A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1680: Wizard World War (2)

Hope that the metal continent. W≈

The blood cloud is divided, the Thanksgiving is divided, as the guardian of the metal continent of hope, staring at the silver-white flame of the many Skynet wizards, exudes endless and horrible oppression, **** rain is better, thanksgiving The section is really unbearable.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, even six masters, there is another round of the real thing wizard, but it really can afford me, the body of this guy!"

Over the metal continent, the Skynet wizards who used to wander around the sky in the past, under the order of a real spirit wizard, have exposed their fangs in a neat queue, and they are squatting with the sorcerers.

The so-called six masters in the blood-splitting mouth, in addition to the four mechanical wizards, the other two are metal destroyers wrapped in metal fire, standing in a round of real wizards, one of which was captured during the war of civilization. The Decepticons, another... turned out to be the number one Megatron in the past, and it seems to have been completely repaired by a round of real wizard metal fire!

This is the existence of the body to fight against the Black Witch King, the one who was summoned by the first time of the true spirit wizard in the battle of civilization!

"This old guy, the strength is really not bragging!"

The last sentence is that the **** rain gaze at the Decepticons and Megatron, and muttered to himself.

"According to reliable information, the mechanical wizards have a total of five mechanical spirits, because after the Second Civilization War, there were too many years in the city of Eternal Sky. The four people who came out were reordered by the second to the second round. As for the eternal sky. There are only the last elemental sorcerer's elemental wizards and mechanical wizards in the city, not counting them."

The fluctuations of the elements around the Thanksgiving Day are so distorted as waves, and if they are not supported by the **** rain, they are already fading.

"Where the mechanical wizards are, except for one round, they are two rounds, three rounds, and five rounds. The strength is the strongest four rounds before the round. It is impossible for only the mechanical wizards to declare war on us. The underground abyss must have declared war. It seems that ... the source of the magic of the tower of annihilation is dangerous."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Skynet Wizards have begun to organize and discipline the sects of the sorcerers on the metal continent.

There is no slave monster army, no alliance world master to intervene, but the wizard world internal rights war, in the Greening will be followed by the holy marks wizards to break up, to promote the rules of the wizards, the wizards stationed in the city of the sky The Legion wants to compete with these Skynet wizards, and it is impossible!


A round of true spirit wizards overlooking the blood and rain, plainly said: "A avatar, leaving you is just the key to restart the nightmare world, and dare to make it here!"

Say, a round of real spirits sorcerer to the left and right mechanical truth: "The sorcerer's world is in vain, the tower of annihilation is considered to have no talent, let's play with it first, and train and train your battles. Experience. After a period of time, the Legion vacated the city of the sky yesterday, and I sent him freely."

"I come!"

The five-wheeled real spirit wizard is a witch wizard and took the lead!

The four wings of the machine behind it open, the five-wheeled real spirit wizard mechanical heart "咔嚓", "咔嚓" change, in a moment, a layer of black armor is formed on the surface, but it is not a metal material, followed by "嘭" One sound, the five rounds of the real spirit wizard turned into a beam of light disappeared, and used the extraordinary speed to rush to the blood and rain.

"Hahaha, you are still far away!"

Reaching out, countless blood rains swelled from the metal continent, and gathered together, forming a huge wave in the blink of an eye. A 10,000-meter blood hand can easily wrap the five-wheeled real spirit witch in all directions and pinch it in the palm of his hand.


The blood palm is a little bit, slightly chaotic and turbulent, followed by a "squeaky" sound, the pale golden energy light column runs through the sky.

Breaking through the five rounds of the real spirit wizard, the **** rain has disappeared?

"It's a flexible flea."

But seeing that only the **** hands, the **** rain is divided into the lower body, and smirked and grabbed the confused five-wheeled real spirit wizard, and instantly wrapped it into a blood ball, letting the five inside How the true spirit wizard struggles and can't break away.

However, immediately, the **** rain of the smirk changed his face!


The rules of blood and rain infiltrated the inside of the mechanical armor. The self-confidence and sneer of the blood and rain were immediately stunned. The inside was empty, and the five-wheeled real spirit wizard was not in it.

Nourish! Nourish! Nourish!

Three red spots of light glimmered and were being cut into three segments by the **** rain that controlled the mechanical armor of the **** armor.

"You! How dare you..."

The soul of the Almighty surging, reversing into a three-part blood rain, a vagueness will return to good, only to see its reflexive, a **** waterfall in the mouth, easily push the five rounds of the true spirit wizard into the blood inside the hand, tight Then I caught up with the cruelty.

In the high air, the blood watch layer that is pinched into a fist, the ripples are surging, and from time to time accompanied by a high frequency of turbulence, I can imagine the fierce fighting that takes place inside.

On the other hand, in the face of the two-round true spirit wizard Zhuo Zhuo who has a side to Green, the Thanksgiving Day is singularly linked: "No, no, killing me has no meaning, I am just a complete avatar, it is magic. The source and the rules of thanks shape me..."

A few days later.

The silver-white glory moved, and the sound of "嘭" was being sneaked into the blood and rain that was entangled with the five rounds of the true spirit wizard. One punch was smashed and split, and hundreds of millions of **** rains were smashed.


A layer of clear visible space cracks open, black cracks flashed and healed, making a sharp and harsh rubbing sound.

call out!

"Hey, hello! This time the mechanical wizard and the abyss sorcerer are really playing. I hope that the city of the sky can't support it for too long!"

Turned into an invisible body, the blood and rain were linked to Green, and after that, the contact was closed and fled to the distance.

The blood and rain are clearly aware of the gap between the true spirit and the wizard in the state of metal fire. I am afraid that if the two sides fight against each other, the omnipotent soul they consume will be more than 10,000 times more than the other party. This is simply seeking a dead end, no hope. .

The five rounds of the true spirit wizard and Megatron did not have to continue to pursue.

"Don't care, until the mechanical wizard re-enters the wizarding world, if he refuses to yield to the general trend, it can only be another black witch king, hehe..."

After all, in the second round of the real spirit wizard, the three rounds of the true spirit wizard, the five rounds of the real spirit wizard, the metal fire of the body of the real spirit wizard gathered on the right hand, greedy and excited. In the screaming laughter, I fell to the metal continent of hope.

Skynet sorcerers have already left ~www.novelmtl.com~ As for some ignorant assistant wizards, no one cares.


The boring and turbulent sound, accompanied by the "咔嚓" and "咔嚓" fragmentation spread, centered on the fall of a true spiritual wizard, hopes that the surface of the metal continent is violently creeping, and the metal machinery contaminated by metal fire penetrates the earth and stone surface. They have risen to the ground and gradually evolved into a space to destroy the form of giant cannons.

From a macro perspective, this disc-shaped super metal giant sky city seems to be undergoing irregular changes.

"Ha ha ha ha, compared to the metal-fired control of the space-based starship into a war art, the wizard world sky city is the perfect match of metal fire, this is the real war machine! A round of true spirit wizard has Become history, annihilate the king of wizards? Samsung ancestors? Who can stop me in the wizarding world!?"

One of the metal fires in the universe of the universe, after combining the wizard world, the city of the sky, has undergone a completely different state of change.

Many Skynet wizards and mechanical wizards are getting hotter and hotter. (To be continued.)

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