, slaps and slams into the six-star real spirit wizard, and its fishtails sweep over these waves, and the sound of "嘭" is hundreds of millions of water arrows, overwhelming.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff……

Let the six-star true spirit wizard invincible, open all the rush, the king of the mermaid is constantly retreating, making up his mind not to touch the six-star real spirit wizard.

"The species of the sea people dare to let go in front of the wizard, die!"

The mermaid king, who was originally dealing with thousands of mysterious forces, and the mermaid king, surrounded by the rapids, a black and white shadow appeared silently and silently. The dark shadows only had two hollows, and at the same time they had the attributes of the Almighty, silent. The thorns come.

The mermaid king who is fiddling with the water in the clay pot, apparently did not expect the six-star spirit wizard to be so strange, the face changed slightly during the crisis, and the soul of the burning Almighty provided more power and smoothness. With the left hand in a pendulum, the pearl bracelet "哗啦" spread out in the sky, forming a holy light curtain.


However, the Shadow Sword pierced the light curtain and penetrated the mermaid's chest shell and inserted it.


The pain is boring, the mermaid queen retreats, and the blood in the wound is flowing, while a black shadow is drilling into the body, as if it were a strange element.

The mermaid king knows that this unknown mysterious force is mostly a phantom that remains in the endless world after a world-class community resembles Antonio's creatures.


The omnipotent soul in the wound burned, and the mermaid king was pale, but he did to hesitate to purify all negative conditions and heal the wound.

Just before the battle, the mermaid king has lost such a omnipotent soul, the power of this six-star real spirit wizard can not be ignored!

The main body of the mermaid king's six-star real spirit wizard, at this moment a state of ambiguity, as if several phantoms are constantly shaking, most phantoms are holding the sword open the annoying torrent, while a phantom comes out A strange hive.

"Hey, life and death, the enemy of the fisherman!"

Tick, ticking, ticking...

The blood of the mermaid king descended to the hive. Gradually, this fossil-like hive squirmed and seemed to be revived by the blood of the mermaid king. A soft worm ran out like a drop of water from the honeycomb eye. Dropped into the torrent of all directions.

"Hey, hey..."

On the dry face, the six-star real spirit witch and the old witch's thin mouth and mouth show some evil cruel arc.

Compared with the Battle of the Mermaid King and the Six-Star Spiritual Witch, the battle between the Sea King Festival and the Five-Star Spirit Wizard is much more peaceful, and the scope of influence seems broad, but for this level of creatures, it is almost Like playing around, there are even leisurely moods to communicate, assessing the battlefield situation~www.novelmtl.com~ Of course, the main observations of the two are still Green and Ashura, as for the mermaid king and the **** rain in the six stars, Some of the "losing losses" under the four-star real spirit wizard, as long as the two can still hold, do not hinder the battle between Green and Ashura, and the suppression is only temporary.

It is not necessary to say that the battle between the blood and the sorcerer and the sword of the four-star real spirit wizard. If the world of witches overlaps with the nightmare of the nightmare, it may be that even the Ashura can fight, but at this time, facing the four stars. The wizard is only relying on more omnipotent souls to drag on.

Speaking of it, the battle between the masters is also very interesting.

Often the new masters are weak, but they have ample omnipotent souls, not afraid of consumption, and sometimes even choose to actively burn the Almighty Spirit to bless themselves.

And some old-fashioned masters, although stronger, but because the number of Almighty souls is scarce, fighting up and holding hands, fearing the loss of the Almighty soul, not to mention the active loss of the Almighty soul blessing himself.

This is also the case. Although the strengths of the masters are different, they can maintain a large transition period through the Almighty Spirit and maintain a delicate balance. (To be continued.)

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