A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1686: Wizard World War (8)

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The dark red glow of the soul of the soul is infinitely suppressed to the wizarding world.

One after another, the abyss refining wizard, under this distorted unclear rule, seems to be an ordinary person who loses strength. With the horror, he is afraid of shouting, like a broken kite, falling from the sky.

"Ah! What happened, why can't I control it all, why..."

"Why is your form melting? Girls? No! It is the pollution of these time and space rules!"

"What is this time and space seal, it completely polluted this time and space, changed the rules of this material energy world, we lost all cognition, whether it is material attack, energy attack, or even mysterious power, it has no effect !what……"

A panicked abyss sorcerer shouted in horror.

Those who lost their power, and the monsters whose secondary esophagus was affected by the dimensional gap rule and lost power, performed the same.

Under the influence of the dimension gap imagination rule, even if it is as strong as the most brilliant stage of the sixth grade of Green, as long as the quality of the Almighty is not completed, it is the humble creature that absolutely suppresses the rules of the gap imagination of all dimensions, and can only let the gap gap creature Suppressed with natural phenomena, drifting to the unknown.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

The thunder blew, and the dark lightning flashed through the sky.

At the same time, it exudes ridiculous, unclear, fearful, deep into the gap of the gap in the sky, and there is a strange call that makes blood coagulate. Under the rule of imagination, it seems that even this sound is difficult. Describe the law's effectiveness.

"Cough and cough, Little Red Riding Hood, come back soon, don't run too far. Don't break your arms and legs when you pick girls. We don't use stew, cough, cough, cough..."

In the gap of the dimensional gap, a flower mushroom that is comparable to the body of the human body, slowly climbed out, curiously looking at everything under the crack.

Compared with the cruelty of the wizarding world, the characters and scenery are so real. The mushroom is more like a children's painting. The color is bright, the shape is smooth, the lines are simple, and the curiosity is “seeing”. After watching many of the masters, all the attention Forces are all affected by the dimensional gap rules, and at this moment has become the attraction of the little girl's underground abyss refining sacred marks.

"Know, wolf grandma, I will go back soon!"

When the flower mushroom said, it completely ignored the factual masters who held their breath and watched the gods. The contrast between reality and illusion, the strong perception of contrast, the ridiculous and unreasonable, a little bit crawling out from the crack, carrying the basket completely To the wizarding world.

"One flash and one sparkling crystal, the sky is a small star, hanging in the sky, bright, oh... Hey, there are a lot of little girls here, grandma will love it!"

The grotesque tonal songs seem to directly penetrate the soul, the chaos and the colorful intertwined, the unknown illusion, the humble panic in front of the absurd and bizarre, and all the "little girls" are panicked.

Without the support of power, these sacred sorcerers are like children who only cry when they are involved in the power of higher dimensional dimensions.

Flowering mushrooms can't do this, or it's the meaning of existence.

Did the wizard consider the feeling of mushrooms when picking mushrooms?

One girl after another was picked up by the mushroom in the basket, and turned into anger from the initial panic. The ancestors of the ancestors were the ultimate body of Ashura and several other abyss, and for this illusory wild birth that dared to ignore oneself. Angry!

And this flower mushroom is also aware of the anger of several people.

"Aunts and aunts of a few little girls, hello, I want to pick some of the little girls here? I don't need much, just 3,000 girls."

The flower mushroom actually used the innocent voice of the child to ask the many real wizards present.

Correspondingly, many "small girls" who lost their strengths frightened and fled, because under the rules of the dimensional gap, as if the original Green, any meaningless struggle would become such a frightening cry. howl.

However, these "little girls" are not the changes in appearance, but the real little girl under the influence of the dimensional gap imagination rule, where can I run?

"Hey, this is the rule of the dimension gap rule. Even I can't control it. I can only protect them as much as possible after the Wizarding World War. I advise you not to violate it, otherwise I will not dare. Guarantee how much sacrifice will be there!"

At this moment, the dimensional gap seal of Green's display is a natural phenomenon summoning similar to the influence of the gap of the dimension of the esophagus. It is not a wizard's traditional controllable seal, which is used to seal the independent individual and the time and space of one side.

Without the forgotten rune of the magic balance magic wand, this seal is generally only affecting a large number of lower abyss refining sacred sorcerers, and should not be able to threaten the true spirit of the Almighty.

