A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1673: Advance to the true spirit (end)

After spending half a month, Xiao Ba with Green, finally applied a layer of dimensional gap seal on the colorful space-time seal. 『

Absurd, strange, unknown, mysterious, imaginative rule space, twisted ripples attached to the surface of the world's heart.

"The King of Wizards!"

"The King of Wizards."

The king of the tyrannivore and the king of the mermaid, both with the wizard etiquette, for Green as the king of the wizard, as the first supporters of the king of the Green Wizard.

The so-called rule means that everyone should admit that maybe it can't change the inner heart of the creature, but as an invisible body, no one can disobey it on the plain side. This is the rule!

The true spirit wizard has been completely accomplished, with the king of the wizard as the ultimate goal. Green does not even need to establish a holy tower. The heart of the wizard world that interacts with the truth balance magic wand is the most perfect supreme throne. Green does not need to establish the absolute rule of the holy world. Earth, because the wizarding world is Green's holy world!


Green stood proudly and admitted the king of the tyrannivore and the king of the mermaid. He calmly said: "The king of sorcerers is to unify the wizarding world with absolute strength and power, and establish a new era in the absolute authority of law. Are you willing to follow me to promote the rules of the wizarding ancestors?"

"Yes, I do!"

"I am willing to follow your will!"

Despicable and kneeling, the two sea lords made the most gracious gesture.

The milky white glory haunts, making Green seem to be between the reality and the illusion. Under the face of the gray truth, the three eyes proudly stare at the two, and the gaze behind the watch slowly **** behind the night.

"As a reward for loyalty, I will complete the promotion of the ancestor of the wizard, and after the achievement of the king of the wizard, I will plan and plan the sea as a sea wizard to create peace."

Invisible force, wrapped in the king of the king of the treacherous whale and the king of the mermaid, the two get Green affirmation, have stood behind.

"Respected Guardian of the Night."

The guardian of spring, the guardian of the summer, and the guardian of winter led hundreds of low-level guardians gathered around the heart of the world. Although they also kept absolute respect for Green, they did not recognize Green's title of the wizard.

The Guardian does not interfere with the disputes over the rights of the Wizards, and only recognizes the established facts. Therefore, Green, as the king of the sorcerer who is competing, has not been recognized by the Guardian.

Of course, even so, Green is such an unprecedented double rule guardian, it is really amazing!

"I am responsible for guarding the heart of the world. The guardian of Spring is responsible for guarding the eyes of the world and several important nodes. The guardian of Xia is responsible for guarding the spread of the deep aura of the underground. You are the guardian of the double rule of the wizarding world, what is the mission?"

In the face of the winter guardian's inquiry, Green smiled.

"From the place where the sun rises to where the sun sets, everything is filled with the will of the wizard, shrouded by the sun and the moon, the sky under the sky, the nightmare projection, the city of eternal sky, the fragments of space and space, the holy world, the holy world, All are my guardian!"

Green's answer, let the guardian of winter eyelids jump, it seems that this newly promoted day and night guardian is completely dying to open the wizard king plan, arrogant arrogant?

Most importantly, he is qualified enough to open this program!


I saw a vortex-attached space formed by the summer guardian Mina's belly button, and the frost was filled with it, it was Millie.

Silver-white silk hair is elegant, high-bone bones and postures come, and Green's tri-color light can't help but stare at the past. In this inspiring moment, Green's heart is tidal, and slowly, Green extends his left hand.

"Millie, I believe that day will not be far."


The diamond-shaped ice crystal in the forehead, the skin of the white enamel reveals incomparably pure, Millie said: "I am proud to be able to walk with you on the road of wizards and explore the mysteries of truth together!"

Gentle smile, Green reached out and touched Millie's cheek, and the ice-cold and cold Millie was like a shy girl at this moment, her eyes closed, quietly enjoying this short-lived warmth, breathing also stopped, completely attached to Green.

"Cough, almost OK, so many people look at it, you are not harmful to the Green Beast? You are the king of the wizard, the king of the wizard who brings the endless fear of the world with the supreme majesty!"

Xiao Ba, this guy, jumped out and disturbed.

"The King of Wizards... Go!"

Green took the lead to leave the heart of the wizarding world. Millie, the king of the tyrannivore, the king of the mermaid, followed, flew to the wizarding continent, and promoted the true dedication of the ancestors of the wizard.


Green property.

Mental power: 1024, magic: 6970~7500.

Constitution: 92450, strength: 800000~1300000, physical strength: 783000~1235000, cell activity: 750,000~1350000.

In terms of the most basic attributes, in addition to the improvement of spiritual strength, Green did not undergo the rest of the changes. The process of the evolution of the world's Lord is the process of gaining the power of the Almighty and the power of the rules, and the process of adding a large life to a large body. If the lower life is a word, the head of the world is a piece of paper, then the endless rule is a book!

Green's solidified mental power is 1024 points, and the annihilation rule is increased by between 125 and 130 times. In addition, the five-level sacred mark wizard's original sin stone 2.5 times structural increase, the basic annihilation hit is about thirty. Ten thousand degrees.

After a gradual baptism of 6.5 years, the annihilation has gained a total of 2.3 million degrees, and the two are added together. The basic elements of Green are around 2.6 million degrees.

The most basic attribute of Green's physical brute force strike is between 800,000 and 1.3 million degrees, and the intermediate degree is about one million degrees.

Promote the true spirit wizard, get the Almighty Soul, and attack Green for three million degrees.

The balance of magic wand, the energy trading property four times blessing: 3500000 degrees + 70000 degrees + 400000 degrees + 300000 degrees, a total of 4.9 million degrees, Taiyi magnetic power: black gold turned into a technology combined with Taiyi Yuan blessing force attack 300,000 degrees The power of the Taiyiyuan magnet takes the strength of the Taiji magnet, and the double force force resonance is increased by 1.5 million degrees, and the blessing of power is 1.8 million degrees.

In this case, Green annihilated the power of the elementary singer, and in theory it will reach 13 million degrees!

This is far from the ultimate attack of Green.

Under the suppression of Lafite's space-time seal, Green can play about 70% of the strength, which is about 9.1 million degrees. After Green's self-sealing, it can break out 100%. The strength of forty, that is, the attack of 18.2 million degrees!

This horrible explosive power is enough to make Green one of the top masters of the endless world, the terrible existence of the darkest void.


This is still not the end of Green!

One of the most powerful abilities to achieve endless dominance is to control the rules, and to be in the rules~www.novelmtl.com~Green's savior is really devotional, and with the yin and yang butterfly as the guide, it evolves into a double guardian of day and night. The will blessings obtained within the wizarding world have been jumping between 350 and 7.5 million degrees. The dawn and dusk periods are the strongest moments of Green Power. This is the blessing of the day and night rules themselves, that is, Green in the Wizarding World. If you arbitrarily hit the power, it will definitely exceed 10 million degrees.

The seven-ring true spirit sorcerer left Green's yin and yang butterfly. As a seven-ring true spirit wizard, Green is the capital of the black witch king after it is promoted to the real spirit wizard. Naturally, it is not just that simple.


Ps: Complete the dedication of the true spirit, advance to the true spirit wizard, the wizard world to the peak, the "Witch Tour" to the final stage, is also a period of the protagonist dimension of a book sweeping everything.

The update, the Egret did not have a state some time ago, I am sorry, my heart is awkward, now entering the end of the year, I will soon welcome a new year, the Egret will take away all other things, and the code is updated.

First set an initial goal: to update at 8:00 every night, to ensure that the two chapters are updated, and then set the second phase target according to the situation. (To be continued.)

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