A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1679: Wizard World War (1)

Although the elemental wizard is defeated, it still maintains the most basic dignity.天『』籁

One ring, three rings, five rings, six rings, eight rings, nine rings, the existing six elements of the true spirit wizard, not to mention the potential of those advanced spirits in the holy mark wizard, as long as the fate lever magic wand is still in the element In the hands of the wizard, no one dares to ignore the position of the elemental wizard in the wizarding world!

The Second Ring Santa, once hidden in one of the elements of the wizard, the birthplace of the wizard's financial rules, is the richest place in the wizarding world.

The two-ring true spirit wizard once listed with the seven-ring true spirit wizard as the most spiritual wizard who is the most likely to inherit the inheritance of the elements. The foreign deterrence is self-evident. However, in the battle of civilization, the stellar orbital gun hits, it is such potential. Infinite Spiritual Sorcerer suffers from a positive and devastating omnipotent soul. It is almost exhausted and has to flee into the eternal sky city of the Wizarding World, avoiding all interference, retaining the final consciousness, and contributing to the wizarding world when it is more needed in the future. .

In the Waihuan Academy of the Second Ring Road, there are hundreds of areas in front of the Civilization War. The 22nd District is the most common area in the area, except for the extremely rare auxiliary sacred mark in the world of free dandelion. There is hardly anything special outside the wizard.

However, after the war of civilization, with the great fall of the sacred sorcerer, the former 22nd district has long been unrecognizable, and replaced with the new generation of 22nd district, namely the Tower of the Sorcerer, the Wusong Ta-School Academy, and the Great Shake the Wizarding Academy, the Yunyunhai Wizarding Academy, the Free Dandelion Wizarding Academy, and the Ice Age Wizarding Academy.

The older generation of sorcerers’ colleges have undergone thousands of years of change. It is the sorcerer’s departure, the sorcerer’s tower dying, and it’s no different from the ruins. It has become an inaccessible place, and the wizard apprentices explore the paradise.

Undoubtedly, today's second-ring Santa Twenty-two district status, because the special status of the tower of annihilation has long been different, the majestic elements of the cloud form a magical vortex, hovering around the top of the wizard tower, revealing endless Compressive force,

It is no longer the source of magic power that ordinary wizarding colleges can forever.

The hundredth floor of the Tower of Eternity!

Saindi Garrot studied the manuscripts of "The Soul of the Soul" and "The Book of Truth", which is the original trace left by the annihilator Tata, the truth of the truth contained in the book, even by the Thain It’s too much of a mysterious look at the top three big wizards of Digarotte.

I am afraid that those famous witch sorcerers who have seen these two sorcerers will be in a state of turmoil and will not be calm for a long time.

The ancient whale oil lamp swayed and burned, and the empty room was slightly dim. The source of the magic power seemed to be the oil lamp wick, which provided the motive force for the vortex cloud of the peak element of the annihilation tower.


The urgent crystal ball summoning message interrupted Saindi Garrott's contemplation, and the fingers of pale gold skin stopped the flipping pages, as if the ghosts of the ice crystals were sealed in the depths of the crystal, staring at the crystal ball.

With a little finger, the crystal ball presents an old witch's anxious face.

"President! The concentration of magical gas in the abyss channel suddenly increased sharply. It has already surpassed the usual guard line by 3.5 times. In addition, there are a large number of abyssal dragon trails."

When Saindi Garrot looked a glimpse, he closed the books in his hands silently and lowered his voice: "Is the reason?"

"not yet."

The boundless deep pit behind the witch wizard is one of the many magic pits that the wizard's mainland links to the abyss of the earth. It is also the source of the magic power of the tower of the annihilation tower. It is the source of strength for the extreme abyss magic wand. It is occasionally from the abyss of the earth. Large caravans and abyssal creatures have since then, but because of the unusual relationship between the guardians of the summer and the tower owners, frequent visits, rare changes, now...

Fierce, Saindi Garrot is keenly aware of what!

After closing the crystal ball communication for the first time, Saindi Garrot contacted the guardian of the thousand-eyed giant crab that had just arrived in the Shadow Forest a few months ago, and the most easily connected unidentified tower owner, she was annihilated. The dean of the Tower of the Wizarding School, also the disciple of the annihilating tower, reported the anomaly of the Abyss.

"Wait for me to personally explore, if there is any change, I will inform the King of the Wizards Green." Remember, if there is any accident, you must kill the source of the magic power of the Tower of Destruction. It must not be allowed to destroy external forces."

After that, the unparalleled tower sorcerer closed the crystal ball communication.

Realizing that the situation is serious, although for more than a thousand years, the tower of annihilation has avoided the hegemony of elemental wizards and mechanical wizards, and has avoided the hegemony of the underground abyss sculpt wizards and mechanical wizards, but Sain Digarot As long as the annihilation tower wizarding school is still in the wizard rules system, and wants to compete for a right in the wizarding world, it will not be spared the war.