Green's low persuasion, in Ashura and the ears of many abyss true spirits, is the ridicule of the victory, especially harsh.

Asura looked at the little girls in the basket of flowers and mushrooms, and the blade of the abyss behind them flew up and held them in their hands, rushing to pick up the little mushrooms of the girl.

"Don't dare to let go in the wizarding world, let's die!"

With the Almighty Soul, Samsung Real Spirit Wizard is not affected by the rules of the dimensional gap. With absolute power, the mushroom is like a mushroom, and the mushroom seems to be scared by a stupid child. It is completely stunned by the "uncle of the little girl". .


The Blade of the Abyss really cuts the mushroom into two pieces!

"Wow, grandma, hey, he hit me, hurt, hehe..."

Suddenly, this flower mushroom returned to its original state in just a moment, like a jump of sugar. With a basket of jumps and jumps back to the crack in the gap of the dimension, the little girls in the basket desperately cried.

"Hey...who? I dare to beat my baby granddaughter, I am not in the same position as you, hehe!"

After the strange silence, I saw a smashing wolf head in the gap between the gaps of the dimension, wearing a red headscarf, red eyes, red eyes, blood in the eyes* to get into the wizarding world!

This wolf head alone is comparable to the size of the human body. It is Ashura, and it is completely shocked by this strange illusion!

Dimensional gap, what kind of illusory time and space! ?

Oh la la...

On the other hand, for the Green of the Dimensional Gap Seal, it is only for the use of the book of the Book of Truth to forget the rules of the memory of the world. It is not a direct crack in the gap of the dimension gap. When suffering from the backlash of the dimensional gap seal, it was actually "The Book of Truth" that "哗哗啦啦" was not normally flipped, and some of the forgotten words and even "噗" sounded so flaming.

If you don't want to suffer from the real counterattack of space-time seals, Green can only close the seal when it is still under control, and there are more terrible illusory creatures in the cracks behind the wolf!

"Damn, unfortunately, this is already a real energy material world. The rules of the gap between the small eight are really too strong to fall into the wizarding world with influence. Otherwise, they will not be out of this mess. The guy behind the wolf descends into the wizarding world, otherwise even if the Ashura is suppressed once and for all, the consequences of this magical reversal in this critical moment can only completely abandon the plan of the wizarding ancestors!"

With the ambition of the wizard's ancestors, Green can't treat the enemy in the abyss after the war of civilization, regardless of the future.


Green chose to close the gap cracks in the dimension, let the wolf's grandmother struggle, and after all, struggled to enter the energy and material world, the angry ones opened their mouths to many "little girls", accompanied by an amazing sucking force. These little girls have flew past the fat grandmother.

Several abyssal spirit wizards did their best to rescue the little girl around them, but the actual number of people saved was limited.

Green was relieved to see the wolf grandmother without wearing braces.

"嘭", "Book of Truth" closed.

At the same time, the absurdity of absurdity, ridiculousness, and non-conformity in all directions disappeared. The appearance of wolf grandmother and flower mushroom seemed to be only an illusion.


Only the sorcerer's wheezing, which was saved by several abyssal sorcerers, told everyone from the paleness of their faces that everything that had just happened was true.

Slowly put away the "Book of Truth", under the repressed gaze of many abyss refining wizards, Green took a deep breath and looked solemn, the body quickly expanded, and at the same time split four avatars.

"The wild instinct seventh layer ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ people ancestors, open!"

"The truth of truth, the source of annihilation is the incarnation of the body!"


The balance of truth wands, the milky white glides over, and one after another appears.

"The truth is righteous, there is no skill in the middle, and the tens of millions of Terminator Legions are coming!"

Gradually, as Green also opened up the true form of the ancestors, following the four sources of annihilation and following with many crystallizer Terminators, Black Terminators, and Metal Terminators, they marched toward Samsung’s true spirit wizard Ashura. In the past, it seems to be telling each other that everything is in control of the winning belief.

Including the Green Ontology, the five ancestors of the real body, all have the support of the Wizards of the mainland!

In contrast, the underground abyss refining sacred sorcerer who suffered from dimensional gap seals, there are no more than three.

Although these Greens have a summoned crystallizer terminator, black terminator, and metal terminator are just some temporary energy support, but it is enough. (To be continued.)

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