The college war ritual has been around for a long time. It has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It is not just a simple single-handedness. The contradictions between the various factions and wizards have never stopped since ancient times, but they have been temporarily suppressed by powerful strength!

Sain Digarotte kept pacing in the room.

a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Sain Digarot finally got his own top, after sending several secret trainings in the crystal ball, step by step to the wizard tower window, with the magic call, a thousand eyes The guardian of the Soul Crab Academy flew over, and the Sain Digarot was waving in front of the ice cream crab claws on the left. "President, what is the order?"

"First-level combat readiness, recall the sorcerer, tell the dean of the six wizarding colleges, guard the source of magic!"

The guardian of the Thousand Eyes Crab Academy stayed in silence. After a few seconds of standing still, he finally realized that the situation was serious. It was like a flies that were screaming and flew away.

"First-class war! Level 1 war preparation! All wizards listen, this is not an exercise, level 1 war preparation!"

The guardians of other colleges heard the warning of the guardian of the Thousand Eyes, and they seemed to be infected. They also screamed to fly to the distance. A congenital sorcerer who accepted the plan of the ancestors of the sorcerer Gathered at full speed.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The mechanical capsules hidden in the underground secret space were opened one after another. The metal terminator opened their eyes. The dark red eyes crossed with the high frequency data, and they came out from the mechanical capsules. The wizard's world body mechanics, under the command of an anxious wizard in the passage, emerged from the passage to the ground.


The melodious horn sound, heavily suppressed, a giant energy mask visible to the naked eye gradually shrouded the annihilation tower wizarding school, and the light-colored castles from the ground opened the tiles, and gathered amazing energy.

"Fast, fast, fast, level 1 war preparation, level 1 war preparation!"

Different from other college wizards, there is no sorcerer apprentice at the Sorcerer's School of the Tower of the Sorcerer. Only the innate sorcerers who have accepted the rules of the ancestors of the sorcerer are mobilizing according to the war preparations, and urgently receive their own tasks. The towers in the annihilation tower are too many sorcerers. Surging and slightly confused.

After taking a deep breath, Saindi Garrot said to the two deans around him: "I think the tower owner should have long anticipated that this day will appear before he will secretly return to the wizarding school and leave these. The bottom line! Now the college is probably in the most critical moment. As for the reasons, you should already know."

"Cean, don't say it, open the foundation of the college, we will swear to guard the source of magic!"

In front of the three people, the source of the magic power is filled with three sacred sacred sacred objects that can describe the terrible pressure, which are a lamp, a ring, and a magic wand!

"Yin and Yang alienated lights, amber ring, extreme abyss magic wand, Thain, among us three, only you can pick up this extreme abyss magic wand. With it, plus the source of infinite and endless magic of the tower of annihilation Support, even if the holy mark wizard comes personally..."

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

The dean of the witch who picked up the yin and yang of the singularity of the singer said half of it, accompanied by the violent vibration of the ground, and the infinite depth of the heavens in the distant sky, as if there were any giants coming step by step.

Staring at the infinitely endless abyss of the dragon, the female dean who was just full of confidence, her face pale, and the yin and yang of the hands of the alien light left the source of magic is extremely heavy.


Ps: Step by step to the peak of the wizarding world, become the king of wizards, I believe that all readers should have an intuitive understanding of the structure, existence, history, culture, etc. of this civilization, after all, more than four million words, all in the To the contrary, the Egret hopes that readers will understand that the King of the Wizards is not a self-proclaimed, but a real right that is obtained by leading billions of souls, possessing the real power to determine the structure of civilization, history, direction, diplomacy, and evolution. And there are also some subordinates of different ideas.

Then, the last step is that the younger brothers of the Queen of Green Achievement Wizards are subordinate, that is, the followers.

Who is not convinced?

It’s easy to do it~www.novelmtl.com~ I know each other when I play one. This inner war is a process in which the wizards know each other. It is not for the purpose of destruction. After all, no one wants to pick up a complete mess and is an egret. For the final generalization of the wizarding world. Through this shaping, we can imagine the splendid world of the wizarding world in the ancient times. After the Egret’s vision of the true spirit and civilization has greatly crossed the plain time, it can already be developed. This is the purpose, because all the skeletons and flesh and blood of the wizarding world have already Finished!

By the way, the Wizarding Journey is still early, but what the Egret wants to say is that this is the third qualitative change of the Wizarding Journey after the official wizard and the holy sorcerer. After the vision is different, the description will also be There are some differences, don't use the old eyes to look at the growth afterwards.

In the last part, the egrets tend to be mysterious rather than formulas and explanations.

By the way, many people are keenly aware of the time leaping of the egrets. Grace, everyone can be seen as the time after the birth of the second civilization to the protagonist. From this direction, the egret has already written a reincarnation, the blowout. There is no need to waste any more ink during the development period.

Depressed, the outline plan is still a bit behind, the code word... (to be continued.)

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